

在 antioxidants產品中有822篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG IELTS CHỦ ĐỀ FAST FOOD PHẦN TỪ VỰNG - to be high in saturated fats and added sugars: chứa nhiều chất béo bão hòa và đường - to be prepared and...

 同時也有46部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,890的網紅Melinda Looi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I love cooking and Batik. So today I feel like wearing Batik to cook. How many of you like bitter gourd? I love them. So today I am trying out this d...

  • antioxidants 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-28 21:36:38
    有 1,162 人按讚

    - to be high in saturated fats and added sugars: chứa nhiều chất béo bão hòa và đường
    - to be prepared and served quickly: được chuẩn bị và phục vụ nhanh chóng
    - to taste good: ngon
    - to eat… too much over a long period: ăn… quá nhiều trong một thời gian dài
    - processed preservatives: chất bảo quản đã qua xử lý/chế biến
    - to be detrimental to …: có hại cho …
    - to consume high levels of salt: tiêu thụ lượng muối cao
    - to be low in antioxidants, fiber: ít chất chống oxy hóa, chất xơ
    - a low-fiber diet: một chế độ ăn ít chất xơ
    - to increase blood pressure: tăng huyết áp
    - to be more likely to have a heart attack: có nhiều khả năng bị đau tim
    - to put on weight: tăng cân
    - fast food chains: chuỗi thức ăn nhanh
    - to introduce a ban on junk food advertising: ban hành lệnh cấm quảng cáo đồ ăn vặt
    - to be highly addictive: gây nghiện cao
    - to be hard to resist: khó cưỡng lại
    - to increase bad cholesterol levels: tăng mức cholesterol xấu
    - to keep your weight under control: kiểm soát cân nặng của bạn
    - to control your intake of harmful fats: kiểm soát lượng chất béo có hại của bạn
    - to choose healthier fat options: chọn các món ăn chứa chất béo lành mạnh hơn
    - to be extremely high in calories: có hàm lượng calo cực cao
    - to be eaten in large amounts: ăn lượng lớn
    - to satisfy your cravings: thỏa mãn cơn thèm của bạn
    - to grab a snack on the go: mua 1 món ăn vặt trên đường bạn đi làm/ đi đâu đó
    - to be affordable and convenient: hợp túi tiền và tiện lợi
    - to make junk food less tempting to children: làm cho đồ ăn vặt ít hấp dẫn hơn đối với trẻ em
    - to tax unhealthy food: đánh thuế thực phẩm không lành mạnh
    - to force the food industry to cut sugar & salt in…: buộc ngành công nghiệp thực phẩm cắt giảm đường và muối trong…
    - to change consumer behaviour: thay đổi hành vi của người tiêu dùng

    It is high in sugar, salt, and saturated or trans fats, as well as many processed preservatives and ingredients.
    Nó chứa nhiều đường, muối và chất béo bão hòa hoặc chất béo chuyển hóa, cũng như nhiều chất bảo quản và thành phần đã qua chế biến.

    Excess added sugar can be detrimental to health — and getting it in liquid form is even worse.
    Lượng đường dư thừa quá nhiều có thể gây hại cho sức khỏe – và tiêu thụ nó ở dạng lỏng thậm chí còn tồi tệ hơn.

    It contains unhealthy saturated fats, which can increase bad cholesterol levels.
    Nó chứa chất béo bão hòa không lành mạnh, có thể làm tăng lượng cholesterol xấu.

    They are considering taxing unhealthy food in an effort to tackle childhood obesity.
    Họ đang cân nhắc đánh thuế thực phẩm không lành mạnh để giải quyết tình trạng béo phì ở trẻ em.

    A ban on junk food advertising across London’s entire public transport network will be introduced next year.
    Lệnh cấm quảng cáo đồ ăn vặt trên toàn bộ mạng lưới giao thông công cộng của London sẽ được ban hành vào năm tới.

    #ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsvocabulary

  • antioxidants 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-28 21:00:04
    有 84 人按讚

    The moment you doubt you can do something, you cease for ever to be able to do it.

    Remember this:
    You control your destiny,
    bloom where you are planted!

    A rose’s rarest essence lives in the thorn.

    Belif rose gemma concentrate oil not only works as my facial oil but it's natural rose scent works as my stress reliever.
    This ultra lightweight face oil absorbs instantly into the skin without any stickiness. It is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C and E protecting skin from free radical damage.
    This multi-tasking wonder reduces sensitivity, redness, and inflammation skin and promote wound healing. I used it as my body care treat as well to protect and moisturise my elbows, knees and ankles.

    Give Away Contest:
    Share with me what was your biggest self-doubt and how you overcame it?

    3 winners will receive a bottle of Belif rose gemma concentrate oil each.

    Winner will be informed through DM by 5th Oct 2021.


    The amazing people behind this short video: @dexta_anthon 💐@felixkhu 💐

  • antioxidants 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 08:51:30
    有 22 人按讚

    [Blogged: bit.ly/HuxleyRoutineExtraMoisture ]

    “Minimal skincare, maximum result" - that's why I choose Huxley "Extra Moisture" Routine Set for my dry skin! 😍

    Huxley's routine is so simple, so effortless, yet it delivers powerful hydration for that radiant, healthy-looking complexion in just 3 steps:
    ☑️ Toner ➜ Oil Essence ➜ Cream.

    From the texture to the feel after use, it works wonder on the skin and I can see the positive change in my complexion in just 2 weeks of using Huxley.

    All thanks to the hero ingredient, Sahara Cactus Seed Oil - so rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants, quick absorption into skin and protects skin from aging.

    Huxley is available in Guardian and Shopee, so be sure to experience the goodness of Huxley yourselves! 😉

    Huxley Malaysia

  • antioxidants 在 Melinda Looi Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-16 08:56:57

    I love cooking and Batik. So today I feel like wearing Batik to cook.
    How many of you like bitter gourd? I love them. So today I am trying out this dish, and I love it.

    . A few regular size bitter gourds (I am using the small ones in this video as I couldnt find the normal regular type)
    . 4 eggs or more, you can use salted eggs too
    . salt, but if u use salted eggs then you dont need salt
    . vinegar

    For the dipping sauce:
    . chopped garlic and onions
    . cut chili padi
    . spring onions. sesame
    . soya sauce. vinegar
    . lime juice
    . boiling oil

    Here are some good benefits of bitter gourds that i found online: Regular consumption of bitter gourd has a positive impact on gut health. It not only treats intestinal disorders like constipation and stomach ache but is equally beneficial for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as it helps kill parasites that enter the digestive system.
    Anyone who is diagnosed with diabetes is prescribed to eat bitter gourd. It contains three active substances with anti-diabetic properties, namely polypeptide-p, vicine, and charanti, which have been confirmed to have insulin-like properties and blood glucose lowering effects.
    Bitter gourd is a rich source of vitamin C that comes with plenty of antioxidant properties.The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of bitter gourd help in removal of toxins. Moreover, it can help wipe out all kinds of intoxication settled in your liver. Thus, bitter gourd heals many liver problems as well as cleanses your bowel.
    Bitter gourd is a good source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which all have a positive effect on the heart.Bitter gourd contains lycopene, lignans, and carotenoids, along with good amounts of vitamin A, zea-xanthin and lutein, which are the primary antioxidants and nutrients that fight and scavenge these free radicals.

    Wow, good to know. Now try this and enjoy!

  • antioxidants 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-22 07:00:25

    #無添加味精系列 #無添加系列 #家樂牌純雞粉#無添加味精 #無添加激素飼養靚雞 #無激素

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 秋葵,1碗清水,加入粗鹽1湯匙,浸3分鐘,以去除表面污漬。
    2. 車厘茄,清水沖洗乾淨,清水浸一浸。
    3. 蜆肉,清水解凍。
    4. 甘筍,去皮,打直1開6,切大約1吋1粒,放碗內。
    5. 紫洋蔥,1開2,切兩端,去皮2層,每邊1開6,放碗內。
    6. 蜆肉,已解凍,倒去水分,加入粗鹽,去除雪味及加入少許鹹味。
    7. 秋葵已浸好,清水沖洗乾淨,用廚紙索乾。
    8. 車厘茄已浸好,清水沖洗乾淨,用廚紙索乾。
    9. 菠蘿,每片菠蘿,1開6。
    10. 秋葵,切去頂部。
    11. 車厘茄,1開2。
    12. 蜆肉已醃好,清水沖洗乾淨,用廚紙索乾。

    1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油半湯匙。
    2. 大火爆香甘筍。
    3. 加入洋蔥炒香。
    4. 加入蜆肉。
    5. 加入秋葵,炒勻。
    6. 加入車厘茄及菠蘿粒。
    7. 加入家樂牌雞粉1茶匙,炒勻。
    8. 完成,上碟,可享用。

    Rainbow of Sunmer

    Knorr no MSG added chicken powder
    Okra 8 Nos.
    Pineapples 12 cubes
    Carrot 1 No.
    Purple onion 1 No.
    Cherry tomatoes 8 Nos.
    Clams 100g

    1. Okra, put cooking salt 1 tbsp in a bowl of tap water. Soak for 3 minutes to remove dirts on its surface.
    2. Cherry tomatoes, get it rinsed. Soak in tap water.
    3. Clams, defrost with tap water.
    4. The carrot, divide it into 6 shares vertically. Cut 1" per each cube. Put in a bowl.
    5. Purple onion, divide it into 2 shares. Cut both ends. Get it peeled for 2 layers. Divide each shares into 6 cubes. Put in a bowl.
    6. Clams, have been defrosted, pour away water. Season with cooking salt to remove unpleasant smells and add some salty tastes to it.
    7. Okra, has been soaked well, rinse thoroughly. Dry with kitchen towel.
    8. Cherry tomatoes have been soaked well, rinse thoroughly. Dry with kitchen towel.
    9. Pineapple, each slice is to be divided into 6 shares.
    10. Okra, cut its anchors.
    11. Cherry tomatoes, each one is to be divided into 2 shares.
    12. Clams, have been seasoned well. Rinse thoroughly. Dry with kitchen towel.

    1. Heat up oil 0.5 tbsp at high flame in wok.
    2. Fry the carrot well at high flame.
    3. Put onion. Fry well.
    4. Add clams.
    5. Put okra. Fry well.
    6. Add cherry tomatoes and pineapple cubes.
    7. Put Knorr no MSG added chicken powder 1 tsp, fry well.
    8. Complete. Put on plate. Serve.
    Rainbow of Summer













    Superfoods?Eat a Rainbow of Colors?

    Superfoods?Eat a Rainbow of Colors?
    Loaded with Unique Range of Powerful Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants & Essential Nutrients?
    Eat the Rainbow?

  • antioxidants 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-08 18:00:08

    Check out the rest of our confinement recipes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYOBHxuy1wS03hl8um6X2XFh1OfhHCWAZ

    Confinement, a common practice in Asia, is a period of time for women to recuperate from childbirth. The confinement period focuses largely on food, with its diet intended on supporting the mother’s recovery and protecting both mother and child from falling ill.

    This Red Glutinous Rice Wine Chicken Mee Sua recipe has sesame oil, ginger and rice wine, which are all rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that support the wellbeing and recovery of mothers.

    Didn’t give birth? It’s completely okay to have this! This recipe cooks a rich and comforting meal, perfect for a cold day or if you’re feeling a little under the weather.

    Recipe at: http://themeatmen.sg/red-wine-chicken-mee-sua/

    We’ve got a whole series of confinement food recipes lined up for you, so turn on your notifications and stay tuned!


    P.S. We’ve got recipes for all your Singaporean and Asian favourites on our channel. Hit subscribe and share them with your friends.

    P.P.S. Can’t find a recipe you like? Drop us a comment or ping us on our socials.

    Get cooking with us:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meatmen.sg​
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themeatmensg​
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@themeatmenchannel
    Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/RkGuNJjo8VjSo4W5

