

在 avast綁架產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,948的網紅智慧家庭實驗室-智家嚴選,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #智慧家庭的資安議題以後肯定不會少 #資安廠商不論從雲端_路由器_聯網主機的方案都準備好了嗎? 知名資安公司 #Avast 研究員 Martin Hron 以影片示範駭入一台 Smarter iKettle 3.0 智慧咖啡機,讓螢幕顯示惡魔圖像,不到一分鐘就能輕鬆辦到。 而駭入可聯網的 #智慧...

  • avast綁架 在 智慧家庭實驗室-智家嚴選 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-03 21:57:57
    有 10 人按讚


    知名資安公司 #Avast 研究員 Martin Hron 以影片示範駭入一台 Smarter iKettle 3.0 智慧咖啡機,讓螢幕顯示惡魔圖像,不到一分鐘就能輕鬆辦到。

    而駭入可聯網的 #智慧咖啡機 的方法相當簡單,先寫出勒索軟體程式,然後偽裝成韌體更新讓咖啡機自行安裝。當咖啡機韌體安裝完成,身為駭客的 Hron 就能遠端操控讓咖啡機自動加熱、磨豆、煮咖啡,而且螢幕還會顯示勒索訊息。

    小心!智慧咖啡機等 IoT 智慧家電成為駭客入侵綁架新對象(內有駭入咖啡機的影片)

    www.smarthomelab.tw #智慧家庭實驗室

  • avast綁架 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-31 12:11:30
    有 1,533 人按讚




    捷克是高科技產業的重鎮,根據我國駐捷克辦事處的文件指出:”捷克電機電子電腦業工業占捷克總製造業產值13%以上,僅次於鋼鐵金屬製造業及汽機車交通製造業。...捷克本身亦有超過31,000家的ICT業者,80%業者係提供ICT服務,其中捷克軟體公司包括AVG Technologies、AVAST防毒軟體公司、GoodData、Y-SOFT、Socialbakers等均有相當優異之表現...台商如鴻海、緯創、華碩、和碩等在捷克設廠組裝電腦及成立區域維修中心”














    Vitáme vás na Tchaj-wanie!

    Please join me in extending a warm welcome to the 90-member strong delegation from the beautiful nation of Czechia.

    Our two countries share common history: we have both transformed from authoritarian single-party rule to a democracy that guarantees basic freedoms and equal rights for their citizens.

    But we should also look towards the future in unison: I believe that technology should constitute the core of our future relations. Czechia has been deservedly called the "Silicon Valley of Europe." The recent introduction of a new brand “The Czech Republic: The Country For The Future” clearly demonstrates that our priorities align closely, especially in light of President Tsai's 5+2 innovative industries plan.

    To our noisy neighbors across the strait, Taiwan’s Czech friends who are currently visiting our country are mere “rule-breakers trampling on diplomatic civilization.” This goes to show me that PRC’s Foreign Minister Wang is in a dire need of a history lesson, as he appears to be completely ignorant of the reshuffling in “diplomatic civilization” brought about by the Third Wave of Democratization.

    In 1989, the prospect of freedom filled the people of East Asia and Eastern Europe with hope. It would be hard to overlook the important parallels between the Velvet Revolution and the White Lily Movement (野百合學運).

    The ‘89 Student Movement in China (八九民運) was propelled by the same energy; yet, lamentably, it resulted in very different outcomes.

    In Czechia and Taiwan, the hope for a better tomorrow became a reality. Our two countries continue to serve as shining beacons of democracy amidst regional struggles. Since the 1980s, Prague and Taipei sought to be active stakeholders in the construction of a “diplomatic civilization” built on the principles of freedom, mutual respects, and human rights. Beijing consistently refuses to join us in this endeavor.

    This is why Prague has more in common with Taipei than with Beijing, Minister Wang. Czechia and Taiwan have long endured authoritarian oppression. Today, we declare in unison: “Never Again!”

    The visit of our Czech friends is not a “defiant move” - it is a nod to the laudable legacy of late President and champion of democratization, Mr. Vacláv Havel.

  • avast綁架 在 歐飛先生 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-09-21 18:58:52
    有 114 人按讚

    移除軟體最簡單的作法就是到控制台→程式集→程式和功能→選擇要移除的軟體(右鍵) 解除安裝。


    答:請用強制移除/徹底移除軟體:Geek Uninstaller