[爆卦]Adoptee 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Adoptee 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Adoptee 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 adoptee產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過767的網紅政經八百,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #政經八百政治標記 〔#看劇學政治 #從《我是遺物整理師》看韓國的跨國收養〕 由Netflix製作的韓劇《Move to Heaven:我是遺物整理師》講述患有亞斯伯格症候群的青年韓可魯(陳俊翔飾)與叔叔曹尚久(李帝勳飾),一起經營遺物整理公司,透過遺物了解亡者的人生,並從中逐漸領悟到人生、死亡...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過147萬的網紅Kento Bento,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento ★ 10 MOST INFLUENT...

adoptee 在 Nicholas Wong Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 18:44:16

New adoptee. #labubu #L...

adoptee 在 Nicholas Wong Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 18:44:16

New adoptee. #labubu #XL...

adoptee 在 Nicholas Wong Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 03:53:37

New adoptee. #labubu #L...

  • adoptee 在 政經八百 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-01 21:07:41
    有 12 人按讚


    〔#看劇學政治 #從《我是遺物整理師》看韓國的跨國收養〕

    由Netflix製作的韓劇《Move to Heaven:我是遺物整理師》講述患有亞斯伯格症候群的青年韓可魯(陳俊翔飾)與叔叔曹尚久(李帝勳飾),一起經營遺物整理公司,透過遺物了解亡者的人生,並從中逐漸領悟到人生、死亡的溫情故事。




    劇中由韓裔美籍音樂人Kevin Oh飾演的馬修·葛林一角,是出生不久就被送養至美國家庭的韓裔孤兒,但卻因為領養家庭的漠視或拖延而無法順利取得國籍,最後淪為無國籍者,只能被遣送回韓國。

    過去70年,有將近20萬名韓國兒童和馬修一樣被外國家庭收養,成為韓國被收養人 (Korean adoptee; 簡稱KAD)。









    加州大學爾灣分校的Eleana Kim指出,早期韓國孩童大量被送至歐美國家的主因包含:



    除了父權社會與社會福利政策不足等內部因素外,身為KAD的美籍學者Kim Park Nelson也點出,跨國收養涉及「複雜的經濟關係」,當時的韓國每年能藉由出養收益1500萬至2000萬美元,更能減少大量的社福支出。







    美籍KAD鄭敬娥就曾在回憶錄《血之語言》中自述: 「在韓國,『美國人』等同於『白人』,而我既不能說流利的韓語,又不是白人,這讓我感到自己不倫不類。」

    而更不幸運的,則是如同馬修一樣,雖被收養,但因故無法順利取得國籍者。根據Adoptee Rights Campaign統計,全美大約有3.5萬的被收養者沒有公民資格,他們多半是在2001年《兒童公民法》生效之前被收養的。



    韓國領養服務中心的首席顧問Hellen Ko就直言:「對他們來說,被遣返就像是被判死刑。」


    #政治 #台灣 #科普 #科普政治學 #政經八百 #大學生 #政府 #公民 #民主 #社會 #南韓 #韓國 #我是遺物整理師 #韓劇 #李帝勳 #收養 #Netflix #追劇 #跨國收養

  • adoptee 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-17 23:31:56
    有 77 人按讚





    龍騰B4L1 The Lady or the Tiger,

    🚏 俐媽英文教室—字根opt篇:

    💃 opt: choose 🐅

    * opt (v.) 選擇(for N)
    * option (n.) 選擇;選項
    * optional (a.) 選擇性的 <——> compulsory/ obligatory/ mandatory (a.) 強制性的
    * adopt (v.) 領養;採納
    * adoption (n.) 領養;採納
    * adopter (n.) 領養者<——> adoptee (n.) 被領養者
    * adoptive (a.) 領養的

    opt(i), opt(o)另外有vision, sight, light之意,之後英模班會補充😉

    而字根lect, leg, lig亦表choose,EEC孩子這個寒假才剛和俐媽學完呢!

    💃 寒假期間,俐媽解題服務沒有斷過。好多國三孩子詢問會考考古題,高一孩子規劃下學期的自主學習計劃,高二孩子真的有人已經拿起單字本背完前三課單字,高三孩子則把備審資料做好80%,也依據自己的強弱科目選擇指考想拚的校系。

    🐅 今天初六,大人已經復工;明天,補習班就要開課。你的選擇是什麼?收心?超前部署?還是把意外賺到的4天寒假,合併過年,廢到極致?

    One day or day one. It’s your choice!

  • adoptee 在 Un moment français 達令的法語時間 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-30 18:19:22
    有 74 人按讚

    【Hong Kong🇭🇰: la loi controversée sur la sécurité nationale a été adoptée】

    Adieu, Hong Kong........... 永別了, 香港🇭🇰


    semi-autonome (a.) 半自治的
    répression (nf) réprimer(v) 鎮壓
    à l'unanimité 一致地
    séparatisme (nm) 分裂主義
    terrorisme (nm) 恐怖主義
    subversion (nf) 顛覆
    museler (v) 使沉默
    dissidence (nf) 意見分歧者
    jouissent (原型v: jouir) 享有

    Pour l'opposition prodémocratie de Hong kong et pour plusieurs pays occidentaux, dont les États-Unis, le G7 ou encore l'Union européenne (UE), cette loi est au contraire une attaque contre l'autonomie et les libertés du territoire.


  • adoptee 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-10-10 04:12:30

    Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento

    Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento

    ★ 10 MOST INFLUENTIAL Asian Superheroes From Marvel & DC: https://youtu.be/sAB8-1Gkn_E
    ★ 30 RACIST Asian Slurs That May Piss You Off: https://youtu.be/6tHs9wrqiPY
    ★ Asian Stereotypes Checklist: https://youtu.be/hrJbxLu9MiE

    With National Adoption Month in the US coming up in November, and the recent drama involving the most high profile entry on this list, it seems an appropriate time to make this video.

    1. Angelina Jolie

    Angelina Jolie is who everyone thinks of when it comes to a Hollywood celebrity with an adopted Asian child. Actually she has two, Maddox from Cambodia and Pax from Vietnam.

    In 2001, Jolie applied to adopt 7 month old, Rath Vibol from an orphanage in Battambang, Cambodia. Unfortunately, this didn’t seem to go well. The adoption process was halted soon after when the US government banned adoptions from Cambodia amid allegations of child trafficking.

    When it was all said and done, when the investigation was over, fortunately for Jolie, the adoption of Rath Vibol was deemed lawful. Jolie brought him back to the States and renamed him Maddox. 5 years later, Maddox became older brother to Pax, who Jolie adopted from an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

    Today, Maddox is a regular 15 year old kid, who can sometimes be seen with a shaggy bleached blonde mohawk, and who has a long distance girlfriend who lives in England.

    Unfortunately, 2016 marked the end of Brangelina, as Angelina Jolie & husband Brad Pitt are now going through a Hollywood divorce involving 6 kids.

    2. Katherine Heigl

    Heigl actually grew up with an older sister, Meg, who was adopted from South Korea.

    Heigl says: “I wanted my own family to resemble the one I came from, so I always knew I wanted to adopt from Korea.”

    Her husband singer/songwriter, Josh Kelley initially questioned whether Heigl’s vision for their family was indeed right for him.

    In 2009, she got the call from the Korean adoption agency that there was a baby girl for her to adopt named Mi-Eun. There was one issue though, she had a congenital heart defect and had recently undergone open heart surgery.

    Despite the uncertainty surrounding her well-being, her future health, Heigl opted to adopt Mi-Eun, naming her Naleigh.

    3. Ewan McGregor

    McGregor has been in many documentaries including one called Long Way Round where he goes on a 19000 mile journey from London To New York City on a motorcycle, traveling through Europe and Asia, visiting several UNICEF programs along the way.

    It was on this trip in 2004, passing through Mongolia, where he met 2 year old Jamyan, an abandoned orphan. Soon afterwards, he adopted her.

    4. Meg Ryan

    The star of When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless In Seattle & You’ve Got Mail, was elated, when, in 2006, she was notified by the Chinese adoption agency that they had assigned her a 14 month old baby girl. I say assigned because the adoption process in China is like a lottery system, and Ryan had no say in the selection process of her child, who she later named Daisy True

    Despite Daisy being randomly assigned to her, Ryan has stated “I am convinced, completely that there was nothing random about it. She is the daughter I should have.”

    5. John McCain

    Right now the world is watching Hillary & Trump tear each other to bits. 8 years ago it was Obama & McCain going at it for the presidency.

    While McCain, was able to become the republican presidential nominee in 2008, his previous attempt in 2000 failed. He had lost to George W. Bush in large part due to an underground smear campaign that falsely claimed McCain had fathered a black child.

    In actuality, that ‘black child’ was Bridget, his daughter that he adopted from Bangladesh. Bridget was Bengali, and Bengali people are darker skinned.

    Many people said the McCains should be ashamed of her color. The vile campaign had voters being called up by the thousands, being informed that McCain had a black baby and that was reason enough to not vote for him.

    Funnily enough, John McCain did not know of his wife’s decision before hand and when he arrived at the Arizona airport to pick her up from her trip from Bangladesh, he was confused as to why his wife was holding a dark Asian baby.

    He asked ‘who is she?’ and ‘where is she going?’

    Cindy replied ‘To our house’

    Despite the initial shock, he has said that Bridget has since enriched their lives.

    Thanks for watching! And if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ^^

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kentobento2015
    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kentobento2015

    Tags: AMWF / Asian Stereotypes / Asian adoptee stories / Asian adoptee story / Asian adoptees

  • adoptee 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-06-15 06:04:04

    ★ THE EAST ASIAN ACCENT TEST (Can you tell accents apart?): https://youtu.be/F-lABs4nJ_w
    ★ 'Asian Eyes' Are More Common Than You Think: https://youtu.be/WxTnVWgOGLc
    ★ Where Are The Asian Borders?: https://youtu.be/vPupwlZlNMY
    ★ 5 EPIC Japanese Commercials Involving High School Girls: https://youtu.be/p84JKiBIRcU
    ★ 10 MOST INFLUENTIAL Asian Superheroes From Marvel & DC: https://youtu.be/sAB8-1Gkn_E
    ★ 30 RACIST Asian Slurs That May Piss You Off: https://youtu.be/6tHs9wrqiPY
    ★ 5 FAMOUS Asian Adoptee Stories In Hollywood & Media: https://youtu.be/tKlcFKtvFRA
    ★ 4 SCARY Japanese Commercials That Will Give You Nightmares: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwQpaDVZz4k

    Available Subtitles: ENGLISH (click 'CC')
    ► Help us with subtitles in your language! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=P2ByYFMXDtI



    Just to clarify, these are commercials that are made by Asians and are arguably racist towards non-Asians (white people, black people, etc).

    The commercials also have a varying level of offensiveness / racism. Some are clearly racist while others might offend only overly-sensitive people.

    Here are 5 racist Asian commercials that may shock you:

    1. Chinese Laundry Detergent Commercial
    - Black guy gets 'washed' in the washing machine and comes out as a lighter skinned Chinese / Asian guy.
    - Whitewashing? Asian washing?

    2. Japanese ANA Airline Commercial
    - Was intended to promote their international travel routes
    - Japanese guy randomly wears a big fake 'European' nose and blonde hair.
    - Nina thinks he looks like Donald Trump lol.

    3. Thai (South African) KFC Commercial
    - Black girl new in Thailand finds it hard to fit in but bonds with a Thai girl over some familiar KFC.
    - Black girl + KFC = racist?
    - In our opinion, the least racist out of all the commercials because it had nothing to do with America.

    4. South Korean Kyochon Chicken Commercial
    - Tribal black people about to eat a Korean man until he introduces them to Kyochon fried chicken and watermelon.
    - Fried chicken + Watermelon = Super racist?

    5. Thai Black Herbal Toothpaste Commercial
    - Nice black man helps a girl get her balloon but her mother is disgusted by him.
    - He goes home to reveal he's attempted to help a lot of kids but have been rejected because he is black.
    - Then proceeds to lie down in his toothbrush bed.... weird
    - Final tag line: Appearance can be deceiving
    - They are basically saying black people don't look good, but don't be fooled because they CAN be nice people.... pretty racist in our view.

    Were you offended by them? Which ones did you find were actually not racist?

    Thanks for watching! And if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ^^

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kentobento2015
    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kentobento2015

  • adoptee 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-11-30 08:00:00

    Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento

    Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento

    ★ 5 LEGENDARY Olympic Stories From Asian Athletes: https://youtu.be/-EV4OQ1SBeI
    ★ 5 FAMOUS Asian Adoptee Stories In Hollywood & Media: https://youtu.be/tKlcFKtvFRA
    ★ 6 BIZARRE Asian Christmas Traditions: https://youtu.be/1srFZ29aWn0

    Weird topic for this video, inspired by the recent alien incident in China. In fact, that's one of the 5 alien theories on our list:

    1) Floating Alien City in China
    2) Yonaguni Pyramid in Japan
    3) MH370 in Malaysia
    4) Ancient Nuclear Attack in India
    5) Asians Are Aliens!

    If you have any suggestions for other Asian-related topics, let us know in the comments, and we might just do a video on it in the future.

    Thanks for watching! And if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ^^

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kentobento2015
    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kento-...

