[爆卦]Austro melanesia是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Austro melanesia鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Austro melanesia這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 austro產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #處長的日常 #療癒系邪惡女孩 #奈良美智高雄特展 #大航海時代泛南島藝術祭 “我快樂時不畫畫” 「或許,有夢和希望存在的地方才會誕生藝術。」 — 奈良美智(Yoshitomo Nara) 這個2019年創下台幣7.6億元高價的《背後藏刀》怪怪女孩畫作,一度超越 草間彌生 成為日本身價最高的藝...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,110的網紅ILL MO OFFICIAL,也在其Youtube影片中提到,〈1947序曲〉 製作人:PETERWU 協助製作:Yi Zhang 編曲:PETERWU Scratch:DJ Afuro George 混音:Yi Zhang 錄音:Yi Zheng / 程鉦文 詞曲:老莫 ILL MO / 楊舒雅 / 大支 DWAGIE 引用詩句、口白:蕭詒徽〈乘客〉/ 侯...

austro 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-12 07:10:34

感謝 @val5721 學姊! 之前她貢獻過 #俐媽英文教室舞蹈篇 , 這次她造訪植物園botanical garden, 又為大家帶來好多素材! 首先,在地圖部份(圖1️⃣~4️⃣) 🌵 greenhouse (n.) 溫室 🌵 succulent plant (n.) 多肉植物 🌵 flora...

austro 在 movingwinnie | traveller Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-06-16 20:11:59

【Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Prague】Czechia’s National Museum (Národní Muzeum) is located on the upper end of Wenceslas Square (Václavské Náměstí) in Prague, es...

austro 在 (( 周圍移旅行團 )) Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 12:39:19

【捷克 🇨🇿 布拉格】《上流寄生族 (Parasite) 攞咗奧斯卡之後人人都問「你睇咗未?好睇!」如果你鍾意《上流寄生族》呢齣電影,你應該都會鍾意捷克文學家卡夫卡 (Franz Kafka) 嘅作品《變形記》(Metamorphosis)。(捷克一百年前仲係奧匈帝國 Austro-Hungaria...

  • austro 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-04 21:57:28
    有 158 人按讚



    — 奈良美智(Yoshitomo Nara)

    這個2019年創下台幣7.6億元高價的《背後藏刀》怪怪女孩畫作,一度超越 草間彌生 成為日本身價最高的藝術家- 奈良美智 ,他不只是一位插畫家,而是個擅長將人性與現實透過創作,以充滿童真手法傳達出深遠的意境,看著這個永遠長不大的叛逆女孩,總有一種療癒釋懷的感覺,我想在我們的心中或多或少都有那麽點對現實的憤怒與無奈,潛意識裏也住了一位不想融入大人世界的小小孩⋯⋯ㄧ如奈良美智所言:藝術家會在我的作品中看見技巧,而老人們則會看見滄桑⋯


    趁著疫情微解封搶先預約奈良美智特展,這次奈良美智特別帶來爲台灣創作的新作《朦朧潮溼的一天(Hazy Humid Day)》,以及首度在海外亮相的《月光小姐(Miss Moonlight)》等 53 件展品,包括今年初來台佈展隔離期間創作的 8 件素描作品、1 件在今年初完成,也是首次在海外公開的繪畫作品、2019年畫在紙板上的《山子姊姊 YamakoSister/older》與《山子妹妹 YamakoSister/older》,還有《旅行的山子 Traveling Yamako》系列 15 件攝影作品,希望藉著畫作表達對台灣抗疫的鼓舞與信心。

    參觀完 #奈良美智特展 ,順勢觀賞了由 海洋委員會 所策劃的 「泛‧南‧島藝術祭Pan-Austro-Nesian Arts Festival」,以島嶼作為關注基準點,擁抱海洋流動,訴說人類隨著湧動的洋流遠航,從南島語族的遷徙到大航海時代的冒險,同島一心,於此和我們正在策劃的 #1621開台四百年 活動如此貼近,請大家耐心等待,10月份即將陸續登場的「1621開台四百年」系列活動!

  • austro 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-26 11:57:56
    有 729 人按讚

    【國立臺灣大學 109學年度畢業典禮 校長致詞】
    Opening Remarks, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
    President Dr. Chung-Ming Kuan

    各位師長同仁,各位畢業同學以及家長們,歡迎大家參加 109 學年度的線上畢業典禮。




    然而這個世界從不曾平靜。今年畢業的同學多數出生於1999 年,那正是規模達 7.3 的 921 大地震發生的那一年。時隔四年,亞洲(包括臺灣)爆發了罕見的急性呼吸道感染病 SARS。不過五年之後,源自美國的金融海嘯席捲全球,影響全世界經濟數年之久。2009 更是不平靜的一年,臺灣出現莫拉克風災,造成慘重傷亡;全球則爆發了 H1N1 流感大流行,數十萬人因此死亡。這些當時都曾被認為是數十年(甚至百年)一遇的重大災難。


    當然,新冠疫情的影響範圍遠超過 SARS 與 H1N1 流感,對世界的衝擊則更大於金融海嘯。近代能與這次疫情相比的是一百年前 (1918-1920) 的全球流感大流行;據後來估計,當時全世界人口三分之一染疫,約有五千萬人因此不幸喪生。






    *「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley


    When the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, NTU was still able to hold graduation ceremonies in person but on a much smaller scale and with the absence of many faculty members, students, and parents. Earlier this year, we were hoping to gather for a traditional commencement. But the sudden outbreak in May had forced Taipei City to raise its epidemic alert level. So we postponed the Commencement and made the decision to hold the ceremony virtually. This is the first virtual Commencement in NTU history.

    To our faculty, new graduates, and parents, welcome to the National Taiwan University’s Commencement celebration for the Class of 2021.

    As the pandemic unfolds, digital is the new normal. While we gradually adapt to online learning, virtual meetings, social media, online shopping, and food delivery, it is inescapably disappointing for many students and parents to have to celebrate the achievements of our graduates this way after anticipating this event for four years. And because of this, the Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the graduates to ensure that this unique virtual Commencement is a moment that everyone will remember fondly in the future.

    Some of you may ask, "why does this happen just when we are graduation?" And some of you may think optimistically that once the vaccines are available and the pandemic is contained, the world will be back to normal, and that we will all live peacefully.

    But the world has never been peaceful. Most of the graduates this year were born in 1999, when the magnitude 7.3 earthquake happened on September 21. Four years after, SARS broke out in Asia, including Taiwan. Within another 5 years, the financial crisis, originated in the United States, affected global economies for years. In 2009, Typhoon Morakot landed and caused severe casualties in Taiwan; the H1N1 flu pandemic took hundreds of thousands of lives. These disasters were, at the time, seen as rare catastrophes that would only take place once every few decades, or even centuries.

    Looking back to the past 20 years, we’d notice that, even just in Taiwan, catastrophes have never been in short supply. And they will probably never be in the future either.

    Of course, the effect of COVID is far beyond SARS and H1N1, and its impact is greater than the financial crises. What came close was the Spanish flu that took place a century ago (1918-1920), when, according to estimation, one-third of the global population was infected and about 50 million people died.

    The influenza pandemic outbreak took place at the end of WWI and hit the German military especially hard. And after the pandemic, Germany was forced to cede its territories to the great powers. What followed was the fall of the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires. The series of events reset the international order and formed the settings for many conflicts in the years to come.

    While COVID did not break out during a world war, it came at a critical time when great powers bicker and the global supply chains face a reform. The post-pandemic ear is therefore full of uncertainty. I don’t know whether it’d be a "Brave New World"* once the international political and economic orders are reshuffled. But it will be a world we have to live in. There will be many challenges and opportunities, and it will be our new task to utilize what we have learned to tackle challenges and grasp opportunities. Unlike any standardize
    d test, you will have to answer and grade the answers yourselves.

    I also want to use this opportunity to remind the graduates, that we must have appreciation and gratitude for the healthcare workers who are on the frontlines fighting. Many of them are our faculty members and alums. When the waves of the pandemic hit, they stood up to save lives and protect Taiwan’s society. They are true heroes. As long as we work together, we will weather the crisis and win this battle.

    Finally, on behalf of the faculty and management, I send you our deepest best wishes. And congratulations to the parents and families who have supported the graduates for years. I wish you success and good health.

    One final thing, I remember reading an article by a foreign writer who said he had lived in Taiwan for years and had noticed that Taiwanese people have a strange habit of saying "be careful" when they part ways. When I read the article, this resonates with me from the heart. For years, my mother would say the same thing whenever I am leaving the house. Now I say the same thing to my children, too. So at this Commencement ceremony, I wish everyone great success in the future, good health, and "be careful."


    *「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley


    #臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #校長致詞

  • austro 在 蕭詒徽 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-27 19:30:15
    有 60 人按讚

    老莫 ILL MO✕ 楊舒雅 ✕ 大支 DWAGIE〈1947序曲〉

    1947 年 2 月 27 日,晚間 7 點 30 分。臺灣省公賣局六名查緝員,循密報前往臺北市南京西路天馬茶房。他們抵達時,菸販多已逃遁,僅剩不及走避的林江邁 ——

    Producer_ PETERWU
    Assitant producer_ Yi Zhang
    Beatmaker_ PETERWU
    Scratch_ DJ Afuro George
    Mixing_ Yi Zhang
    Recording_ Yi Zheng・程鉦文
    Songwriter_ ILL MO・楊舒雅・DWAGIE
    Quotation_ Hsiao I-Hui “Others”
    Voice over _ Hou Hsiao-Hsien ”A City of Sadness“
    Scratch Sample_ Sun-Sun “Bāng Chhun-hong”

    Official Music Video
    Produced by_ PRISM Co., Ltd
    Director・Poster designer・Film editor_ HOW
    Calligraphy_ Tathagata
    Animation_ NAI

    47' 交響曲 - 228 事件 74 週年北美紀念週
    Symphony 47 - The 74th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony of 228 Incident

    主辦_ 西雅圖台灣同鄉會 Taiwanese Association of Greater Seattle
    共同主辦_ AiKhun 愛睏 ✕ Austro 南國島嶼
    協辦贊助_ 僑務委員會
    日期_ 2021 Feb. 27 - 2021 Mar. 6

    本屆紀念活動靈感源自蕭泰然先生 1994 年創作的管弦樂作品《1947 Overture》(1947序曲),我們希望能舉辦一個讓北美台灣人都有共鳴的紀念活動,透過音樂去溝通理解,讓音樂成為時空的橋樑。本屆的活動為期一週,將透過人物專訪、音樂表演與共生音樂節獨家轉播,讓北美的觀眾都能即時參與其中。票價免費,購票時可自由選擇捐款給「共生音樂節」、「台灣民間真相與和解促進會」:


    ╳ 系列內容 ╳

    #陳儀深專訪 & QA Live Session
    現任國史館館長,研究領域為近代中國政治思想史、台灣戰後時期政治史、二二八事件史、戒嚴時期政治案件研究。—— 美國西岸時間 2021 Mar. 6 18:00/台灣時間 Mar. 7 10:00

    #陳翠蓮講座 Live Session
    台灣大學歷史學系教授、台灣民間真相與和解促進會理事長,研究領域為台灣戰後政治史和台灣日治政治史。—— 美國西岸時間 2021 Feb. 27 18:00/台灣時間 Feb. 28 10:00

    #Symphony47 大支、老莫、楊舒雅訪談

    共生音樂節曾獲 2019 年北美教授協會廖述宗教受紀念獎「青年貢獻獎」,是台灣目前規模最大的民間二二八紀念活動,在音樂、活動、論述、文宣等面向皆投入大量資源,希望能以更多元的形式倡議二二八的紀念與轉型正義。本次活動有幸與共生首次官方合作。

    Crescent Lament 恆月三途

    北美台僑都不陌生的立法委員林昶佐 Freddy,具備前二二八基金會董事、閃靈樂團主唱、現任立委三個角色,這次訪談中將和大家聊聊如何分別從 NGO 工作、文化音樂創作、立法推動政治工作三個面相來談論二二八相關的議題。

    That's MY SHHH
    怎麼和台美人第二代談論二二八?看囂張與 Leo37 等四個友人來自跨界饒舌與嘻哈舞蹈的領域談論二二八事件,他們怎麼和從小來自加拿大的台美人第二代 Leo 說明二二八的歷史背景,Leo 又怎麼用北美原住民與黑人被壓迫的歷史來投射理解這一段歷史。

  • austro 在 ILL MO OFFICIAL Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-27 12:00:14

    協助製作:Yi Zhang
    Scratch:DJ Afuro George
    混音:Yi Zhang
    錄音:Yi Zheng / 程鉦文
    詞曲:老莫 ILL MO / 楊舒雅 / 大支 DWAGIE
    引用詩句、口白:蕭詒徽〈乘客〉/ 侯孝賢《悲情城市》
    Scratch Sample:純純〈望春風〉

    影像製作:PRISM Co., Ltd

    Symphony 47-The 74th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony of 228 Incident @USA
    主辦:西雅圖台灣同鄉會(Taiwanese Association of Greater Seattle)
    共同主辦:AiKhun(愛睏)x Austro(南國島嶼)

