[爆卦]As long as是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇As long as鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在As long as這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者paulchi (paul)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [請益] as long as用法...



根據BBC的學習網站解釋 (說真的我沒有權威的文法書,如果這個出處不夠公信力請原諒)

as long as: expressing time (不綴)

as long as: expressing condition

Note that as long as is also used in conditional sentences as an alternative
to provided, meaning if and only if. So long as is also possible in this

I don't mind. You can leave early, as long as you finish the work.
I don't mind. You can go home early, so long as you finish the work.
I don't mind. You can leave after lunch, provided you finish all the work.


As long as / provided / on condition that / only if

We can use these alternatives to if if we want to emphasize the conditions
surrounding the action, i.e. one thing will happen only if another thing
happens. We can also use so long as and providing (that) as alternatives to
as long as and provided (that). On condition that is formally very explicit.
Provided / providing are more formal than as long as / so long as.

所以,as long as what we teach is wrong, teaching is in fact meangingless...




...teaching is in fact meaningless provided that what we teach is wrong...

...teaching is in fact meaningless on condition that what we teach is wrong...

...teaching is in fact meaningless only if what we teach is wrong...

我過度解讀這個expression了嗎? 我只覺得應該有不會造成誤會的講法,其實只要用

if就夠了,這裡用as long as或許是種畫蛇添足。

※ 引述《paulchi (paul)》之銘言:
: 好久沒上這裡! 想念會吵吵鬧鬧的大家 XDD
: 是這樣,在某個英文教學討論版看到這樣的發言:
: "I don't think we should draw a clear line between learning and teaching, so I
: would say it WILL work in both ways. Also, I need to emphasize that learning
: is the basis of teaching. No matter how well we can teach, as long as what we
: teach is wrong, teaching is in fact meaningless and our students will suffer
: as a result."
: 有沒有人覺得這邊的as long as 用得怪怪的?
: 我先不多說自己的想法,省得影響大家回應的方向。
: 預祝新春愉快

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1423715178.A.047.html
※ 編輯: paulchi (, 02/12/2015 12:34:21
ewayne: 如果你都引用一個as long as有兩種解釋的情形,你為什麼就 02/12 12:45
ewayne: 只挑其中一種來解釋呢? 02/12 12:45


如果要 as long as what we teach is wrong 解釋成時間的long/short,那我會問

why would you teach the wrong stuff in the first place, let along teaching

it for an undefined amount of time?

ambrosio: 為什麼teaching is in fact meaningless有"我們才能"的 02/12 12:46
ambrosio: 解讀 02/12 12:46


"只要我們教的是錯的,教學事實上就沒有意義" 聽起來很好,沒錯吧?

我要強調的是英文as long as 表達出的是if and only if ,


為什麼我們要把 "what we teach is wrong" 這個條件滿足呢?


我仍然不排除,我過度解讀了這個expression,可以的話,請說服我。 :-)

※ 編輯: paulchi (, 02/12/2015 13:00:08
IcecreamHsu: 你貼的資料就已經解釋了 02/12 13:40
IcecreamHsu: use these alternatives to if if we want to emphas 02/12 13:41
IcecreamHsu: 用if當然也可以 可是as long as更有強調意味 02/12 13:41
IcecreamHsu: 按照你的翻法 將"才能"改成"才會"聽起來就正常多了 02/12 13:43
IcecreamHsu: 唯有教錯的東西,我們才會把教學變得沒有意義 02/12 13:43
ntuyeh: 明明翻成「只要/一旦教錯,教學就變成沒意義」就很順= = 02/12 15:32
ntuyeh: 剛記錯原文 修正一下 02/12 15:33
ntuyeh: 「只要/一旦我們教的東西錯了,教學就沒意義了」 02/12 15:35
ntuyeh: 不過我看字典只寫它是等於if only耶 02/12 15:40
ntuyeh: 也許你該想說現在不是在上數理/邏輯等課 02/12 15:41
tijj: paulchi's interpretation is right. 02/12 15:51


英文翻譯 (共八分)

1) 邪惡老師A: 我們該怎麼殘害國家幼苗呢? 你有什麼好方法?

2) 邪惡老師B: 別擔心,只要我們教的是錯的,我們的教學就沒有意義了。
(傑傑傑傑傑傑 [抱歉口字旁的打不出來])

我的答案: As long as what we teach is wrong, teaching is meaningless.

※ 編輯: paulchi (, 02/12/2015 16:52:30
ntuyeh: 你真的是過度解讀了...陷入原筆者probably沒在想的表述 02/12 17:13
nik33: 看看字典對as long as的解釋: http://ppt.cc/BUzK 02/12 20:16
nik33: 再看看大家怎樣用: http://ppt.cc/M8np 02/12 20:18
nik33: 我覺得原文用法無明顯問題 02/12 20:19
nik33: "No matter how...as a result"不能分開解釋 02/12 20:22
nik33: 不然能可能變成斷章取義了 02/12 20:23
kaifrankwind: 文中那部份確實不需要only if的意思,所以根據bbc 02/12 23:15
kaifrankwind: 的說明那樣用是不妥。但我想可能很多人用as long as 02/12 23:15
kaifrankwind: 時不是嚴謹的都是if and only if,只是語氣強烈的if 02/12 23:15
kaifrankwind: 吧 02/12 23:15



"used to say that something must happen before something else can happen"

What we teach is wrong. -> what we teach must first be wrong.

(...before something else CAN happen.)

What we teach must first be wrong, then we CAN make teaching meaningless.

There seems to be an implied intention to make teaching meaningless, wouldn't
you agree?

或許這些都先撇過不談。不同意的大家,會怎麼翻上面的第二題翻譯? :-)

※ 編輯: paulchi (, 02/12/2015 23:38:18
※ 編輯: paulchi (, 02/12/2015 23:40:07
ntuyeh: 先不說英文了 個人覺得你認真這個的邊際效益已經→0了 02/13 00:20
ambrosio: 我個人覺得這個很有效益,謝謝 02/13 08:48
kaifrankwind: 中文的「只要」顯然有岐義(if或if and only if) 02/13 16:35
kaifrankwind: 第二題只是if 02/13 16:35
priv: 中文的 if and only if 叫若且唯若 XD 02/13 22:52
priv: good time,t 可能比大家習慣聽的送氣少些,但照理不該影響 03/03 14:15
priv: 辨認 03/03 14:15

