[爆卦]Arthralgia ICD-10是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Arthralgia ICD-10鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Arthralgia ICD-10這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 arthralgia產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過852的網紅ShioriyBradshaw,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, FRI 01 OCTOBER 2021 【ARTHRALGIA】 at Contact Tokyo OPEN 22:00 UNDER 23 / ¥1000 BEFORE23:00 / ¥1000 GH G MEMBERS / ¥1500 GH S MEMBERS / ¥2000 DISCOUN...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所,也在其Youtube影片中提到,前幾天指揮中心拿出一個表格比較各種疫苗之間的好壞,本意是想說AZ其實好棒棒所以大家不用擔心。但結果表格內容我看了一看之後發現結果MODERNA表現最差,每個不良反應比例都比AZ高,那你買五百萬劑還宣傳個半天幹嘛? 但我還是耐心解釋一下,這張表格做錯了,會導致民眾有錯誤的理解。 第一, 疫苗只要過...

arthralgia 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-07 21:34:25

英模班本週教到登革熱, 俐媽趕快整理相關單字。 因為COVID-19, 各校考題介紹常見疾病的頻率增加了, 大家趕快一起學單字! —————————————————— 🩸 俐媽英文教室—登革熱篇: 🦟 Dengue Fever 登革熱 🦟 hemorrhagic (a.) 出血的(hemo-: b...

arthralgia 在 Mrs Fira Dahlan Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-11 13:00:50

[ Link in Bio] #WomenKingdom Ramuan utama termasuklah 😍 1️⃣ 𝐊𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐩 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐡 💜 Kekal awet muda, memperlahankan penuaan 💜 Meningkatkan sifat kewanitaan...

  • arthralgia 在 ShioriyBradshaw Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-15 19:46:21
    有 1 人按讚

    FRI 01 OCTOBER 2021

    at Contact Tokyo

    OPEN 22:00

    UNDER 23 / ¥1000
    BEFORE23:00 / ¥1000
    GH G MEMBERS / ¥1500
    GH S MEMBERS / ¥2000
    DISCOUNT / ¥2500
    DOOR / ¥3000

    RA: https://jp.ra.co/events/1461629

    GENRE Techno | House | Bass

    Lil Mofo
    Mari Sakurai
    Hibi Bliss
    FELINE & K8

    DJ mew
    Celter (Eclipse)
    DJ Poipoi

    LSDXOXOやCEMといったタレントを招き、アンダーグラウンドの深淵をなぞる破壊的な高揚と、歪んだ磁場を発生させてきたARTHRALGIAが1年振りの開催。今回も、Studio XとContactフロアの依存度の高い二面性で魅せる快楽のるつぼがダンスミュージック・フリークを誘惑する。
    NTS RadioやLYL Radioでのレギュラープログラムや、〈The Trilogy Tapes〉の設立者Will Bankheadの目にとまったことで生まれた「TTT mixtape」など、Lil Mofoの世界的な認知度の上昇は言うまでもないが、このラインナップの効能は大きく想像を上回る。レゲエやトラップ、ベース、テクノなどジャンルと年代を限定しないトラックは、トラックであることから解放され恍惚のミュージックジャーニーを形作る。そのギグの価値は、現在極端に現場出演を減らしていることにはなく、紛れもなく音楽愛が生み出す強い快感にある。2020年3月のBoiler Room パーティからおよそ1年半ぶりにLil MofoがContactに帰還だ。レフトフィールドやテクノ、民謡までをも用いてカルティックな狂気を飼いならすFELINEと、ゴムやUKサウンドの遠心力をエレクトロニクスにかけ合わせるK8とのB2Bもまた支配的なレイヴタイムを繰り広げそうだ。さらに、サウンドのパンプとエモーションで激しくバウンスさせるHibi Blissや、Mari Sakuraiによるハードなドライヴと止めどないアタックは、フィジカルなエネルギーに溢れるStudio Xの方向性を象徴している。
    一方、Contactフロアには強い幻覚作用と没入感が漂う。DJ mewによる多国籍ビートと先鋭的エレクトロニクス、柔と剛を統べるその豊潤な音楽体験は、このフロアのハイライトとなりそうだ。個々に高い音楽性をもつAI.UとEMARLEによる0120の、サイケデリックかつオルタナティヴなサウンド・デザインはこの夜に欠かすことはできない。さらにアグレッシブにイマジネーションを発展させるShioriyBradshaw、Celterによる高温のエクペリメンタルや、DJ Poipoiの極彩色のトリップなど、オブスキュア・サウンドのエキスパートが集まり徹底的にフロアを溶解させる。

    A gathering of elite selectors to restart the blast furnace of sound
    ARTHARALGIA, having featured talents of the likes of LSDXOXO and CEM gave birth to a warped magnetic field that moves around the abyss of the underground, returns for the first time in 1 year. This time again, the two sides of Studio X and Contact floors will lure the dance music freaks with intoxicating pleasures.
    Lil Mofo caught the attention of Will Bankhead, the founder of 〈The Trilogy Tapes〉 and「TTT mixtape」, as well as regular programs like NTS Radio and LYL Radio. It goes without saying her rise in global recognition plays a big part in this lineup. Reggae, Trap, Bass, Techno, and tracks not bound to genre and generation form an ecstatic music journey that is liberating. The true value of her gigs lies not in the fact that she is currently reducing her appearances, but in her devotion and the love of music. After a year and a half since the Boiler Room party that took place in March of 2020, Lil Mofo returns to Contact. Using Leftfield, Techno, and even Folk songs to create a cult-like madness that is tamed, FELINE goes B2B with K8, who’s sound focuses on Gqom and UK sounds suited perfectly for that rave vibe. In addition, we have Hibi Bliss, making you bounce to the pumping sounds with emotion, and Mari Sakurai attacking with her hard and unstoppable drive will fill Studio X with physical energy.
    On the contrary, Contact floor will be immersed in a vivid hallucinatory atmosphere. We can expect DJ mew’s multi-national beats and cutting-edges electronics to be the highlight of this floor, creating a soft yet rigid musical journey. 0120, a unit comprised of AI.U and EMARLE both with high musical sensibilities, brings psychedelic and alternative sound design that will be essential for the evening. Obscure sound experts of the likes of ShioriyBradshaw aggressively expanding the imagination, high experimental sounds by Celter, and DJ Poipoi’s richly colored trippy sounds will be gathering in this floor.
    The return of ARTHRALGIA, the super physical party that’s been facing vigorous dance music fans head-on.

  • arthralgia 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-15 18:36:05
    有 181 人按讚




    牛大力 — 性平,有補虛潤肺、強筋活絡的功效,有助紓緩腰肌勞損、風濕性關節炎等症狀。

    鬆筋藤 — 又名寛筋藤,性涼,有舒筋活絡、祛風止痛的作用,有助紓緩風濕痹痛、腰肌勞損、跌打損傷等症狀。

    巴戟 — 性溫,有補腎陽、強筋骨、祛風濕的功效,有助紓緩肝腎不足的筋骨痿軟、腰膝疼痛等症狀。

    伸筋草 — 性溫,有祛風散寒、除濕消腫、舒筋活血的作用,有助紓緩風寒濕痺引致的關節酸痛等症狀。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Herbs to soothe joints and improve blood circulation
    Many people have experienced different types of joint pain such as neck discomfort, mouse shoulder (shoulder pain caused by long hours of working in front of computer), and soreness around the waist area due to bad postures.

    They seem to think these discomforts are minor problems. Instead of going to the doctor, they would ask their family members to massage their body or use pain relief patch.

    According to the Chinese Medicine theories, the liver governs the joints, the spleen governs the muscles, and the kidneys govern the bones. Since musculoskeletal pain is closely related to the health of our internal organs, we must take good care of the liver, spleen, and kidneys to relieve the symptoms above.

    We can actually find many ‘treasures’ that can soothe the joints and improve blood circulation in Chinese Medicine halls. They are generally brownish in color and come in bars or strips, for instance, millettia root (‘niu da li’), Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr (‘song jin teng’), Morinda root (‘ba ji’), and Herba Lycopodii (‘shen jin cao’). These medicinal herbs can strengthen the joints and promote blood circulation, so do consider using them to make soup.

    Millettia root (‘niu da li’) — mild in nature; can nourish and moisten the lungs, strengthen the joints, promote blood circulation, and relieve muscle soreness and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr (‘song jin teng’) — also known as ‘kuan jin teng’ in Mandarin, and it is cool in nature; can relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation, dispel wind from the body, and relieve rheumatic arthralgia, muscle soreness, bruises, and injuries.

    Morinda root (‘ba ji’) — warm in nature; can nourish the yang in the kidneys, strengthen the joints and bones, dispel wind-dampness from the body, and relieve the pain on joints, bones, waist, and knees that are caused by the deficiencies in the kidney and liver.

    Herba Lycopodii (‘shen jin cao’) — warm in nature; can dispel wind and cold, dispel dampness from the body, reduce edema, soothe the joints, promote blood circulation, and relieve joint pain that is caused by anemofrigid-damp arthralgia (‘feng han shi bi’)

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱

  • arthralgia 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-21 09:57:17
    有 170 人按讚









    第一,誘發皮脂腺(Sebaceous Gland)萎縮,減少皮脂分泌,簡單說,便是「控油」。

    第二,抑制毛囊(Follicle)裡面的痤瘡桿菌(Propionebacterium acnes)繁殖。





    第四,改善毛囊角化(Keratinization),減少毛囊角栓(Follicular Plug)的產生,減少毛孔堵塞。


    理論上,異維A酸一般會留作備胎做最後的殺著,適用於治療一些連其他暗瘡藥都宣告無效的暗瘡或者一些較嚴重的暗瘡,例如囊腫性痤瘡(Nodulocystic Acne)。[3]







    對,眼會乾、鼻會乾、嘴唇會乾、皮膚會乾,從而可能會出現眼乾、流鼻血、唇炎(Cheilitis)、皮膚脫屑(Skin Desquamation)。

    除此之外,還可能會出現頭痛、肝腫大(Hepatomegaly)、假性腦腫瘤(Pseudotumor Cerebri)、關節痛(Arthralgia)的副作用。[7]






    1. Zaenglein AL, Thiboutot DM. Acne vulgaris. In: Horn TD, Mancini AJ, Mascaro JM, et al, eds. Dermatology. London, Mosby, 2003:531-544.
    2. Ortonne JP. Oral isotretinoin treatment policy: Do we all agree? Dermatology. 1997;195(Suppl):34-37.
    3. Goulden V. Guidelines for the management of acne vulgaris in adolescents. Paediatr Drugs. 2003;5:301-313.
    4. Charakida A, Mouser PE, Chu AC. Safety and side effects of the acne drug, oral isotretinoin. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2004;3:119-129.
    5. Cooper AJ, Australian Roaccutane Advisory Board. Treatment of acne with isotretinoin: recommendations based on Australian experience. Australas J Dermatol. 2003;44:97-105.
    6. Altman RS, Altman LJ, Altman JS. A proposed set of new guidelines for routine blood tests during isotretinoin therapy for acne vulgaris. Dermatology. 2002;204:232-235.
    7. Kunynetz RA. A review of systemic retinoid therapy for acne and related conditions. Skin Therapy Lett. 2004;9:1-4.

  • arthralgia 在 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-25 18:49:36



    第一, 疫苗只要過了三期以後,真正致死的機率並不高,重點在於防護力好嗎?防護力低,副作用再低也沒有達到效果啊。不然喝符水好不好?沒甚麼防護力,但也沒有副作用啊?把這個副作用拿出來比較真的沒有意義啦~~~談戀愛有沒有可能被劈腿,難道你就不談戀愛嗎?

    第二, 這裡列出來的表格其實是不良反應或是不良事件中的各種症狀的比例,表格做得好像有一半的人打了會有這些反應,這不是嚇死人?所謂的Adverse Event不良事件是在施用藥物產品的患者或臨床研究受試者中發生的任何不利的醫學事件,並且不一定與該治療有因果關係。因此,不良事件可以是與藥品的使用暫時相關的任何不利的和意外的跡象,症狀或疾病,無論是否與藥品有關。參加臨床試驗的患者的AE必須報告給研究發起人,必要時可以報告給當地倫理委員會。【來自維基百科】

    第三, 三期實驗的狀況跟實際上臨床的狀況又不一樣啊~~~實驗歸實驗,現實世界的運作回報不良反應的機制有所不同,不是真的很嚴重到回診,其實醫師根本就不會知道,也就不會回報啊,所以要看實際接種的反應才比較準啊。

    像是ADZ的這份資料是來自於WHO的三期實驗報告整理: AZD1222 vaccine against COVID-19 developed by Oxford University and Astra Zeneca: Background paper (draft),有五十二頁大家可以自己去看看,但實驗的內容其實是去年的三期實驗了,不是實際注射之後的結果。

    我推薦大家看的是美國的CDC所推出來的疫苗施打第一個月報告,二月十九日出版,熱燙燙非常新。First Month of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring — United States, December 14, 2020–January 13, 2021。是他們實際施打疫苗一個月,一千三百萬劑之後的結果,實際上會有不良反應的比例非常低啊,大家不要自己嚇自己~~~

    美國接種13794094劑,ADVERSE EVENT:總數6,994,占比0.000506,萬分之五點零六九。輕微不良反應的有6354,0.0004606,萬分之四點六零六,其中22.4%是頭痛,16.5%是疲倦,16.5%是暈眩。


    還給你原文夠不夠意思The most frequently reported adverse reactions were injection site tenderness (63.7%), injection site pain (54.2%), headache (52.6%), fatigue (53.1%), myalgia (44.0%), malaise (44.2%), pyrexia (includes feverishness (33.6%) and fever >38°C (7.9%)), chills (31.9%), arthralgia (26.4%) and nausea (21.9%). The incidence of subjects with at least one local or systemic solicited event after any vaccination was highest on day 1 following vaccination, decreasing to 4% and 13 %, respectively, by day 7. The most common systemic solicited AEs at day 7 were fatigue, headache and malaise.

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