First of all I want to tell you I will begin #filming a #newfilm next Monday, lots of work, but super excited because this time I play a #scientist 👏...
First of all I want to tell you I will begin #filming a #newfilm next Monday, lots of work, but super excited because this time I play a #scientist 👏👏🎬
I was wearing #mask in the #cinema the whole time and also in the #uber , look what happened when I took it off, #redlipstick everywhere😩😜💋💋💋💋💋💋
So I was recording for my #cameo #fans and thought of you, decided to talk with you.
Yes besides with my crazy excitement of my movie #hustledown opens next Friday October 1st, I also just want to talk to you, share thoughts and energy and I hope you enjoy watching this and hope you are doing well.
See you also next weekend October 1-3 at #fantasmorlando
Cookie: I was running around in a bit of crazy mood, was trying to find my peace, here is what I did: finding my balance by distract myself doing other things, for example recording for my cameo fans and talking to you. So shifting our focus away from the things that bothering us, will then start a new chapter for the day, so now I am in a very #goodmood all of a sudden. We have a choice to make every second, so chose good things that will help us to shift our focus , then everything will change for the better from that point on.
Love ❤️❤️🎬
#bailing #hollywood #actress #filmmaker #hustledownmovie #actionmovie #thriller #comedy #bailingmovie #abailingfilm #白灵 #白灵电影 #小蛮腰 #abs #absworkout #positivevibes #positivequotes #inspirationalquotes #positivevibes