

在 1999年農曆產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,853的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【真佛密法的實證】(English version below) 1999年農曆八月十五早上七點,吾皈依了聖尊蓮生活佛。今天是吾的二十歲生日。 回顧這些自己在,時光的洪流中,隨着業力掙扎蛻變的照片,由衷的感恩,吾之根本傳承上師,聖尊蓮生活佛,大慈大悲的救渡,讓吾在這一世,還能聽聞甚深的佛法,且還...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,480的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【真佛密法的實證】(English version below) 1999年農曆八月十五早上七點,我皈依了聖尊蓮生活佛。今天是我的二十歲生日。 回顧這些自己在,時光的洪流中,隨着業力掙扎蛻變的照片,由衷的感恩,吾之根本傳承上師,聖尊蓮生活佛,大慈大悲的救渡,讓吾在這一世,還能聽聞甚深的佛法,且還...

1999年農曆 在 一隻會爬樹的魚?? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 16:01:54

8/14七夕 結緣 👩‍❤️‍👨 爬樹魚的小知識時間 「七夕」是個浪漫的日子,也是情人節,傳說牛郎織女兩星隔著銀河,每年農曆七月七日在鵲橋相會的愛情故事。 在這8/14農曆7/7號當天老師推出招桃花小技巧!!! 幫助各位小魚兒早日找到自己的另一條好魚。 💖方案一:七夕桃花補運組 💰2100 ...

1999年農曆 在 湘湘?給你順利人生的機會|開運諮詢|伍柒™ 0元創業徵代理 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 22:32:36

七月份要注意了⚠️天剋地衝的氣場來了 ----------------------------------- 天剋地衝事件: 太歲流年流月天剋地沖- - ❶公元1999年民國八十八年 「921大地震」己卯年乙酉月! 超級大地震!就是太歲流月天剋地沖 秋月秋老虎,白虎抬頭傷人 芮氏規模達6.4。造成1...

1999年農曆 在 如履的電影筆記 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-05 15:09:50

《#家族極道物語》要是可以,誰不想當平凡人? (8.4/10) ⠀ (Part1) 全文太長分兩篇 @looryfilmnotes 主頁部落格會是你最好的選擇 ———————以下可能有雷—————— ⠀⠀ 《家族極道物語》是一部日本黑幫電影,由藤井道人執導,演員綾野剛、館博、尾野真千子、北村有起哉...

  • 1999年農曆 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-13 07:58:35
    有 202 人按讚

    【真佛密法的實證】(English version below)





    🚩 https://youtu.be/8aGUlNceRsc


    On the 15th day of the 8th Lunar Month, at 7am, I took refuge in His Holiness Living Buddha. Today is my 20th birthday.

    As I reminisced over these photographs, and witnessed my karmic metamorphosis over the passage of time, I am deeply grateful to my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, for His greatly compassionate salvation, such that in this lifetime of mine, I can hear the profound Dharma and study and practice a complete tantric Dharma practice. This is truly great grace from the Buddha!

    He also enlightens me on the inconceivables in the Buddhist sutras. In His Dharma propagation, He had taught me what is compassion, courage and diligence and what it means to cultivate Bodhicitta for long. He also showed me how to walk the Path of Transformation from a mortal to a sage. He imparts Dharma wisdom on how to end the continuous deluge of mortal desires, and advance on the path to Enlightenment in sequence, gain autonomy in birth and death and returning to Source.

    In order to repay the Buddha’s Grace, I am most willing to disclose my ugly self of the past and be the living proof that the True Buddha Tantric Practices thoroughly transformed me, from turbidity to purity, giving me salvation from the suffering Sea of Life and Death. A thorough liberation, a return to Source.


    🚩 https://youtu.be/8aGUlNceRsc

  • 1999年農曆 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-09-24 04:40:04
    有 159 人按讚

    (English version below)






    I took refuge in Living Buddha Lian Sheng in 1999, on the 15th day of the 8th Lunar month, and became a True Buddha disciple. From the day I took refuge, actually even before this day, I always have a strong conviction to devote myself to serve and benefit sentient beings. This was my first vow, the one that reflects my most genuine intention. Till today, this vow remains unchanged and I still hold the same conviction to bring benefits to sentient beings.

    Having conducted over 50 tea sessions, meal sessions, group cultivations, including one spectacular masterclass, you can see that these are only for the benefit of sentient beings. I do not charge a single cent nor do I peddle items at these sessions. For the past 19 years, I have been guiding sentient beings. This is a sign of my bodhicitta. I did not lie or go back on my vows.

    I am “19” this year and my disciple joked that I am at the age now to serve national service, to protect our homes and defend our motherland. I replied her that I had been “serving as a soldier” all these while.

    For the past 19 years, I have been imparting, to fellow Singaporeans with whom I have the affinity, the wisdom of good and evil, karma and good morals. This is equivalent to serving the nation. My job is to educate. A person who creates trash in the society will surely implicate his own family as well as the country. Only when our human hearts are pure and kind, our nation, our society and our families can then be stable.

    The 15th day of the 8th Lunar Month, when the moon is round on the Mid-Autumn Festival, signifies that my life shall be complete and full.

    I would also like to wish everyone a blissful family, with affinity to the Dharma sooner, so that you may commence your journey to the most glorious, supreme and complete life ever. Wishing everyone a life of fullness and completion.

  • 1999年農曆 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-09-13 07:59:35

    【真佛密法的實證】(English version below)






    On the 15th day of the 8th Lunar Month, at 7am, I took refuge in His Holiness Living Buddha. Today is my 20th birthday.

    As I reminisced over these photographs, and witnessed my karmic metamorphosis over the passage of time, I am deeply grateful to my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, for His greatly compassionate salvation, such that in this lifetime of mine, I can hear the profound Dharma and study and practice a complete tantric Dharma practice. This is truly great grace from the Buddha!

    He also enlightens me on the inconceivables in the Buddhist sutras. In His Dharma propagation, He had taught me what is compassion, courage and diligence and what it means to cultivate Bodhicitta for long. He also showed me how to walk the Path of Transformation from a mortal to a sage. He imparts Dharma wisdom on how to end the continuous deluge of mortal desires, and advance on the path to Enlightenment in sequence, gain autonomy in birth and death and returning to Source.

    In order to repay the Buddha’s Grace, I am most willing to disclose my ugly self of the past and be the living proof that the True Buddha Tantric Practices thoroughly transformed me, from turbidity to purity, giving me salvation from the suffering Sea of Life and Death. A thorough liberation, a return to Source.