[爆卦]Belif 水 薄荷 清潤炸彈凝凍是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Belif 水 薄荷 清潤炸彈凝凍鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Belif 水 薄荷 清潤炸彈凝凍這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 belif產品中有1089篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,057的網紅940地球走跳全紀錄 育兒 X 旅遊,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #令人想念的香港味 今天臨時起意,決定晚餐去大直吃 #檀島香港茶餐廳 好像自從疫情之後就沒有這樣晚上出去趴趴走 記得以前常跑香港的時候,在灣仔吃過檀島咖啡 他們家的酥皮蛋塔很有名,但我更愛泰昌餅家的蛋塔 現在礙於疫情無法飛香港,只好在台灣的分店解解饞 蛋塔熱熱的真的很好吃,甯甯自己就嗑掉一顆 乾炒...

 同時也有287部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MONGABONG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Something a little different for you guys, a WFH vlog! With the new measures in place, my team had to adjust to the new routine. Here’s a little peak ...

belif 在 Ayana Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-27 01:32:17

⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ カバー力◎なのにナチュラルなツヤ肌を演出してくれる 最強ベースメイクを動画にしました☺️✨ ⁡ 【薄付きなのにカバー力あり】 これは惹かれるポイントかなり高めかなと❣️ ⁡ ⁡ 使ったアイテムは ✔︎ 美女クッションファンデーション 01 ナチュラルベージュ ✔︎ 美女クッションチー...

belif 在 雅棋 ANNA Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 16:24:49

🖤 今天是Butybox美妝體驗盒開箱🙌🏻 這是我第一次體驗Butybox美妝體驗盒 女生的保養品總是少一罐 體驗盒真的是多種願望一次滿足 可以體驗各種正當紅的保養品 找出適合自己的保養品🤎 來分享這次2021年9月份butybox的體驗盒品項有什麼吧🥳 📍AHC超清爽完美持久防曬棒 SPF50...

  • belif 在 940地球走跳全紀錄 育兒 X 旅遊 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 22:57:57
    有 45 人按讚

    今天臨時起意,決定晚餐去大直吃 #檀島香港茶餐廳


    🌀 韓國belif保養品,超狂46折,#今晚結單
    🌀 CP值超高又新鮮的凍洋海鮮,10/4結單

  • belif 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 21:00:04
    有 84 人按讚

    The moment you doubt you can do something, you cease for ever to be able to do it.

    Remember this:
    You control your destiny,
    bloom where you are planted!

    A rose’s rarest essence lives in the thorn.

    Belif rose gemma concentrate oil not only works as my facial oil but it's natural rose scent works as my stress reliever.
    This ultra lightweight face oil absorbs instantly into the skin without any stickiness. It is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C and E protecting skin from free radical damage.
    This multi-tasking wonder reduces sensitivity, redness, and inflammation skin and promote wound healing. I used it as my body care treat as well to protect and moisturise my elbows, knees and ankles.

    Give Away Contest:
    Share with me what was your biggest self-doubt and how you overcame it?

    3 winners will receive a bottle of Belif rose gemma concentrate oil each.

    Winner will be informed through DM by 5th Oct 2021.


    The amazing people behind this short video: @dexta_anthon 💐@felixkhu 💐

  • belif 在 狐狸媽咪在韓國代購 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 14:11:56
    有 3 人按讚

    午安^^ 補上前二周的寄件明細:

    CNP 蜂膠前導安瓶精華(後全)、VT X BTS 粉餅(部分)、VT CICA 積雪草鎮定精華液(後全)、Elensilia舒緩草本防曬棒(後全)、DearMy完美持久定妝噴霧(後全)、韓製 線條紋薄針織外套(全)、 treatroom 3D 乾洗髮蜜粉(全)、夢妝化妝水(全)、自然樂園 水蜜桃沐浴乳/乳液(部分)、Label young護膚油(部分)、MEDISON竹炭黑牙刷(部分)、W.DRESSROOM 抗菌持久香氛噴霧(部分)、stila 化妝品組(部分)、七秒護髮(部分)、BADSKIN 牛奶炸彈卸妝洗面乳(部分)、Hanskin 黑眼圈遮瑕膏(部分)、口罩用風扇(部分)、prreti酷涼去汗味濕紙巾(部分)、MAXIM 新口味 三合一咖啡(部分)

    自然樂園 水蜜桃沐浴乳/乳液(後全)、Label young護膚油(後全)、MEDISON竹炭黑牙刷(後全)、W.DRESSROOM 抗菌持久香氛噴霧(部分)、stila 化妝品組(部分)、七秒護髮(後全)、plu身體亮澤磨砂膏(全)、AGE20海洋清爽防曬霜、(全)KAHI膠原蛋白保濕噴霧(全)、一理潤三效沐浴露(全)、KLAVUU 護唇膏/晚安唇膜(全)、韓製六分/八分綁帶寬褲(部分)、BADSKIN 牛奶炸彈卸妝洗面乳(後全)、Hanskin 黑眼圈遮瑕膏(後全)、口罩用風扇(後全)、prreti酷涼去汗味濕紙巾(後全)、MAXIM 新口味 三合一咖啡(後全)、染髮劑(部分)
    ETUDE HOUSE防水眉筆(全)、ETUDE HOUSET字修飾凝露/刷具清潔露(全)、MUMCHIT香氛身體乳液(全)、Belif 斗篷草高效水分炸彈霜(全)、RiRe 溫和化妝水棉片(全)、MASMARULEZ 麻藥手拿包(全)
    SO NATURAL眼線筆/粉底液/面膜(全)、PLEPIC護照錢包(部分)、磁石貼700高斯(全)、染髮劑(後全)、BT21 X LINE FRIENDS多功能理線帶(全)、CLIO 柔霧唇膏(部分)、LEADERS 魚子膠原蛋白保養系列(部分)、茶樹痘痘膏(部分)
    HANSSEM燉炒不沾鍋(全)、雪花秀中樣(部分)、W.DRESSROOM 抗菌持久香氛噴霧(後全)、stila 化妝品組(後全)、VASELINE凡士林 護手美甲霜(部分)、菜瓜布(部分)、LABIOTTE 膠原蛋白精華化妝水(部分)、秀膚生面霜(部分)、不鏽鋼水瓶(部分) CLIO 柔霧唇膏(後全)、LEADERS 魚子膠原蛋白保養系列(部分)、茶樹痘痘膏(後全)、染髮劑九月(部分)
    VASELINE凡士林 護手美甲霜(後全)、菜瓜布(後全)、LABIOTTE 膠原蛋白精華化妝水(後全)、秀膚生面霜(部分)、不鏽鋼水瓶(後全)、德國Lowenthal石鈦不沾鍋(部分)、濟州洗沐二合一(部分)、德國ELDA 鍋具(部分)、innisfree保養套組(部分)、DK防曬(部分)、HESTIA飾品(全)、LEADERS 染髮用具套組(部分)、THERA CLEAR痘痘貼(全)、JENNY HOUSE 新色染髮劑 第三代(全)、NII 專櫃 刷毛外套(部分)、秋冬新款 平價韓國製棉T (部分)、JWORLD 包包/保溫保冷袋(部分)
    JWORLD 包包/保溫保冷袋(後全)、、秋冬新款 平價韓國製棉T (部分)、染髮劑九月(後全)、innisfree保養套組(後全)、DK防曬(後全)、ATOPALM 全效舒敏修護霜(全)、綠茶缷妝水(全)、DR.PEPTI胜肽精華(部分)、SPAO棉T(部分)、德國Lowenthal石鈦不沾鍋(後全)、德國ELDA 鍋具(後全)、秀膚生面霜(後全)、濟州洗沐二合一(後全)、PLEPIC 二用包(部分)
    LEADERS 魚子膠原蛋白保養系列(後全)、LEADERS 染髮用具套組(後全)、NII 專櫃 刷毛外套(後全)、LEADERS 魚子紅色石榴系列(全)、DR.PEPTI胜肽精華(後全)、SPAO棉T(後全)、LINE FRIENDS 可愛拖鞋(全)、PLEPIC護照錢包(後全)、特碧潤 護手/護唇(全)、TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL 刷具(全)、LIEBE熊熊髮夾(全)、BHSTORY去痘搓仙沐浴乳(全)、后 升級版重生秘帖精華(全)、蜜紅蔘(部分)、海苔芝麻香酥(部分)
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    👉LINE客服: https://line.me/ti/p/@foxmommy
    👉FB粉絲團客服: https://m.me/buyinkorea

  • belif 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-10 20:00:21

    Something a little different for you guys, a WFH vlog! With the new measures in place, my team had to adjust to the new routine. Here’s a little peak into how working with Team Mongabong!

    Get your 1 month Microsoft Teams free trial here!



    ↳ Sigi Skin Tea-Tox sheet mask: https://bit.ly/3wdVCBi

    ↳ Sigi Skin Dream Capsule: https://bit.ly/3gp4HRi

    ↳ Belif Rose Gemma Concentrate Oil: https://shp.ee/h9epafm

    ↳ Yours. Sunny Side Up Sunscreen Mist: https://shp.ee/kq9fggk



    ↳ Sejong Korean Language School: https://www.sejong.com.sg/

    ↳ Kota Zheng Zong Bak Kut Teh: 68 Serangoon Garden Way, Singapore 555964


    ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong​​​​
    ► TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mongabong
    ► Snapchat: @mongabong
    ► Blog: www.mongabong.com
    ► Email: hello@mongabong.com

    Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!

    This video is in collaboration with Techdata and Sigi Skin.

  • belif 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-23 20:00:18

    Disclaimer: This vlog was filmed before the new rules were in place. Enjoy the vlog and stay safe! ❤️

    So glad to be able to spend time with my loved ones and feast on all the many yummy foods! ? This was of course before I started eating cleaner again. More In the upcoming vlogs! Hope you guys are doing well with the new rules in place! Remember to stay safe :)

    My food account ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong​​​​eats


    ↳ Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Toner: https://shopee.sg/ISNTREE-Hyaluronic-Acid-Toner-200ml-i.95103646.9305883007

    ↳ Commonlabs Official Vitamin C Brightening Gel Cream: https://shp.ee/e9vt9wg

    ↳ Belif Rose Gemma Concentrate Oil: https://shp.ee/h9epafm

    ↳ Yours. Sunny Side Up Sunscreen Mist: https://shp.ee/kq9fggk



    ↳ Salon Vim: 435 Orchard Rd, #02-01B, Singapore 238877

    ↳ X Club Street: 29B Club St, Singapore 069414

    ↳ Hyang Yeon Korean Restaurant: 80 Amoy St, #01-01, Singapore 069899

    ↳ ASTIQUE The Aesthetic Clinic: 350, #08-00 Orchard Rd, Shaw House, 238868

    ↳ Coocaça: 541 Orchard Road #01-01B Liat Towers, 238881

    ↳ The Macallan: 328 North Bridge Road #01-04 to 10 Raffles Arcade, 188719

    ↳ Osia Steak and Seafood Grill: 26 Sentosa Gateway, Festive Walk, #02-140 & 141, 098138

    ↳ Kim's Family Korean Restaurant: 177 Telok Ayer St, Singapore 068625

    ↳ Chiru: 32 Duxton Rd, Singapore 089496

    ↳ Monument Lifestyle: 75 Duxton Rd, Singapore 089534

    ↳ The Feather Blade: 61 Tg Pagar Rd, Singapore 088482


    ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong​​​​
    ► TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mongabong
    ► Snapchat: @mongabong
    ► Blog: www.mongabong.com
    ► Email: hello@mongabong.com

    Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!

    This video is not sponsored. Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small fee if a sale goes through them. It does not cost you any extra and it helps to support my lil' channel so i can continue creating content for you all ?

  • belif 在 fishmeatdie Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-19 17:42:28

    Hi guys! Today I’ll be doing something different from my usual videos. Instead of a product review, I’ll be sharing how I transformed by acne skin, as well as some tips and tricks I acquired on my skincare journey

    I hope you guys find this video useful and informative!

    1. THE FACE SHOP Dr Belmeur Clarifying After Spot Cover Patches https://bit.ly/33URsBM
    2. CLEF Hydrating Clensing Gel https://bit.ly/3eXxKf1
    3. SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Day Miracle Toner https://bit.ly/2S7S1FK
    4. THE ORDINARY Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution https://bit.ly/3v11lKi
    5. THE FACE SHOP Multi 5 Layer Facial Pad
    6. CLEF Anti Aging Mask https://bit.ly/3fxZK88
    7. BELIF Stress Shooter Cica Bomb Cream https://bit.ly/3yvTNBB
    8. OXY Oxy 10 Acne Pimple Medication https://bit.ly/3wl9YiT
    9. CLEF Relaxing Body Lotion https://bit.ly/3yn7DGd

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

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    Get $5 off your first purchase on Wishtrend! ?

    Blog: http://fishmeatdie.com
    Instagram: @fishmeatdie / http://bit.ly/FMDIG
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/FMDxFB
    Twitter: @fishmeatdie / http://bit.ly/FMDTWT