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雖然這篇Bioinformatics PTT鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Bioinformatics PTT這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 bioinformatics產品中有36篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅SEMI 國際半導體產業協會,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【SEMI產業觀察|解析醫療大數據商機🧐】​ ​ 在現今萬物聯網時代,健康數據平均每兩年就增加一倍!為解決醫療數據不易引用與保持最新狀態,醫療產業需透過AI處理工具,進行數據的自動清理、轉譯、編輯及標註。隨著醫療數據處理與分析需求攀升,SEMI今天帶大家一窺醫療產業潛在的大數據商機!​ ​ #大數據...


bioinformatics 在 壞基基的生化實驗室| 生醫| 科學| Podcast Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 20:35:57

各位捧友們~壞基基的生化實驗室第七集來囉😎 今天我們的主持人凱倫,將依據她在美國兒童癌症醫院擔任生物資訊學家的經驗,來跟大家談談「精準醫療🧬」🎙 你知道嗎?精準醫療已儼然成為國際潮流喔!不僅在美國有政府資助的precision medicine initiative 計畫,台灣也正如火如荼地進行著...

  • bioinformatics 在 SEMI 國際半導體產業協會 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-03 21:00:12
    有 19 人按讚




    「精準醫療」、「預防醫學」的研究與精進,仰賴數據科學——醫療大數據(data science)、生物統計(biostatistics)、生物資訊(bioinformatics)三大面向。因此未來醫療大數據、AI(人工智慧)與 IoT(物聯網)的結合發展將是一個關鍵趨勢。全球科技大廠如Google、Apple、Facebook、亞馬遜等,在醫療大數據和 AI 都不會缺席,他們將以不同的醫療應用切入;台灣科技大廠如鴻海、群聯、友達、宏碁、廣達、台達電、緯創、聯發科等集團,也有轉攻生醫領域的計畫或宣布與醫院合作開發 AI 應用。​


    ▍SEMI 2021智慧醫療國際研討會(線上論壇)​

    ⏰台灣時間:8/4-8/5 早上10點​

    #SEMI ​
    #智慧醫療 ​

  • bioinformatics 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-21 17:18:43
    有 122 人按讚


    Vừa rồi có bạn Minh gửi cho page một số vị trí PhD cực xịn xò nên mình sẽ tổng hợp một số vị trí khác đang mở luôn nhé ;)

    1. Fully-funded PhD positions tại University of Oxford, UK và University of Colorado, USA vào năm 2021-2022.

    Trong đó, 3 suất dành cho University of Oxford, 3 suất dành cho University of Colorado. Các bạn có thể làm ở cả 2 nơi.

    📌 Thông tin GS: Dr. Tam Vu (http://mnslab.org/tamvu/) leads a multidisciplinary research group in the Computer Science Department at the 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐱𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 and 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨.

    📌 Project topics:
    (1) Embedded System Machine Learning, (2) Mobile Healthcare, (3) Brain-Computer Interface, (4) Mobile Sensing and Wireless Sensing Systems, (5) Medical Device and System, (6) Quantum Computing.

    📌 YÊU CẦU:
    + Chuyên ngành Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Bioengineering.
    + Hands-on experience with coding, system design, and implementation.
    + Có kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu.
    + Well prepared for 3-5 years of concentrated work.

    CV should be submitted via email to Dr. Tam Vu ([email protected]) with the subject heading “𝐏𝐡𝐃 𝐎𝐱𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝-𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐”. Positions will remain open until filled, but the preferred start date is 09/2021 or Early 2022.

    2. Thông tin PhD tại IPVF (Viện quang điện của vùng Ile-de-France).

    Đây là một trong cơ hội rất tốt cho anh em vật liệu, được làm việc với giáo sư của trường Ecole Polytechnique (trường xịn nhất nước Pháp). Giáo có hơn 707 bài báo, indice-h 58 indice-i10 301.

    📌 Topic: Fabrication of III-V Materials by PECVD
    - Starting date: 10/2021
    - Education: Master 2/Engineer

    📌 CHI TIẾT: https://www.ipvf.fr/emploi/ipvf-phd-thesis-fabrication-of-iii-v-materials-by-pecvd

    📌 DEALINE: 30/9. Nhưng các bạn nên mail giáo sư cho chắc chắn ;)

    3. Liên kết nghiên cứu tùy theo trình độ cá nhân, người lao động được trả lương theo nhóm lương E 13 TV-L)

    Các vị trí được tài trợ bởi Quỹ Alexander-von-Humboldt

    📌 Yêu cầu:
    - Có bằng ĐH và tiến sĩ về sinh học hoặc các lĩnh vực liên quan, có chuyên môn về ít nhất một trong các lĩnh vực sau:
    + tạo ra các mô hình động vật di truyền;
    + hình ảnh in vivo và kính hiển vi tua nhanh thời gian;
    + genomics và bioinformatics
    + điện sinh lý in-vivo;
    + giải phẫu thần kinh và mô học.
    - Nói và viết Tiếng Anh thành thạo.
    - Ứng viên có động lực cao Quen thuộc với mô hình thí nghiệm, cá ngựa vằn, là một lợi thế.

    Vui lòng gửi đơn đăng ký của bạn bao gồm CV, statement of motivationvaf tên của ít nhất 2 academic referees qua Cổng thông tin TU Dresden SecureMail https://securemail.tu-dresden.de bằng cách gửi nó dưới dạng một tài liệu PDF duy nhất tới [email protected] hoặc qua thư đến: TU Dresden, CRTD, GSur für Neuronale Entwicklung und Regeneration, Frau GS Catherina Becker, Fetscherstraße 105, 01307 Dresden. Vui lòng chỉ gửi bản sao vì đơn đăng ký của bạn sẽ không được trả lại cho bạn. Các chi phí phát sinh khi tham dự phỏng vấn không được hoàn trả.

    📌 Chi tiết: https://securemail.tu-dresden.de/web.app

    📌 DEADLINE: 13/08/2021

    ❤ Like page, tag và share cho bạn bè cả nhà nhé ❤
    #HannahEd #duhoc #hocbong #sanhocbong #scholarshipforVietnamesestudents

  • bioinformatics 在 Khairy Jamaluddin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-30 16:37:49
    有 2,245 人按讚


    I refer to the press statement from the State Assemblyman of Sungai Pelek, titled “Muhyiddin must come clean on the COVID-19 vaccine.” The State Assemblyman has claimed several inaccuracies, allegations, and misrepresentations that require answering in this statement.

    I will answer them one by one.

    1. The State Assemblyman has alleged that the mRNA vaccine will alter the DNA of a person. He has also questioned whether it will be approved by JAKIM based on the same premise.

    Briefly, in our cells, mRNAs (messenger RNAs) are temporary molecules that are made from our genomic DNA before it is translated to make a protein. It is essentially a short-term, temporary message.
    In this case, the temporary message instructs the body to produce one of the proteins on the surface of the coronavirus. The immune system will then learn to recognise the virus protein and produce antibodies against it. That’s all the mRNA vaccine does. It does not alter your DNA.

    In response to State Assemblyman’s query if JAKIM will approve the vaccine since “it is capable of altering the DNA of a person?” The DNA issue has been addressed above. In addition, I have already stated that JAKIM is part of the Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin COVID-19 (JKJAV) which assesses COVID-19 vaccines. Furthermore, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) YB Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri clarified in Parliament, the Muzakarah (Conference) of the National Fatwa Council will study and deliberate on the matter.

    2. The State Assemblyman has also questioned who will be paying for the vaccine. If he read beyond the headlines of the announcement, he would have seen that the Prime Minister has pledged that the Government will fund the public COVID-19 vaccination programme for Malaysians with an initial target of 70% of our population to reach herd immunity. The Malaysian Government has set aside at least RM 3 billion solely for this purpose.

    3. The pricing of the Pfizer vaccine is covered by a non-disclosure agreement as each country negotiates directly with the pharmaceutical company. Suffice it to say we are satisfied with the terms and pricing that we have agreed upon. The terms we have reached protect Malaysia’s interests both financially and with regards to the safety of the vaccine.

    I can categorically confirm that it is definitely less than the RM100 per dose as assumed by the State Assemblyman.

    4. The State Assemblyman also claimed that we are rushing to sign deals with vaccine manufacturers. I can categorically say that this is false. We have been negotiating with vaccine manufacturers since April 2020 when we announced our Science Diplomacy strategy. We are considering all data provided by the companies we are negotiating with in order to make the best, most informed decision. This is just the first of many deals that we are considering. Negotiations are ongoing including with vaccine manufacturers from China (including the manufacturer which the State Assemblyman strongly champions). I would like to emphasise that the vaccines must be deemed safe and efficacious by the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) under MOH before we execute the agreements and begin the vaccination process.

    It is important to note that not any one pharmaceutical company will be able to supply vaccines for the entire Malaysian population. This is why the multi-pronged approach to procure a portfolio of vaccines is significant in order to obtain enough doses to meet our herd immunity target of 70% of the population.

    5. With regards to the ultra-cold supply chain required; the shipment will be handled and delivered by Pfizer directly.

    As for ultra-cold storage, we have ultra-low temperature freezers in universities and research institutes in the country which can be redeployed, if necessary. Pfizer has also shown that the vaccines are stable at 2-8 degree Celsius for five days.

    We are also not getting the 12.8 million doses in one shot. They will be staggered throughout the year. Our planning for storage will take the delivery schedule into consideration.

    6. MOH’s efforts during the crisis have not only been domestically praised but also internationally recognised. They have been working constantly and consistently to ensure that Malaysians have among the best standards of healthcare in the world. All of us will help where we can.

    We are taking a whole-of-government approach to the COVID-19 crisis. It is all hands-on deck. Every one of my Cabinet colleagues is involved in this effort to get us through this pandemic.

    On the question as to why I am involved, I co-chair the JKJAV with Health Minister, YB Dato’ Seri Dr Adham Baba. MOSTI is also involved in vaccine negotiations as the ministry in charge of biotechnology. The Malaysia Genome Institute under MOSTI is producing whole genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis to detect mutations in the genome from COVID-19 samples.

    MOSTI is also in the midst of developing a National Vaccine Roadmap. The National Institutes of Biotechnology (NIBM), Malaysia under MOSTI is collaborating with multiple foreign research institutes in vaccine development R&D as well.

    I continue to welcome questions and queries on this important national endeavour.


    30 NOVEMBER 2020


  • bioinformatics 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • bioinformatics 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

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    2021-10-01 13:09:56