

在 鵝肉屬性產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【飲食禁忌】醫生,不戒口可以嗎? ⭐忍一時風平浪靜 ⭐戒口令身體更快康復啊 #星期四食材 筋骨酸痛戒口清單 遇上筋骨酸痛,中醫除了開藥及針灸等方法治理,更重要的是患者配合飲食忌口,因為藥食同源,適當調配飲食可以促進身體功能恢復,加快痊癒,宜適量進食活血化瘀食物例如田七、黑木耳等;亦宜適量食用補肝...

鵝肉屬性 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-22 06:42:57

【飲食禁忌】醫生,不戒口可以嗎? ⭐忍一時風平浪靜 ⭐戒口令身體更快康復啊 #星期四食材 筋骨酸痛戒口清單 遇上筋骨酸痛,中醫除了開藥及針灸等方法治理,更重要的是患者配合飲食忌口,因為藥食同源,適當調配飲食可以促進身體功能恢復,加快痊癒,宜適量進食活血化瘀食物例如田七、黑木耳等;亦宜適量食用補肝...

鵝肉屬性 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 02:17:20

【護理攻略】腹瀉只能喝水吃白粥嗎? #暖或熱飲米水幫到你 #可以吃有止瀉作用的水果 #星期四食材 腹瀉大不同 腹瀉指排便次數增多,大便稀爛不成形,甚至出現水瀉的狀況,或有伴隨腹痛。腹瀉也有分急性或慢性。急性腹瀉多因為風寒感冒(伴隨惡寒、腹痛、嘔吐、水瀉等)、食滯(伴隨腹痛、大便異常臭、多胃氣、瀉...

  • 鵝肉屬性 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-20 21:26:05
    有 235 人按讚








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    Musculoskeletal pain and soreness: checklist on food to avoid
    Besides prescribing Chinese medicine and using acupuncture to treat musculoskeletal pain and soreness, it is important for patients to watch their diet. As diet goes hand in hand with functional medicine to speed up the recuperation process, we should incorporate medicinal ingredients into our meals.

    Do consume an appropriate amount of ingredients such as Panax Notoginseng (‘tian qi’) and white back black fungus, to improve blood circulation and resolve blood stasis. It is also good to consume food that will replenish the liver, such as wolfberry, black sesame, chestnut and walnut. To prevent the pain and soreness from worsening, avoid eating these four categories of food below:

    Raw and cold foods: uncooked foods, foods served below room temperature, and foods that are cold in nature. For instance, sashimi, salad, ice-cream, chilled beverage, mangosteen, wax apple, watercress, and water spinach
    Reason: Raw and cold foods have the tendency to damage the ‘yang qi’, the spleen and stomach, and deteriorate the spleen’s function to transport fluid in the body. This causes fluid stagnation, which subsequently contributes to the accumulation of dampness in the body and the formation of phlegm. Moreover, constriction caused by the cold will further lead to the constriction of the tendons and veins.

    Wind-stimulating foods: prawn, crab, eel, shellfish, goose, egg, eggplant, bamboo shoot and mushroom
    Reason: These foods can easily cause or aggravate all sorts of skin diseases. Individuals with sensitive skin, eczema and hives should avoid eating them.

    Foods that induce phlegm and qi stagnation: glutinous rice, rice wine, fatty meat, dates, milk, mango, lychee, durian, soybean, pumpkin, sweet potato and taro
    Reason: These fat and thick greasy foods cause phlegm production, affect the functions of the spleen and stomach, and stagnate the qi. It can also cause discomfort and bloating around the abdomen. Individuals with bloating problems, damp-heat body condition and eczema should avoid eating.

    Sour, spicy and oily foods: pineapple, guava, plum, deep-fried foods and hotpot
    Reason: Chinese medicine theorized that ‘sour injures the tendons’; excessive consumption of sour foods will cause tendons to constrict, hence causing soreness and cramps to be more severe. Eating too much spicy food on the other hand will hurt the blood and qi, whereas oily foods will hinder the functions of the spleen and stomach.

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