[爆卦]Analog devices PTT是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇Analog devices PTT鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Analog devices PTT這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者akain (成長是雙方的..)看板Tech_Job標題[徵才] ADI 徵數位IC設計工程師時...

美信半導體 (已於八月合併成亞德諾半導體 ADI)


No. 223號, 臺北市松江路223號

亞德諾半導體 (ADI)
Analog Devices (NASDAQ: ADI) is a world leader in the design,
manufacture,and marketing of a broad portfolio of high
performance analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal
processing (DSP) integrated circuits (ICs) used in virtually
all types of electronic equipment. As an IC Design Engineer,
you will have the opportunity to work on technology for products
in exciting industries such as automotive, mobile, cloud & data,
industrial, healthcare, and micros &security.

IC design engineer x1
月薪95K-130K (依工作年資經歷可再討論)
& 2個月年終獎金 + RSU + Bonus

參照勞基法規定 彈性不用打卡

‧ 3+ years of IC design experience
(We also welcome 0+ fresh graduate)
‧ Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or related field
‧ Good analytical and problem-solving skills
‧ Ability to write reusable RTL codes,
follow design and DFT guidelines
‧ Ability to run digital and mixed-mode simulations
using standard tools
‧ Ability to write good documentation for micro-architecture
specification at module level.
‧ Ability to define clocking schemes and constraints for
synthesis and STA
‧ Ability to run formal verification/equivalent checking
‧ Have scripting and automation skills – such as Linux
shell scripting, Perl, Tcl, Python, Makefile and
revision control tools

[Job Description]
Responsibilities May Include, But Are Not Limited To

‧ Implement digital functions within mixed-signal
ICs to meet specifications
‧ Perform RTL design, simulate at the module and
top level to guarantee the functionality
‧ Perform Synthesis, STA, Formal Verification,
and ATPG at the top level
‧ Perform gate-level simulations and debug at
the top level
‧ Validate and debug the circuit performance
in the lab
‧ Interface with and support cross functional team
such as applications, test engineering, layout
and other design organizations Qualifications & Skills


部門產品線為PMIC相關,目前營收部分都在大幅成長, 合併於ADI後,


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1639495946.A.EC7.html
gn01216674 : 月薪不是很高,RSU為主嗎?

RSU比例與職等有關, 月薪也是看個人資歷談
※ 編輯: akain ( 臺灣), 12/14/2021 23:59:22
premise : 3y經驗升E8在M薪水就100k了 外商給這樣說真的沒有 12/15 00:06
premise : 吸引人 12/15 00:06
watashiD : 但是人家在松江路... 12/15 00:10
watashiD : 而且感覺滿多DE是不是其實不太缺錢... 12/15 00:14
gn01216674 : 在台北的確是個優勢,讓新竹想回台北的多個選擇 12/15 00:20
akain : 公司在捷運出口正樓上,松江路好處是上下班比較不會 12/15 00:30
akain : 像內湖那麼塞 12/15 00:30
claymath : 數位是幾位啊?(X 12/15 00:51
leota : 台北勝 12/15 00:54
ayn775437403: 3y升e8根本沒幾個吧= = 12/15 02:04
uxijgil : 但松江路感覺不好找停車位 12/15 02:24
cmosdigital : 穩穩200up不受公司分紅影響太多又在台北的話不錯吧 12/15 03:48
cmosdigital : ? 12/15 03:48
chinten : 我記得建國高架橋下可租車位 但要走一點路 12/15 03:52
chinten : 另外長安國中小,之前可抽車位。年代有點久遠,可 12/15 03:52
chinten : 能要再確認一下 12/15 03:52
akain : 同事大多捷運上下班,如chinten說的 建國高架可停, 12/15 08:09
akain : 步行約8分鐘。 12/15 08:09
Aso : 我朋友在裡頭都出來了 不會是要補他的缺吧 XD 12/15 08:15
li118 : ADI沒聽過台灣有招DE, 這是Maxim的 12/15 08:42
goodga : Maxim 就被ADI收購了啊 所以已經是ADI沒錯啊 12/15 08:48
akain : 是,美信已經正式八月合併進ADI,這缺是在原美信, 12/15 08:50
akain : 公司名稱敘述那 加註 12/15 08:50
yamakazi : 松江路爽,下班樓下就有夜生活 12/15 09:07
rockyboy : 台北DE卻那麼少 不用開高就一堆人降薪也來了 12/15 09:26
smile12372 : 跪求內射 12/15 09:39
cha0417 : 想問能站內詢問AE缺的資訊嗎? 12/15 10:21
akain : 我能幫你bypass 給AE manager XD 12/15 10:24
lolpklol0975: 推 版大實在是 太猛了 12/15 12:29
tmmon : 請問有缺analog designer嗎? 12/15 13:46
akain : 回tmmon, 目前尚未有開類比RD缺 12/15 14:06
bill12345678: tmmom大大,走類比就是可憐,數位如有5個,類比職缺只 12/15 16:33
bill12345678: 有1個,難念職缺又少. 12/15 16:33
baby0326sky : 推ADI 12/15 22:36
p5auser : 20年前的ESPP帳號密碼都忘了不知怎麼處理?問台灣AD 12/15 23:48
p5auser : I這邊沒人能幫的上忙,我哭啊! 12/15 23:48

