

在 barged產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 两个星期前我小妹就告诉我们这件事了。 她是药剂师。 我一直以为药剂师和pharmacy,多么斯文的职业和行业啊!没想到也会发生暴力事件。我忽略了,去pharmacy的人除了买棉花,维他命C的,其实还有不少病人。加上目前疫情当道,很多人怕见医生万一确诊会被关,所以先去pharmacy买panadol,...


barged 在 Shawn Tsou Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 22:35:57

TL; DR, trust yourself in what you want to do, because you’re the only one stopping yourself. 👨🏻‍🎓 You thought you’d walk into the startup life like ...

  • barged 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-09 12:30:48
    有 363 人按讚

    我开玩笑叫他在胸前挂一个大大的牌子说你是Hamil/Pregnant/孕妇,希望顾客会谅解。她无奈的告诉我,她在怀着大儿子时,大腹便便快要生了,还是有顾客叫她从counter走出去蹲上爬上拿东西,明明他们自己可以自取的。虽然孕妇也不是什么都不能做,但有些人就以为im the customer im the king。
    去年MCO1.0时,已开始要social distancing,她也遇到一个推开所有阻碍物硬要在我妹耳边说药名的人,我妹三番四次拒绝都不成功,那人还要硬闯,说不能让别人听到他要买什么药。结果那人要买的竟然是头痛药。
    感谢第二轮去到现场的警察哥哥有马上处理案件并follow up。希望那个有前科(施暴,偷窃)的女人不会再来给麻烦(她昨天去报警说药行还没refund给她,当然mata不理她)。

    “自从这个马来Karen在 5 月 26 日到来后,我一直生活在恐惧中,因为焦虑,不得不申请1 周的病假。本以为一切都平静下来了,但当我在本周星期一回到工作岗位时,她再次试图通过电话恐吓我和我的员工。 今天,我决定告诉全世界,有关这个拒绝蛮不讲理的女士。

    1)她谎称戴了粉红色的手环,原因是她拒绝亲自取货而是要人送货,打电话10000次到药房骚扰我们,当我们因为繁忙而几次没有接电话时, 她变得极具攻击性。
    2) 损坏了我们的货物 3 次,每次投诉我们都要换一个新的。 她最初拒绝将损坏的设备退还给我们进行交换,并且不得不与她协商很长时间。 终于在第三次之后,她要求立即退款。
    4)她问“mana perempuan cina tu?!” 我告诉她我是这里的华籍员工,然后她开始把塑料袋里的东西扔向我。 我躲在后面的房间里,因为我真的很害怕,所以立即打电话给警察。
    5) 她闯入密室并威胁要打我。 她想通过问“saya nak pukul awak!Awak pregnant kan?!”来确认我确实怀孕了。 这样她就可以从攻击我中获得更多满足感。

    So ever since this Malay Karen came on the 26th May, I was living in fear and had to take 1 week of MC due to anxiety. Thought everything was calmed and settled but when I was back to work on Monday this week, she once again tried to terrorize my staffs and me through the phone. Today, I have decided to show her to the world, the lady who refused to listen to reasonings.

    Long story short,
    1) Lied about wearing a pink band because she refused to pick up her stock personally but wants delivery instead, called 10000 times to the pharmacy to harrass us and when we did not pick up the phone for a few times due to the chaotic crowd, she became extremely aggressive.
    2) Spoilt our goods 3 times, we exchanged with a new devices with each complaint. Refused to return the spoilt device back to us for the exchange initially and had to negotiate very long with her. Finally after the 3rd time, she demanded for an immediate refund.
    3) She came in on a public holiday but we were unable to contact the HQ for approval, then demanded that I open the cashier for her money.
    4) She asked "mana perempuan cina tu?!" and I told her I am the regular chinese staff here before she proceeds to throw the things in her plastic bag at me. I hid in the back room and called the police immediately as I was really scared.
    5) Barged into the back room and threatened to beat me. She wanted confirmation that I am indeed pregnant by asking "saya nak pukul awak! Awak pregnant kan?!" so she can feel more satisfaction from beating me


  • barged 在 Sharonsohea Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-21 23:22:26
    有 8 人按讚

    • Freaked out when my helper barged into me mid-showering, with crying baby in arm and his little foot dripping with blood • 有一百個爸媽過來人warn過我小朋友唔係呢度痛就嗰度傷, 唔洗太緊張。但當小腳仔喺我面前叭叭醒咁流血, 真係好難唔緊張 😅 • Like the hubby say, "it's just the beginning" •

    #mamasohea #3laiandbeisi #19months #toddlerlife

  • barged 在 Pudds Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-21 20:32:17
    有 67 人按讚

    A wild Ellemonade barged in my room looking like she’s ready for a spa ? What could this mean ???

    You asked for it and now you’ve got it! Make sure to tune in 10:30pm tonight to catch Puddelle’s SPA STREAM where will be doing facials and chatting 😜

  • barged 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • barged 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • barged 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

