[爆卦]Believe 歌詞 yama是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇Believe 歌詞 yama鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Believe 歌詞 yama這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者barbarcandy (BBC)看板AC_Music標題[歌詞] ALSATIA (Mnemo...


We'll find the path to Alsatia
We'll lose if we don't fight now

No one can play in the sculpture garden
Petrified faces are watching in the dark
Assimilate yourself in this mystical world
That's all you have to do

Day after day, you got tragic situation
Night after night, you tried to break the wall
Fortune is calling you in this mystical world
You'll find a way

Cloud in the mists of time
You must take your aim and play your game
Emotional neglect is the price you must pay to your desire
It's Alsatia
You just believe in the lie to forget the awful truth
You know the disturbance never ends

There is no reason to take this process
Resentment will change into sweet desire
You'll run for your life in this mystical world
Beware of the night

Crawl in the mists of time
You must face the wall of the hate
Eternal vigilance is the price that you must pay to your desire
It's Alsatia
You just go against the law, fall into a delusion
You know the disturbance never ends

Cloud in the mists of time
You must take your aim and play your game
Emotional neglect is the price you must pay to your desire
It's Alsatia
You just go against the law, fall into a delusion
You know the disturbance never ends
It's Alsatia
You just believe in the lie to forget the awaful truth
You know the disturbance never ends

We'll find the path to Alsatia
We'll lose if we don't fight now

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※ 編輯: barbarcandy 來自: (09/01 09:24)

