為什麼這篇麥 可 傑克 森 鼻子 PTT鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在麥 可 傑克 森 鼻子 PTT這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者bluebabe (so cute~~)看板KingofPop標題Re: [問題] 關於麥可的整...
麥 可 傑克 森 鼻子 PTT 在 帥哥閃 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-08-02 06:36:39
總而言之呢 就是我失敗了 我沒有達成在三個禮拜內 完成六首歌Demo的任務 想要怪颱風擋住太陽之力太牽強 就是我太高估自己了Fuck 這段時間為了讓靈感爆炸 什麼招都用了: 聖木淨化結果飛來一隻鳥 AV帝王靈感套裝結果差點感冒 額頭狂曬太陽結果鼻子脫皮 冥想結果一個在地板睡著 等,不過 ...
※ 引述《betty103367 (似有無)》之銘言:
: 我想要請教版上的各位專業大大,有誰知道麥可為什麼整形?
: 這個問題我還蠻常被問到的,但我都以整形過後的麥可唱歌更好聽的緣由說明。
: 所以我很想要知道真正的原因以免被問及。
: 還請各位諒解一下,我不是有意對麥可的整型問題多加撻伐,
: 相反的麥可是我老公餒~!我怎麼忍心放著麥可被誤會勒?各位說是不是呀?
: 只是想要找到更有力的立足點。
引自 wiki
In 1979, Jackson broke his nose during a complex dance routine. His subsequent
rhinoplasty was not a complete success; he complained of breathing difficulties
that would affect his career. He was referred to Dr. Steven Hoefflin, who
performed Jackson's second rhinoplasty and subsequent operations.
該次手術不太成功,MJ 抱怨呼吸困難可能會影響他職業生涯。
轉診給Dr. Steven Hoefflin 進行第二次整鼻及後續手術。
: 對.燒傷那次直接促成MJ第一次整形的決心.不然他其實很怕痛 07/14 11:23
這個根據 wiki,可能不是這樣. 鼻子的手術在頭皮燒傷前就發生了。
Jackson suffered a setback on January 27, 1984, which was to have repercussions
for the rest of his life. While filming a Pepsi Cola commercial at the Shrine
Auditorium in Los Angeles, he suffered second degree burns to his scalp after
pyrotechnics accidentally set his hair on fire. Happening in front of a full
house of fans during a simulated concert, the incident elicited an outpouring
of sympathy. Jackson had his third rhinoplasty shortly afterwards,[15] and
began treatment to hide the scars on his scalp. It was during this period,
friends say, that he began using the painkillers to which he later became
addicted. Pepsi settled out of court, and Jackson donated his $1.5 million
settlement to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, CA, which now has a
"Michael Jackson Burn Center".
1984年1月27日發生一個影響MJ餘生的事件。在拍 Pepsi 可樂廣告時,爆炸特效出了差錯,
MJ 頭髮起火,造成 MJ 頭皮二度灼傷。
MJ 在此事件後不久進行了他第三次的整鼻手術,也進行治療以隱藏頭皮上的疤痕。
根據友人說,就是從這個時期開始,MJ 開始使用止痛藥劑,之後並成癮。
Pepsi 與 MJ 達成庭外和解,
MJ 把一百五十萬美元的和解金捐給加州 Culver市的 Brotman 醫學中心,
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※ 編輯: bluebabe 來自: (07/14 17:25)