#1Axion - Wikipedia
The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics ...
#2Is Dark Matter Made of Axions? - Scientific American
The axion story begins in the 1970s, when physicists developing the Standard Model—the framework that describes the known particles and ...
#3Axions - Astrophysical Sciences - Princeton University
In the early universe, axions can be produced through two very distinct mechanisms. At the QCD phase transition, the transition at which free quarks where bound ...
#4Physics - IAXO - CERN
The axion is an hypothetical particle that appears in extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics that include the so-called Peccei-Quinn mechanism ...
#5Axions Would Solve Another Major Problem in Physics
Physicists have long hypothesized the existence of a minuscule particle called the axion that could single-handedly solve two mysteries. It ...
#6BREAKING: Physicists announce first direct evidence for 'axions'
Axions are unconfirmed, hypothetical ultralight particles from beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the behavior ...
#7[2105.01406] Axion Dark Matter: What is it and Why Now?
Abstract: The axion has emerged in recent years as a leading particle candidate to provide the mysterious dark matter in the cosmos, ...
#8Axions could tell us about the first seconds after Big Bang
Axions are unconfirmed, hypothetical ultralight particles from beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the behavior ...
#9Axions | SpringerLink
Axions. Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches. Editors; (view affiliations). Markus Kuster ...
#10Exploring the role of axions and other WISPs in the dark ...
There are hotspots in the landscape of axion, ALP and hidden photon parameters, i.e. their masses and their couplings to standard model particles, arising from ...
#11DARK MATTER AXIONS - World Scientific
An axion with mass of order 10 -5 eV (with large uncertainties) is one of the leading candidates for the dark matter of the universe. It was found recently that ...
#12Why solar axions cannot explain the observed XENON1T ...
Axions are hypothetical particles that were first introduced to explain unusual observations related to strong nuclear interactions.
#13Astrophysicists May Have Found Evidence of Long-Sought ...
First theorized in the 1970s, axions are hypothetical particles that were proposed to preserve a time-reversal symmetry of the nuclear force ...
#14Axion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of axion is a hypothetical subatomic particle of low mass and energy that is postulated to exist because of certain properties of the strong ...
#15Colloquium20210316-Experimental efforts on axion search ...
Experimental efforts on axion search via haloscope in Taiwan. Prof. Yung-Fu Chen Department of Physics, NCU. Date 2021.03.16 (Tue)
#16Traces of a Mysterious Particle Predicted Decades Ago May ...
Axions are hypothetical ultra-low-mass particles, first theorised in the 1970s to resolve the question of why strong atomic forces follow ...
#17The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment - University of Washington
The axion is a hypothetical particle that solves both long-standing problems in nuclear physics and could be responsible for some or all of the dark matter of ...
#18Axions: Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches ...
Buy Axions: Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches (Lecture Notes in Physics, 741) on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.
#19Ask Ethan: Could axions solve the dark matter puzzle?
“Axions are speculative particles and hot candidates for dark matter particles that are supposed to have been created primarily in the Big Bang ...
#20A quantum enhanced search for dark matter axions | Nature
Hypothetical particles called axions, originally proposed to solve the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), have emerged as ...
#21Axions: Theory and Cosmological Role - Annual Reviews
We review recent developments in axion cosmology. Topics include axion cold dark matter, axions from topological defects, axion isocurvature perturbation ...
#22Search for axions from nearby star Betelgeuse comes up empty
Axions are not normally thought to interact with photons — hence their likelihood of being dark matter. However, the Primakoff effect predicts ...
#23High resolution search for dark-matter axions - ResearchGate
PDF | We have performed a high resolution search for galactic halo axions in cold flows using a microwave cavity detector. The analysis procedure and.
#24Axions could be the fossil of the universe ... - ScienceDaily
The new study provides reason to be excited about the axion dark-matter program. Even if dark matter is not made of axions, these instruments ...
#25axions - Wiktionary
axions. plural of axion. AnagramsEdit · axinos, saxion. FrenchEdit. VerbEdit. axions. first-person plural imperfect indicative of axer · first-person plural ...
#26Excess X-rays from neutron stars could lead to discovery of ...
The discovery of axions would answer many questions about dark matter and other particle physics mysteries. Axions are also predicted by string ...
#27Axions - definition of Axions by The Free Dictionary
Define Axions. Axions synonyms, Axions pronunciation, Axions translation, English dictionary definition of Axions. n. A hypothetical boson having no charge ...
#28Axions beyond Gen 2 - Fermilab Indico
The goals of this workshop are to: 1. Assemble the science case for beyond-Generation-2 axion research and searches; 2. Organize the current experiment ...
#29Introduction to axions
Various predictions of the standard axion are compared to experiments to motivate the invention of an invisible axion. I then present the invisible axion ...
#30Axions (Chapter 11) - Particle Dark Matter - Cambridge ...
11 - Axions ... HTML view is not available for this content. However, as you have access to this content, a full PDF is available via the 'Save PDF' action button ...
#31Axions Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of Axions - YourDictionary
What does axions mean? Plural form of axion. (noun)
#32A new tool in the search for axions | RIKEN
In fact, there are a number of global physics programs hunting for dark matter “axions” or “axion-like particles” using very different types ...
#33Axions: Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches
Axion physics started in 1977 when Roberto Peccei and Helen Quinn proposed their solution to the strong CP problem by postulating a new U(1) symmetry.
#34More Axions from Strings | PIRSA
If the Peccei-Quinn symmetry has ever been restored after inflation, topological defects of the axion field would have formed and produced relic axions, whose ...
#35axions 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
axions 中文:n. 軸;腦脊髓…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋axions的中文翻譯,axions的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#36Axions: Bose Einstein Condensate or Classical Field?
The axion is a motivated dark matter candidate, so it would be interesting to find features in Large Scale Structures specific to axion dark matter.
#37Axion Dark Matter - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) are a compelling class of theoretical pseudo-scalar particles to serve as solutions to the dark matter problem as ...
#38Axions: From Heaven to Earth - CORDIS
Axions are hypothetical particles originally introduced to understand a strange feature of fundamental physical laws: The fundamental...
#39Axion - chemeurope.com
The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by Peccei-Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
#40Searching for axions: Revealing the dark matter particle
Dr Marsh's proposed Topological Resonant Axion Detection experiment aims to pick up the tell-tale signatures of axions as they pass through the ...
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) is an experiment to search for hypothetical particles called "axions". These have been proposed by some theoretical ...
#42Case for Axion Origin of Dark Matter Gains Traction - Institute ...
In a new study of axion motion, researchers propose a scenario known as “kinetic misalignment” that greatly strengthens the case for ...
#43Putting the squeeze on axions - Physics Today
Putting the squeeze on axions. Microwave cavity experiments make a quantum leap in the search for the dark matter of the universe.
#44Search for superlight dark matter particles heats up | Science
However, researchers don't know exactly how much axions should weigh, and it may take them years to scan the range of possible masses. An axion is a ...
#45Phys. Rev. D 100, 123020 (2019) - Axions as a probe of solar ...
Axion helioscopes aim to detect axions which are produced in the core of the Sun. Their spectrum contains information about the solar ...
#46PandaX-II published new results on the search of axions
New results on the detection of axions and galaxy axion-like particles(ALPs) with 80 day of PandaX-II data were published online in Physical Review Letters ...
#47No axions from the Sun - Oxford Academic
Abstract. Preliminary evidence of solar axions in XMM–Newton observations has quite recently been claimed by Fraser et al. as an interpretation of their ...
#48axion in nLab
Notice that this means that axions in string theory are as in the output of the original Peccei–Quinn proposal, but do not actually make use of ...
#49If Axions Explain Dark Matter, it Could be Possible to Detect ...
If Axions Explain Dark Matter, it Could be Possible to Detect Them Nearby Neutron Stars ... As we continue to search for dark matter particles, ...
#50A New Bound on Axions | Center for Astrophysics - CFA Harvard
An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle whose existence was postulated in order to explain why certain subatomic reactions appear to ...
#51Axion on Steam
Axion is an open world first/third person shooter with rpg and survival elements. The game is single player or multiplayer with LAN and online capability.
#52Full article: The search for axions - Taylor & Francis Online
The axion is a light pseudoscalar particle predicted to exist as a consequence of the Peccei–Quinn solution to the strong-CP problem.
#53Axions and ALPs: a very short introduction - PUBDB
The QCD axion was originally predicted as a dynamical solution to the strong CP problem. Axion like particles (ALPs) are also a generic ...
#54CERN researchers develop way to search for axions
Researchers have discovered a new avenue to search for axions, a hypothetical particle that is one of the candidates of dark matter ...
#55Effects of axions on Population III stars - Astronomy ...
Aims. Following the renewed interest in axions as a dark matter component, we revisit the effects of energy loss by axion emission on the evolution of the first ...
#56[PDF] Axions In String Theory | Semantic Scholar
In the context of string theory, axions appear to provide the most plausible solution of the strong CP problem. However, as has been known for a long time, ...
#57Intro to Axions - Particle Physics @ Low Energies
The axion solution to the strong CP problem ... Axions. • Classical flatness from symmetry. • Quantum corrections are small. • New light particle: The Axion.
#58What Are Axions? - Owlcation
Axions can be generated by a photon encountering a virtual proton (one which we never measure) in a magnetic field and is known as the Primakoff ...
#59Temporary Singularities and Axions: An Analytic Solution that ...
Abstract An analytic solution for electromagnetic fields interacting with an axion field that violates global charge conservation is ...
#60112. Axions and Other Similar Particles
This coupling allows for the main search strategy based on axion-photon conversion in external magnetic fields [7], an effect that also can be ...
#61Axions and the Dark Matter of the Universe - Inspire HEP
Spin(10) axion models are constructed which offer the intriguing possibility that axions comprise all or a significant part of the dark matter of the ...
#62Dark-matter QCD-axion searches | PNAS
The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle arising in a simple and elegant extension to the standard model of particle physics that nulls ...
#63If dark matter is really axions, we could find out soon - Ars ...
Additionally, the dark matter axions in the halos around astronomical objects, like other galaxies, could spontaneously decay and produce ...
#64Axions create excitement and doubt at Princeton - CERN ...
Physique des axions: espoirs et doutes à Princeton ... as much theoretical and experimental activity in axion physics as there is today.
#65Squeezed light boosts the search for dark matter axions
Recently, several experiments have tried to detect axions using strong magnetic fields, produced in the lab at cryogenic temperatures. The idea ...
#66Topics: Axions - Ole Miss Physics
* Symmetry: B ↦ B + dA, with A a 1-form; The axion is massless if this symmetry is exact. * Degrees of freedom: In D-dimensional spacetime, B has (D−3)(D−2)/ ...
#67Missing in axion: Dark matter experiment rules out more ...
Physicists have been hunting for dark matter for decades. Hypothetical particles called axions are a long-standing candidate, but a new ...
#68A Dark-Matter Candidate Has Been Hiding in Plain Sight - The ...
One idea in particular, however, is drawing renewed attention: the axion. And researchers are turning to the skies to track it down. Axions are ...
#69Enter the Axion | American Scientist
Unlike familiar protons and electrons, axions would not interact with light. Axions could be the invisible “dark matter” that seems to guide the formation and ...
#70What are axions? | Interviews | Naked Scientists
Axions are one of the most promising dark matter candidates. The Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX) claims to be the most sensitive axion ...
#71The other dark matter candidate | symmetry magazine
Axions are even trickier than WIMPs. They're theorized to be extremely light—a millionth of an electronvolt or so, about a trillion times ...
#72Supercomputers Assist Hunt for Mysterious Axion Particle
In the 1970s, scientists theorized the existence of axions: particles born in the hearts of stars that, when exposed to a magnetic field, ...
#73Axions and WISPs — DPG - Deutsche Physikalische ...
Axions and WISPs. Bad Honnef Physics School. Workshop. Datum: Do, 19.08.2021 18:30 – Di, 24.08.2021 14:00. Sprecher: Igor Garcia Irastorza, Joerg Jaeckel, ...
#74Axions may or may not exist - but we're not just making things up
Even if the electric dipole moment is zero, it is entirely possible that the axion still doesn't exist. Maybe the Peccei-Quinn mechanism is a ...
#75The mass range for hypothetical dark matter axions is narrowing
If they exist, the subatomic particles could make up dark matter, a mysterious source of mass that pervades the universe. Axions are expected to ...
#76Axions - Daniel Grin
Axions are hypothetical particles, the pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons of new global symmetry (as shown in the figure above to the left).
#77Explaining Dark Matter: The Search For Axions - Futurism
One of these hypothetical particles is called axions. Sometimes called sterile neutrinos, they were first proposed in 1977. These particles are described as ...
#78Axions - List of Frontiers' open access articles
Review an example. In this case the model contains two axions , the first corresponding to a Peccei-Quinn axion. Published on Apr 26, 2019.
#79Dark Matter and Background Light - J.M. Overduin & P.S. ...
This particle is the axion (a). Axions, if they exist, meet all the requirements of a successful CDM candidate (Sec. 4.3): they interact weakly with the baryons ...
#80Dimming Supernovae by Axions - Particle Theory
More recently we have found that axions may play a role in ultra-high energy cosmic rays (also known as trans-GZK cosmic rays). axion converson.
#82Axions: search for dark matter using ultra-intense lasers - SPIE ...
The axions, and axion-like particles, have been actively searched without success since the 80's of the last century, using both laboratory ...
#83Axions could unlock the mystery of why you exist - Futurity.org
A hypothetical particle called the axion could solve one of physics' great mysteries: the excess of matter over antimatter, or why we're ...
#84If Tiny Dark Matter Particle Exists, This Experiment Is Now ...
The scientists at the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) at the ... Axions aren't just a random guess at what dark matter might be.
#85Axions: Experts dans l'obtention de subventions pour la filière ...
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#86axions | The XENON Experiment
Axions are hypothetical particles that were proposed to preserve a time-reversal symmetry of the nuclear force, and the Sun may be a strong ...
#87Axion Partners | Value Creation | United States
Axion Partners help organizations create value through machine learning, technology development, and business consulting.
#88Can Radio Telescopes Find Axions? - AAS Nova
Axions are a type of particle first proposed in the late 1970s. These theorized particles arose from a new symmetry introduced to solve ongoing ...
#89Axions could 'clean up' dark matter mystery - Highlighted Articles
Axions are tiny elementary particles. If we could actually detect them, they could help answer many of our unsolved questions about the universe.
#90What are axions – real or not? - Physics says what?
The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem [violation of ...
#91Dark matter may have been detected - The Guardian
Christian Beck, who has worked on axions at Queen Mary, University of London, said: “Dark matter axions, or axion-like particles, could be ...
#92Axion (@axion_network) / Twitter
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#93Axions - Áxions
25, 1440, para explicar a simetria que suprime a grande violação CP (carga-paridade) na QCD (cromodinâmica quântica). Os áxions têm acoplamentos ...
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#95Axians - Home - The best of ICT with a human touch
Welcome to Axians. Delivering the best people and technology, unravel complexity and bringing you a sustainable competitive advantage.
#96Axion | Dashboard
Axion's mission is to build an ecosystem designed for digital asset portfolio growth and longevity for all users seeking a scalable passive income solution ...
#97Axyon AI | Deep Learning solutions for asset management ...
Axyon AI leverages the most recent advancements in AI and deep learning to bring efficiency gains and improved performances to asset management and trading.
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