

在 backbiting產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ・・・ Procrastinating? Backbiting? Judging? Name one habit that has been hard for you to get it out from yourself no matter how hard you try. 💥 Let’s a...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,550的網紅lilKrake小章章,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Bad Kids 吃壞小孩 (Official Music Video) Presented by lilKrake小章章 & Choco & 禮韋 THEHOPEND & G-JIA (CC字幕) 【Music Production】 詞 / Lyrics by lilKrake小章章 & Ch...

backbiting 在 ???????? ????? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 12:26:01

Work hard, do more ibaadah and talk less, it’s almost the day of Arafah, have we forgotten that these are the best days of the year, just as important...

backbiting 在 ???????? ????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-30 12:51:20

・・・ Procrastinating? Backbiting? Judging? Name one habit that has been hard for you to get it out from yourself no matter how hard you try. 💥 Let’s a...

  • backbiting 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-02 12:49:09
    有 1,377 人按讚

    Procrastinating? Backbiting? Judging? Name one habit that has been hard for you to get it out from yourself no matter how hard you try. 💥

    Let’s all admit that we’re humans who are not perfect and having bad habits are one of the many examples of being human. We can’t be a hundred percent A+ slave by not having flaws at all because we’re no angels or prophets. There are times when we slack a little or maybe gotten a little too swayed by this world. 🌏

    But what makes us shine as His slave and what makes Him happy (biiznillah) is to keep trying to be a slave that always puts Him first no matter what. Putting Him as our top priority and doing the deeds that He wants us to do. 💎

    Bad habits can be annoying sometimes because we may tend to do it without us even realising it but what’s more important is that when we do, we snap out of it ASAP. Then we try to make sure that next time it won’t repeat again. ❌

    The keyword here is to try. Try doing good deeds to replace those bad habits. Try to leave that bad habit knowing that it’s unhealthy. Try out what Mizz Nina @officialmizznina has suggested. We’re not here to solve it for you but we can help and give advice. ♥️ Always here 🤍

    #dopstv #dopsinspiration #dopsreminder #habits #procrastination #try #keepgoing #trying #mizznina

  • backbiting 在 MizzNina Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-14 20:40:45
    有 337 人按讚

    What do we consume our hearts, minds and time with? Is it something that brings us closer to Allah S.W.T or does it take us away from Him? Are we so engrossed in it to the point that we forget about the Quran and the Akhirah?
    If the heart is filled with anything that distracts you from the path of Allah S.W.T, then there is no space and time for The Quran and The Deen. This includes being addicted to useless speech, gossip, backbiting, lying, movies, music, social media and basically anything that is of no benefit and which makes us heedless of Allah.
    Ask yourself - do I prefer going to parties which has haram in it or gatherings of ilm? Do I prefer to listen to gossip and people who curse or the Quran? Do I get carried away with negative and useless conversations? Do I turn away from the Quran when it is being recited to me? What we consume, directly affects our hearts and iman. Think about it and make some changes today!
    "And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment" (Surah Luqman:6)

    #qalbyshares #qalbycares #qalbycommunity #seekersofknowledge #igniteyourheart #lightofiman

  • backbiting 在 MizzNina Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-10 09:11:59
    有 488 人按讚

    #Repost @qalbyapp
    Allah helps you as long as you help others and He does not like when you expose the faults of others, backbiting, gossiping, slandering and promoting sins. Allah is the Most Forgiving and He Forgives His servants 24/7, so shouldn't you forgive and overlook others?
    Have good and beneficial conversations, appreciate others. Don't be nosy, gossip, lie, slander, make fun of others and don't spread negativity. Also don't speak out of jealousy and envy. Silence is a huge virtue and it could save you too from committing all these sins.
    The Messanger of Allah PBUH said," .... Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in the world and in the hereafter. Allah helps the servant as long as he helps his brother".
    Sahih Muslim 2699
    #qalbyapp #igniteyourheart #withthelightofiman #rechargeyouriman #ilm #dawah #qalbyjourney #seekerofknowledge #speakgoodorremainsilent #qalbyshares #qalbycares

  • backbiting 在 lilKrake小章章 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-21 19:00:13

    Bad Kids 吃壞小孩 (Official Music Video)
    Presented by lilKrake小章章 & Choco & 禮韋 THEHOPEND & G-JIA

    【Music Production】
    詞 / Lyrics by lilKrake小章章 & Choco & Thehopend & G-JIA
    曲 / Composed by lilKrake小章章 & Choco & Thehopend & G-JIA
    編曲 / Beat prod. by Laykx
    錄音 / Recorded by lilKrake小章章
    混音 / Mixed by lilKrake小章章
    (混音賤價接案請找我 @lilkrake)
    Mastering by lilKrake小章章
    Recorded in Banana Kingdom (香蕉王國) @banana_kingdom105
    in Taiwan Kaohsiung

    【Video Production】
    導演 / Directed by lilKrake小章章
    後製 / Video Edited by lilKrake小章章
    掌鏡 / Camera by Jyun, Thehopend, lilKrake小章章
    器材 / Equipment by 小章章的二手 iPhone 8

    -特別感謝 Special Thanks-
    Jyun 只能用一隻手但還是來幫忙拍
    50嵐 店員很靦腆 但拒絕一杯飲料二根吸管(我們要愛地球)
    高科嘻研社 的各位 太嗨了
    可可幫 女DJ Nasi 的香蕉基地 (魔法公主/媽媽)

    香蕉王國 Banana Kingdom
    港都極客 Gangdu Geekz

    #BadKids #吃壞小孩 #lilKrake小章章

    Instagram: @lilkrake
    Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW
    Youtube: lilKrake小章章
    Sound Cloud: lilKrake
    Street Voice: lilKrake小章章
    Spotify: Lil Krake
    iTunes: Lil Krake
    KKBox: Lil Krake

    Instagram: @kr_nos
    Youtube: Choco

    【禮韋 THEHOPEND】
    Instagram: @thehopend
    Youtube: thehopend 禮韋
    Facebook: 禮韋

    Instagram: @gjia_k
    Youtube: G to the JIA

    【Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國】
    Instagram: @banana_kingdom105
    Youtube: BANANA KINGDOM香蕉王國
    Facebook: Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國 @bananakingdom105


    天開始變得灰 電閃又雷鳴
    集結 On my way
    Don't bullshit about me
    You should know my name
    我管你是誰 別擋我們溜滑梯

    50嵐漲價了變成60嵐 我每天
    買兩個塑膠袋 再拿兩根吸管
    用長尺量香蕉每次都 Oversize
    噴發出 Over粒
    懸浮微粒 充滿北京

    I might kill that Korean fish
    And that's my appetite
    Turned these backbiting cici
    To lick my magnify, bonus time

    總是在 三經半夜 煽情曖昧
    不用三星 我用3310 塞進妳米血
    Biore 用生物幫妳洗臉
    我都在 Net 殺價 man
    在 7 偷電 man
    圖書館 看片 man

    Back in high school
    I used to steal water from drinking fountain
    你知道ㄎㄧㄤ出銀河系是我 Slogan man

    骨頭太硬 吃完肉退掉
    店員打開 全部碎掉

    退貨成功 退貨成功 馬到成功 Yeah!
    懸殊的比數 (擊潰丁守中)


    你們都喜歡壞壞的 我不壞
    But I'm a liar
    啊我快射了 哈騙你的
    最高的紀錄 Two hours

    搭公車投湯姆熊代幣再加上 Two dollars
    超爽的 MDFK
    看你不爽 打開番茄醬 放你鞋子裡
    Banana Kingdom 加上 G-Jia Choco
    From the Gandu Geekz
    (人間をやめるぞ! JOJO!)


    小明叫小美爬樹 只為了偷看她內褲
    不小心愛得太多分身乏術 時間被勒住
    吃飯妳付錢 不然誰來付?
    我搶 Jungle 角色 結果我卻跑去打輔助

    走路買得來速 與世無爭的態度
    臭小子耍白目 神把我智商給排除
    你們穿新鞋踩三下 但是我都踩 G-jia
    我在 Pussy 屁股裝馬達 你只能講屁話

    別觀察我的行蹤 一天比一天奇怪
    休想入侵我的領空 改掉你的壞習慣
    我是環保性的藝術 你作品像是免洗筷
    不只地球死得快 連圈子都快沒期待

    [G-JIA ]
    Yeah we from the Gangdu Geekz
    Now we never gonna stop
    Flexing double team
    With the Banana Kingdom
    叫了Uber Eat送來的是 Food Panda
    幹嘛罷免韓國瑜 明年票投國民黨

    Yeah I'm bad I'm so bad
    Why you all getting mad?
    輪流上 With my gang 錢不夠 帳先簽

    And I fuck her bones out
    Like Tekashi just did
    I'm a scumbag
    I will be that motherfucking snitch
    別說太多的秘密 我做音樂你做迷音
    你說你在幹大事 喔抱歉我都幹大一

    [Hook] x2

