[爆卦]Antecedent antonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Antecedent antonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Antecedent antonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 antecedent產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅利世民,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 一,每個人都有習慣。有好嘅習慣,有壞嘅習慣,亦有無傷大雅嘅習慣。 二,有睇過 Charles Duhigg 本 The Power of Habit 嘅朋友都應該知道,習慣其實都係 Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence 嘅 Loop;亦即係 Cue - Ro...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,750的網紅伊賀さんの動画,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(概要欄) #生放送 #伊賀 #パソコン屋 企画の提案も受け付けしております。 伊賀さんの生放送 シーズン6 2021.5.1~2022.4.29 今シーズのテーマ「Youtubeを内容充実する、おっさんの生放送」 コメントで参加される方は コメントはピックアップしない場合もあります、ピック...

antecedent 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-08 04:17:28

#Gramarama🌋 一到relative clause,好多香港人就會錯十萬樣嘢,除咗之後講過用錯relative pronouns之外,大家仲會唔知幾時用comma, 幾時唔洗。 - 首先要知道relative clauses可以分做兩種: defining同non-defining, def...

antecedent 在 Zatashah Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-14 06:20:06

I wasn’t able to repost this video but I wanted to share it on my social media for so many reasons! Terima kasih makcik, tak guna plastik beg! Firstly...

  • antecedent 在 利世民 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-04 22:28:52
    有 175 人按讚


    二,有睇過 Charles Duhigg 本 The Power of Habit 嘅朋友都應該知道,習慣其實都係 Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence 嘅 Loop;亦即係 Cue - Routine - Reward。所謂改變習慣,其實即係改變 Routine 但保留 Cue 同 Reward。

    三,首先,要明白,Reward 嘅本身當然係滿足,但更重要係 Anticipation of Reward ;Anticipation 嘅影響力,大過真係嘅 Reward。

    四,另外,就係 Cue。當年 Claude Hopkins 要賣牙膏,佢搵咗一個每個人每日都一定會做嘅事,就係朝早起身同夜晚瞓覺。其實早晚擦牙,原則上並唔係最有效;應該係每餐之後擦牙,先係最有效。不過,為咗建立習慣,佢擇咗呢兩個 Cues,其他,都係歷史。

    五,我想講嘅係,亦都係阿里士多德都好似曾經講過,精進(Excellence)係習慣(Habit),因為 We are what we repeatedly do。



    八,有個方法,叫做 ABA(Applied Behavior Analysis)係要來改變習慣。簡單講,就係搵到細路有反應嘅 Reward,然後配合適當嘅 Cues 同,誘導細路去重複做一啲大家希望佢哋會做嘅 Behavior;例如食飯前洗手。




    十二,另外,呢種以 ABA 去改變習慣同行為嘅訓練,係好個人化,好需要畀心機時間,莫講話大班教學(20人以上)唔可能,就算小班教學(6至7人)其實都好吃力。再講,學校其實係一個好繁忙嘅地方;結果,大家好多所謂嘅懷習慣,自小就不斷滋長。

    十三,所以,其實成件事最最最關鍵,反而係家長。家長識得搵 Reward,識得製造 Anticipation,識得搵合適嘅 Cue,細路就會「有家教」。咁講好似好老土,但「家教」呢樣價值,我真心覺得係就快失傳嘅文化,需要保存。

    十四,又到廣告時間:我太太 Catherine 開咗個 Page ,希望將佢近年作為一個特殊教育老師嘅經驗同大家分享下;佢比我有更多關於 Behavior Coaching 嘅實戰經驗(我就好明顯係理論派啦)。有興趣嘅朋友,歡迎去 Special Parents Special Kids 特教爸媽 交流下。

  • antecedent 在 利世民 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-04 08:00:00
    有 175 人按讚


    二,有睇過 Charles Duhigg 本 The Power of Habit 嘅朋友都應該知道,習慣其實都係 Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence 嘅 Loop;亦即係 Cue - Routine - Reward。所謂改變習慣,其實即係改變 Routine 但保留 Cue 同 Reward。

    三,首先,要明白,Reward 嘅本身當然係滿足,但更重要係 Anticipation of Reward ;Anticipation 嘅影響力,大過真係嘅 Reward。...
    See More

  • antecedent 在 張星唯 EST(Esther Chang) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-16 23:18:52
    有 29 人按讚

    碩博士 研究方法 「音樂盜版之學術論文」




    Intention to Commit Online Music Piracy and Its Antecedents:
    An Empirical Investigation
    Neil A. Morton and Xenophon Koufteros
    Department of Information Technology and Operations Management Florida Atlantic University
    Online piracy of copyrighted digital music has become rampant as Internet band- width and digital compression technologies have advanced. The music industry has suffered significant financial losses and has responded with lawsuits, although online music piracy remains prevalent. This article developed a research model to study the determinants of individual intentions to commit online music piracy. The model was derived from the theories of planned behavior and deterrence. A survey questionnaire of 216 respondents was used to test the model. Consistent with the theory of planned behavior, the results showed that attitude toward online music piracy, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control are significant antecedent factors of intention to commit online music piracy. Concerning deter- rence theory, the results suggest that the effect of perceived punishment severity on attitude was highly significant for females, and the effect of perceived certainty of punishment on attitude was not significant for males or females.
    Online music piracy has flourished in recent years as advances in Internet and compression technologies have enabled users to send and retrieve large collections of copyrighted music files over the World Wide Web. The music industry claims to have been hit hard, as profits have decreased about 10% each year for the past few years (Dana, 2003). The music industry has responded with a series of lawsuits, although the effects of this litigation are unclear (“Fightback

  • antecedent 在 伊賀さんの動画 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-26 23:14:26


    #生放送 #伊賀 #パソコン屋


    伊賀さんの生放送 シーズン6 2021.5.1~2022.4.29

    禁止内容 キーワードによるタイムアウトと、みつけしだい誰であってもタイムアウト対応します


    月 カメラとパソコン雑談と相談

    火 HowTo

    水 休日きまぐれ放送

    木 木曜のクリエイター

    金 モンハン・その他ゲームの配信やネットニュース等

    土 週末に遊ぶ生放送

    日 パソコン相談

    毎月11日は FF11をするかも
    毎月14日は FF14をするかも



    伊賀さんへの連絡 ご意見 感想は


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    FRASHFORGE Adventur 3
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    VSHARKER ハンコンスタンド
    Logicool G27
    Logicool G29+シフター
    nacon revolution unlimited
    oculus rift s

    PCファクトリー SharePoint


  • antecedent 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2009-02-13 07:40:50

    大和ミュージアム(呉市海事歴史科学館)は、明治以降の日本の近代化の歴史そのものである「呉の歴史」と、その近代化の礎となった造船、製鋼を始めとした各種の「科学技術」を、先人の努力や当時の生活・文化に触れながら紹介しています。館内には、10分の 1戦艦「大和」が展示され、大型資料展示室の零式艦上戦闘機や人間魚雷「回天」、特殊潜航艇「海龍」などは、すべて本物です。屋外には、戦艦「陸奥」の主砲身や潜水調査船「しんかい」などの実物も展示され、芝生広場や大和の大きさを再現した公園も整備され ています。

    江田島基地(えたじまきち、JMSDF Etajima Naval Base)とは、広島県江田島市江田島町国有無番地に所在する、海上自衛隊の基地である。第1術科学校、幹部候補生学校の他、対岸にある呉基地に配備されているおおすみ型輸送艦のLCAC訓練施設・整備場、自衛隊貯油場などがある。また、海上自衛隊の特殊 部隊「特別警備隊(SBU)」もここに配備されている。

    江田島基地の前身は、日本日本海軍の兵科士官養成機関である海軍兵学校である。海軍兵学校は、1888年に東京・築地から江田島に移り、戦前はイギリス海軍のダートマス兵学校、アメリカ海軍のアナポリス兵学校と並び、「世界3大兵学校」と呼ばれた[要出典 ]。海軍兵学校の施設のいくつかは現在も第1術科学校や幹部候補生学校で使用されてい る。
    1936年に建築された鉄筋コンクリート造りの建物であり、東郷平八郎、ホレーショ・ ネルソン、ジョン・ポール・ジョーンズ、山本五十六の遺髪、海軍将校の書、特攻隊員の遺書など、1万点を超える資料が保存されている。敷地内には、真珠湾攻撃で使用された 特殊潜航艇、戦艦「大和」の主砲砲弾、戦艦「陸奥」の主砲が展示されている。
    A Japanese museum (Kure City maritime affairs history science pavilion) is introducing various "Science and technology" including shipbuilding and the steel making that became the foundation of "History of Kure" that is the history of the modernization of Japan since the Meiji era and the modernization while touching life and a culture the predecessors' efforts and at that time. 1/10 battleship "Japan" is all exhibited in the pavilion, and 0 expression fighter on warship and special attack flotilla "Time heaven" of the large-scale material exhibition room and special purpose submarine "Sea dragon", etc. are real things. The thing such as "Shinkai the main armament body and the submersible research vehicle" of battleship "Mutsu" is exhibited in outdoor, and the park where the lawn plaza and the size of Japan were reproduced is maintained.

    The Etajima base (gotten stripes Kichi and JMSDF Etajima Naval Base) is bases of whereabouts and the Maritime Self-Defense Force in a Hiroshima Prefecture Etajima City Etajima government-owned-cho no house number. There are LCAC training facilities, a maintenance place, and Self Defense Forces Abraba etc. of the ending type transportation warship disposed to Kure bases in the first Technical School, another, and Maritime Officer Candidate School the opposite bank. Moreover, special force "Special Boarding Unit (SBU)" of the Maritime Self-Defense Force is disposed here.

    The antecedent in the Etajima base is a naval academy that is the organization of the training of the officer of the arm of the Japan Sea of Japan army. The naval academy moves from Tokyo and the reclaimed land to Etajima in 1888, and the source necessary before the war of the row with the Annapolis strategy school of a Dartmouth strategy school and American naval forces of British naval forces, and calling "Three large strategy in the world school". Some of facilities at the naval academy are being used in the first Technical School and Maritime Officer Candidate School now.
    It is a building of the ferroconcrete making constructed in 1936, and material that exceeds 10,000 points like Togo Heihachiro, Horasho Nelson, John Paul Jones, the hair of the deceased of Yamamoto 56, naval officer's book, and kamikaze pilot's testament, etc. is preserved. The main armament of main armament cannonball and battleship "Mutsu" of special purpose submarine and battleship "Japan" used by the Pearl Harbor attack has been exhibited on the premises.

  • antecedent 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2009-02-12 11:26:48


    A Japanese museum (Kure City maritime affairs history science pavilion) is introducing various "Science and technology" including shipbuilding and the steel making that became the foundation of "History of Kure" that is the history of the modernization of Japan since the Meiji era and the modernization while touching life and a culture the predecessors' efforts and at that time. 1/10 battleship "Japan" is all exhibited in the pavilion, and 0 expression fighter on warship and special attack flotilla "Time heaven" of the large-scale material exhibition room and special purpose submarine "Sea dragon", etc. are real things. The thing such as "Shinkai the main armament body and the submersible research vehicle" of battleship "Mutsu" is exhibited in outdoor, and the park where the lawn plaza and the size of Japan were reproduced is maintained.

    The Etajima base (gotten stripes Kichi and JMSDF Etajima Naval Base) is bases of whereabouts and the Maritime Self-Defense Force in a Hiroshima Prefecture Etajima City Etajima government-owned-cho no house number. There are LCAC training facilities, a maintenance place, and Self Defense Forces Abraba etc. of the ending type transportation warship disposed to Kure bases in the first Technical School, another, and Maritime Officer Candidate School the opposite bank. Moreover, special force "Special Boarding Unit (SBU)" of the Maritime Self-Defense Force is disposed here.

    The antecedent in the Etajima base is a naval academy that is the organization of the training of the officer of the arm of the Japan Sea of Japan army. The naval academy moves from Tokyo and the reclaimed land to Etajima in 1888, and the source necessary before the war of the row with the Annapolis strategy school of a Dartmouth strategy school and American naval forces of British naval forces, and calling "Three large strategy in the world school". Some of facilities at the naval academy are being used in the first Technical School and Maritime Officer Candidate School now.
    It is a building of the ferroconcrete making constructed in 1936, and material that exceeds 10,000 points like Togo Heihachiro, Horasho Nelson, John Paul Jones, the hair of the deceased of Yamamoto 56, naval officer's book, and kamikaze pilot's testament, etc. is preserved. The main armament of main armament cannonball and battleship "Mutsu" of special purpose submarine and battleship "Japan" used by the Pearl Harbor attack has been exhibited on the premises.

    江田島基地(えたじまきち、JMSDF Etajima Naval Base)とは、広島県江田島市江田島町国有無番地に所在する、海上自衛隊の基地である。第1術科学校、幹部候補生学校の他、対岸にある呉基地に配備されているおおすみ型輸送艦のLCAC訓練施設・整備場、自衛隊貯油場などがある。また、海上自衛隊の特殊部隊「特別警備隊(SBU)」もここに配備されている。

    1936年に建築された鉄筋コンクリート造りの建物であり、東郷平八郎、ホレーショ・ネルソン、ジョン・ポール・ジョーンズ、山本五十六の遺髪、海軍将校の書、特攻隊員の遺書など、1万点を超える資料が保存されている。敷地内には、真珠湾攻撃で使用された特殊潜航艇、戦艦「大和」 の主砲砲弾、戦艦「陸奥」の主砲が展示されている。

