

在 brainwash產品中有83篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過26萬的網紅巴哈姆特電玩資訊站,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《地球上最長的路》是一款黑白像素風格的敘事冒險遊戲,本作沒有任何對話及文字,玩家將隨著歌曲的旋律,盡情體驗四個簡短的故事。 https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/detail.php?sn=215600...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅SKRpresents 陶山音樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,李杰明 W.M.L Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPeS2THyw0DMZOYBOhYS2EAx 李杰明 W.M.L IG: https://www.instagram.com/wmlhiphop/ SKRpre...

  • brainwash 在 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-27 19:41:17
    有 53 人按讚



  • brainwash 在 Syamnuriezmil Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 11:43:46
    有 117 人按讚

    “Dah... Grab dah sampai.”
    Pandai Kak Rose nak larikan diri.
    “Look at the bright side. Your anti fan ada kat depan rumah... Manalah tahu dia boleh dapat berikan Lily idea for your new book. Tak adalah buku Lily tu orang akan kata stereotaip!”
    Stereotaip Kak Rose kata?
    Selepas 7 buku aku keluar...
    Dia cakap stereotaip?
    Inilah akibatnya bila duduk berdepan dengan musuh ketat aku. Apa agaknya yang E. Zahrin with no brain tu dah brainwash kepala otak satu-satunya kakak aku yang selama ini selalu menyokong aku? Sakit hati kena tipu dengan Fhaliq pun tak rasa sakitnya seperti ini!
    Tak payah fikir sangatlah...
    Tak menjejaskan apa-apa pun.
    Buat aje hal sendiri.
    Aku tekan butang lif untuk naik ke tingkat enam. Sebaik aje pintu lif terbuka, aku pun masuk.
    Buat aje hal sendiri kan!
    Masing-masing pun penulis...
    Masing-masing pun ada deadline kan!
    Baru pintu lif tu nak terkatup... Ada tangan tiba-tiba menjulur masuk dan menghalang pintu lif itu dari terkatup... Buat aku terkejut.
    Seorang lelaki masuk...
    Dengan berbondong plastik merah ditangannya.
    Aku pandang dari bawah sampai atas.
    E. Zahrin!
    “Nak pau?”
    “Pau ayam? Kambing? Atau kaya?”
    “Nah, kacang merah. Pau kat kedai depan tu sedap.”
    Dia berikan aku sebungkus plastik merah daripada tangannya.
    “Oh, terima kasih.”
    Nampak baik pula...
    Siap bagi pau.
    Macam tahu-tahu aje aku tengah lapar.
    Mungkin betul juga cakap Kak Rose, sejak jadi jirannya E. Zahrin tu seorang yang baik.
    “So, tengah tulis cerita apa sekarang?”
    Baru aku nak buka mulut...
    “Cerita hero tu CEO, jatuh cinta dengan anak orang gaji rumah sebelah. Anak majikan rumah sebelah cemburu dan mula jadi batu api. Betul? Atau perlu ke saya sambung lagi?”
    “Anak majikan tu mula perangkap hero dan menyebabkan hero terpaksa memilih anak majikan tu.”
    “Tak payah nak terkejut sangat. Standard la buku awak tu. Stereotaip!”
    Dan aku...


  • brainwash 在 英式主婦 British Housewife Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-12 10:45:20
    有 79 人按讚

    今日大B zoom堂,主題係垃圾(不是垃圾主題),老師叫同學睇吓屋企個垃圾桶有乜垃圾,然後成班brainstorm吓D垃圾有咩去向同對環境有乜影響等等。



  • brainwash 在 SKRpresents 陶山音樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-15 20:00:14

    李杰明 W.M.L Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_BJh1Mu7PPeS2THyw0DMZOYBOhYS2EAx
    李杰明 W.M.L IG: https://www.instagram.com/wmlhiphop/
    SKRpresents IG: https://www.instagram.com/skrpresents/
    Listen: https://www.soundscape.net/a/10926
    詞:李杰明 W.M.L
    曲:李杰明 W.M.L
    編制:陶山 Skot Suyama
    導演:Michael Li

    Shut Up

    你永遠都在追求完美 應該很累吧?
    You're always chasing perfection, isn't it tiring?
    滿肚子積滿苦水 順便抱怨社會不公留下淚水
    Always complaining how society didn't give you a fair chance
    看不見眼前的食物 剩貪婪的嘴
    You can't see what you have, you just want more
    不停的比較 但你也不曾後悔
    competing with everyone, never looking within yourself
    贏過所有的人 一切變得真美
    Out win everybody, everything seems perfect
    臉漲紅的將軍 看似不曾敗北
    Like a general who never loses a fight
    可惜輸給自己 是他人生結尾
    But ends up losing everybody in his life

    是不是 懶得比較就是怪胎
    If I don't want to compete, does that mean I'm a freak?
    是不是 孩子問出父母回答不出來的問題就不算乖
    If I ask a question that you cannot answer, does that mean I'm attacking you?
    是不是 我們追求讓自己快樂的事就不應該
    If I only want to chase something that I like, does that mean I'm a loser?
    是不是 我們聽得見社會的聲音其實就是悲哀
    If I always have doubts for society, does that mean I'm wrong?

    操你的 社會的規則
    Screw your society value
    道理呢? 白鴿也飛了
    Logic flew out the window
    罩子裡 放不亮的灰塵
    Too dusty, can't see clear
    到底 該如何背著
    How do I go on?

    那麼多的壓力 那麼多的恐懼 那麼多的貶意
    So much pressure, so much fear and discrimination
    那麼多的禁慾 那麼多的正義
    So much morality, so much justice
    快要撐不下去 快要無法駕馭 快要變得躁鬱
    I can't take it, I'm turning into a manic
    快要變成烙印 快要形成報應
    It burns me and haunts me
    Humans press down all these desires and become sick
    Chasing that perfect image in society we misunderstand ourselves
    All the high class people misleading us
    We are suffocating but still chasing success
    人類瘋了 整天生活在
    Humans are crazy
    沒有空氣 沒有憧憬 的規則裡
    We all live in the presets that society put us into
    當我歌詞攻擊 思想衝擊 你被抨擊
    When you feel all my thoughts are attacking you
    Then congratulations, I think you are the society guy that I'm talking about

    Chasing what everybody thinks makes you cool
    Judgmental to all the people who are awoken
    And bullying my independent thinking
    Then I have to ask you to please

    閉嘴 閉嘴 我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴
    Shut up shut up! Please can you shut up shut up!
    我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴
    Please can you shut up shut up!
    我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴 都給我閉嘴
    Please can you shut up shut up!

    人類喜歡 假裝高尚 趾高氣昂 講話高亢
    Humans like to put up a front, talking from higher ground
    外表亮麗 道德淪喪 潔白無瑕 思想毁謗
    Dressed perfectly but their thoughts are all messed up
    不停比較 你我身上 表裡不一 正常情況
    Keep competing with who has the better society image
    江湖騙子 完美形象 這種形象 不負眾望
    Don't care what you really have in your life
    一堆人類喜歡 裝窮我不愛錢 裝窮我不愛錢 裝窮我不愛錢
    A lot of people like to say that they are born poor and hustling , but then say they don't care about money like a poser
    邏輯錯了 如果你真的是出身貧窮
    The logic's wrong! If you are really born poor
    如果你真的是出身貧窮 你會謹慎用錢 而不是不愛錢
    If you are really born poor, you will be hustle for money, not don't care about money

    Chasing what everybody thinks makes you cool
    Judgmental to all the people who are awoken
    And bullying my independent thinking
    Then I have to ask you to please

    閉嘴 閉嘴 我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴
    Shut up shut up! Please can you shut up shut up!
    我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴
    Please can you shut up shut up!
    我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴 都給我閉嘴
    Please can you shut up shut up!

    我們都是怪胎 但不是壞人
    We are all freaks, but we are not bad people
    寫了這首歌 我也不是為了害人
    Writing this song, its not for hurting people
    只是不想再忍 人類太蠢
    I just cannot take the expectation
    You never respect individuality but say that you love humanity
    未免太扯 你們愛面子勝過愛你們家人
    That's crap, you love your fake loving image more than anyone
    You only care how others see you
    你不在乎 我們是不是真實的活在你的愛戴裡頭
    You don't care are any of us really living our best lives?
    拜託 拜託 我們要的東西其實也不多
    Come on, we don't ask much
    拜託 拜託 不用了解我也不用替我訴說
    Come on, don't try to speak for us anymore
    拜託 拜託 給予我們空間不要再囉唆
    Come on, give us space to be ourselves
    太多 太多 聲音逼著我們必須要掙脫
    Too many voices and expectations that we have to fight off
    If you think that I'm putting myself higher in this song
    That I'm trying to fight everything just to piss you off
    Let me tell you I'm not
    I attack because you attack and disrespect me first
    我 原本也不需要那麼多的距離
    I just need the respectful distance
    我 不要社會觀念在我腦裡聚集
    I don't want you to brainwash me with your value
    我 不在乎你們想傳遞什麼訊息
    I don't want you to tell me your way of living
    我 只是想正常的活著所以請你
    I just want to find my own way so please

    閉嘴 閉嘴 我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴
    Shut up shut up! Please can you shut up shut up!
    我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴
    Please can you shut up shut up!
    我說 我說 請你 閉嘴 閉嘴 都給我閉嘴
    Please can you shut up shut up!
    導演/BloodFlow DP:Michael Li 李可揚
    副導/製片Producer: 廖士元
    Casting / Styling: Renée Chen 陳嘉唯
    Title Design: 陳昱晨Chensport
    側拍劇照:施郡欽 Lewis Shih
    Backing Vocals:陳忻玥 Vicky Chen

  • brainwash 在 Hello Suki Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-06 20:02:09

    韩国排名第一 【邪教占数一半感染人数】

    (Suki 紓廷 官方面子書)


    赞助SUKI紓廷拍摄更好的节目 : https://paypal.me/hellosuki

    #韩国第一大邪教 #蔓延至马来西亚 #危险 #洗脑


  • brainwash 在 快樂大學Happiness University Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-09-06 20:00:05

    #專注力 #如何訓練專注力 #覺察


    感謝快樂大學x合作夥伴 Lanyi 協助翻譯。
    原影片頻道:Be inspired


