[爆卦]Acnes 洗面乳是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Acnes 洗面乳鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Acnes 洗面乳這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 acnes產品中有457篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I am happy to share with you Mentholatum NEW Botanics Cellular Water Sheet Mask collection with three variants, namely Cellular Water Aloe Vera Hydrat...

 同時也有212部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Happy Skin Vietnam,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⛔ Cây lăn thấm dầu có thay thế được Giấy thấm dầu?!? ? Vừa rẻ, hút dầu cũng tốt, lại tái sử dụng hoài hoài không cần mua mới - Quảng cáo nói vậy đó c...

  • acnes 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-27 01:00:41
    有 2 人按讚

    I am happy to share with you Mentholatum NEW Botanics Cellular Water Sheet Mask collection with three variants, namely Cellular Water Aloe Vera Hydrating Mask, Cellular Water Cherry Blossom Antioxidant Mask and Cellular Water Tea Tree Acnes Care Mask. The latest Botanics Tencel Sheet Mask is designed with the Advanced Cell Disruption Technology and Herbal Cellular Water to help maintain a plump, healthy and youthful-looking complexion. I love the thin sheet mask that fit well on my skin. Love the soothing experience.

    #sheet mask #mentholatum #skincare

  • acnes 在 more Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-23 18:00:13
    有 102 人按讚


    美編Emily趁住難得機會同男友Dan打卡約會📸👫,點可以被煩人嘅痘痘阻住㗎❗️尤其係經常喺奇怪位置出嘅暗瘡,真係一日都嫌多😭!親身實測長期熱賣🔥嘅升級版 #Acnes抗菌痘痘貼 ,貼住出街男友竟然睇唔到😍,輕鬆就K.O. 「#口罩瘡」,令美編Emily大呼簡直係 #痘痘肌人的救星!

    呢款神奇痘痘貼分咗日用貼☀️同夜用貼🌙,夠晒貼心!日用貼只得0.02cm,超薄透氣,仲係霧面新設計,上妝後變得隱形到睇唔到🧐!夜用貼吸附能力強勁,整晚集中火力吸走膿頭,第二朝起身一撕,即見到啲膿黏晒落個貼度,痘痘回復平滑,唔再紅腫,成個爽晒🥰!升級版特別加入 #金盞花成分🌼,有效 #快速消炎 同 #舒緩退紅,仲 #24小時抗菌 🛡,唔怕會刺激皮膚同留印😘


    痘痘謝咗,就要用 #Acnes暗瘡除疤啫喱 ,質地清爽易吸收,用兩個星期就成功擊退暗瘡印,唔會留低痘痘疤痕,生過暗瘡都無人知啦!


    #Acnes #升級版抗菌痘痘貼 #暗瘡除疤啫喱 #吸附力超強 #趕走口罩肌
    *SGS Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing 2020

  • acnes 在 D.A. Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 17:58:36
    有 0 人按讚

    I have keratosis pilaris on my outer arm, it’s a gene problem I suppose.
    After searching online, @paulaschoice weightless body treatment 2% BHA has a lot of recommendations, thus I give it a try.

    There’s a time that I have some acne on my back, too. Tbh, I think this product works better for acne than keratosis pilaris🤣 be sure not to use it if you have cut on you skin! It hurts 😨! I love the scent, and it accelerates my acnes to scab. I always wash my hand after I apply it, otherwise my hand tends to peel😆 that’s how effective it is!

    Do you guys have body acne/ back acne issues?
    Let me know in the comments below:)

    Wish you all a lovely day!☺️

    More pics👉👉👉
    於是開始使用看看 #寶拉珍選 2% 水楊酸身體乳





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