[爆卦]A.V.A Steam PTT是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇A.V.A Steam PTT鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在A.V.A Steam PTT這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者pupudice (光頭葛格不能亡)看板AVA-Online標題[情報] Steam A.V.A...

關於 Steam A.V.A: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AVA-Online/M.1608754736.A.CF8.html

今天Steam A.V.A 官方在Discord 發布了一則公告:
To Our Dedicated and Patient Community,

We would like to share an important update from our event regarding the game
launch. We have considered feedback from players within the community and we
have made the difficult decision to delay the launch of the game to better
prepare the build for the global market.

The game currently is a bit old and necessary changes need to be made in
order to fit within the global standards. This includes, but is not limited
to; balancing, bug fixes, and stability.

During the internal testing of the game, we’ve found stability and balance
concerns that cannot be ignored. We have decided that we need to make the
necessary changes to fit the global standards for a top-tier online shooter.
We apologize for this unwelcome news, just as we hope to deliver an enjoyable
game for everyone.

We understand that this news is devastating to the many of you who have been
waiting so long for AVA’s return to Steam, but we hope that you can
understand why this decision was made. We want to ensure that the version of
AVA we deliver is as good as can be, so that the game can last for a long
time into the future.

We apologize for the inconvenience this news may cause, and look forward to
working with everyone to make the return of AVA as glorious as possible.

Thank you all for your enduring support and ceaseless understanding.

Your A.V.A Team






您的 《戰地之王 A.V.A》官方團隊

簡單來說就是Steam A.V.A 的發布日期從四月一號_-> 無限期延長
最近還聽說有個Beta版, 不確定Beta過後多久正式版才會出來。

從去年12月延到今年4月, 好不容易快等到又要延長了...希望能盡早在給個日期, 就算是Beta也好

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (紐西蘭)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AVA-Online/M.1615880965.A.A25.html
jonothan: 沒想到還有後續 最近都轉戰tarkov了 03/17 16:06
dogee: 沒有期待就不會有傷害了XD 03/17 23:04
pupudice: 個人認為只要搞的好, 多久都沒問題。 不然其實他們也可 03/18 11:49
pupudice: 以直接上架現版本(台日韓), 透過這次公告可以看出Steam 03/18 11:50
pupudice: ava 的版本可能又是另外一種"較平衡"的版本 03/18 11:52
dogee: 越平衡版本越早吧,後面一堆亂七八糟的槍XD 03/18 13:53
pupudice: 對阿哈哈, 我看discord裡面大多希望回到ijji代理的版本, 03/18 16:33
pupudice: 不過想也知道不可能 03/18 16:33
pupudice: 我好懷念比賽槍都拿m4, aks74u, 和frf2的時候 03/18 16:34
pupudice: 現在這些新槍是真的過火了 03/18 16:35
ayemfik: 哈哈 07/26 19:44
neilhister: 這個遊戲還救的回來嗎?還是打掉重來比較快? 01/21 14:19
WiserWilly: @@ 01/23 16:45
WiserWilly: 我在紐西蘭打過國服,很糞,而且找不到台服 01/23 16:46
pupudice: 國際封測服只開放部分經過平衡的槍 比起現在的亞洲伺服 01/29 10:38
pupudice: 器好很多 01/29 10:38

