

在 魚露醬汁產品中有57篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過512的網紅泰·愛吃,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, - 💯越蘭Pho - ✔️豬肉河粉NT.80$ ✔️海鮮河粉NT.100$ ✔️越式涼拌米線NT.75$ ✔️豬肉潤餅NT.45$ ✔️香煎越式春捲NT.25$ ✔️越式生春捲NT.35$ ✔️涼拌青木瓜NT.40$ - 🔺豬肉河粉 一說到河粉大多數人都會先想到牛肉河粉,但這家的豬肉口感吃起來有嚼勁...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅This Family,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Tom Yum Fried Chicken by Jimmy’s Table I love making fried chicken. I love eating fried chicken. I was craving fried chicken while making Thai food a...

魚露醬汁 在 吃心絕對 高雄 台南 屏東 嘉義 美食景點 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 08:55:54

今天來吃個法式料理吧🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷 外帶雙人套餐 💰1200元(兩道前菜、一道麵包、一道主菜、一道甜點) - 單點一道主餐 💰480元 - ✓ 前菜:越式米捲(黑豬、草蝦、鮭魚、花生) 還未入口,香氣先行,讓我鼻孔一撐、眼睛一亮,香茅跟肉燻香撲鼻而來,看似簡單的越南米線春捲,經過主廚的巧手改造,變...

魚露醬汁 在 泰·愛吃 |?花蓮美食|☘️宅配美食 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 17:47:10

- 💯越蘭Pho @lanpho2021 - ✔️豬肉河粉NT.80$ ✔️海鮮河粉NT.100$ ✔️越式涼拌米線NT.75$ ✔️豬肉潤餅NT.45$ ✔️香煎越式春捲NT.25$ ✔️越式生春捲NT.35$ ✔️涼拌青木瓜NT.40$ - 🔺豬肉河粉 一說到河粉大多數人都會先想到牛肉河粉,但...

魚露醬汁 在 ?可宣℘ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-09 10:22:43

外帶|🧡王品旗下的沐越Mu Viet越式料理 #南島風味饗宴 $899 今天是256G的胃(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘) 居家防疫時期,在家也能夠吃好料! 偶爾享受一下居家的幸福美食時光~ ------------------- ⭐️現在王品集團幾乎都可以線上點餐,還可以預訂七天內的餐點非常方便,體驗異國...

  • 魚露醬汁 在 泰·愛吃 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-13 18:17:26
    有 7 人按讚

    Special thanks to @lanpho2021
    #hualien #food #foodie #fooddiary #fooddailey #foodphotography #foodporn #花蓮美食 #花蓮 #花蓮午餐 #花蓮美食紀錄 #花蓮人 #花蓮必吃 #花蓮食記 #花蓮晚餐 #花蓮美食推薦 #花蓮越南料理 #越南河粉 #越蘭 #阿泰吃花蓮

  • 魚露醬汁 在 foodvibes.sy Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-28 16:52:33
    有 0 人按讚

    大家有去過來自馬來西亞的人氣越南餐廳-越好 @phovietzhk 嗎?越好已有32年歷史,現登陸沙田連城廣場,不用坐飛機也可以吃到又便宜又好吃的越南菜了!鎮店大熱招牌生牛肉湯河 (HKD58),每日只限量供應250碗,湯頭用上了牛筒骨、牛腩,加上薑、洋葱及白蘿蔔以慢火熬煮12小時,再加入12種香料,牛筒骨熬成的湯頭呈淺褐色,湯味清香濃郁,一點渣滓和油膩感都沒有,河粉順滑夾起時不會斷掉,好好吃!沙嗲串燒撈檬 (HKD56) 的牛肉串帶微辣,十分入味哩,拌好魚露醬汁吃特別開胃。小食有越南炸春卷 (HK36) 及炸魚餅 (HKD36),兩款都很好吃,炸魚餅非常爽彈,吃起來會停不下,這樣一份才$36 太划算了吧。最後來一杯恐龍美祿 (HKD25) 實在滿足,一定會再訪!

    📍越好 Pho Vietz @phovietzhk
    Shop 109, 1/F, Citylink Plaza, 1 Sha Tin Station Circuit, Sha Tin

    #foodvibessyTsimShaTsui #foodvibessy尖沙咀

    #Yummy #moodygrams #FoodLover #FoodMakesMeHappy #CameraEatsFirst #Drooling #HKRestaurant #IloveFood #Foodie #hkfood #FoodPost #Foodporn #HKFoodBlogger #EatWithYourEyes #likeforlikes #hkfoodie #HKFoodPhotography #foodinfluencer #相機食先 #eatwell #FoodPhotography #TsimShaTsuiFood #尖沙咀美食 #852 #vietnamfood #越好 #Phovietz #越南菜

  • 魚露醬汁 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-18 12:11:24
    有 210 人按讚

    [RITA嚴選團購] 日本北海道頂級鮮美干貝+日韓食品囤貨團
    #防疫三餐宅在家 #媽媽輕鬆上菜 #有認證頂級干貝 #首推柴魚高湯包
    快快把握這一團,把貨都補齊囤起來!!這裡下單=> https://gbf.tw/i8kei
    *100%北海道LEGUMES DE YOTEI小麥鬆餅粉



    📌 韓國朴師傅海苔酥 任選2包優惠$188元,任選4包優惠$359元
    📌 早鳥滿額贈
    前50名:常溫商品下單滿$2000元(不含運費) 即贈優采堂梅子醬*1瓶
    前100名:常溫商品下單滿$3000元(不含運費) 即贈九州大豆麵*2包

    團購時間 05/18—05/24 PM23:59準時關單
    快快把握這一團,把貨都補齊了吧!!這裡下單=> https://gbf.tw/i8kei


  • 魚露醬汁 在 This Family Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-08-20 19:20:06

    Tom Yum Fried Chicken by Jimmy’s Table

    I love making fried chicken. I love eating fried chicken. I was craving fried chicken while making Thai food and thought, "why not make a Thai style fried chicken?" Rachel and I loved eating fried chicken off the streets of Bangkok, so I decided to give it a shot. This was my first attempt and it was a success, as I stuck to the basics of marinating and deep frying. For this recipe, I marinated the chicken in Tom Yum paste to give it that sweet, sour and spicy flavor. It worked perfectly as the meat absorbed all the flavors and the crispy skin and batter on the outside gave it the tasty deep fried crunch. I hope you enjoy this recipe!

    Ingredients 食材:
    Marinade ingredients:
    Tom Yum Paste (sold in a jar at City Super) (冬蔭功醬)
    1 cup of hot water (熱水)

    Main ingredient:
    Chicken drumsticks and thighs(雞腿肉)

    Deep frying ingredients:
    3 cups of white flour (麵粉)
    3 tablespoons of garlic powder (蒜粉)
    1 tablespoon of ground black pepper (黑胡椒)
    1 tablespoon of Cayenne powder or chili powder (辣椒粉)
    2 tablespoons of onion powder (洋蔥粉)
    1 tablespoon of white pepper (白胡椒)
    3 teaspoons of salt (鹽巴)
    1 cup of milk (牛奶)
    1 tablespoon of white vinegar (白醋)
    Peanut oil for deep frying (花生油)

    Finishing Ingredients:
    Thai Sauce Ingredients (食材):
    *Video how to make in Thai Pomelo Salad Recipe
    1/4 cup Fish Sauce (魚露)
    1/4 cup Vinegar (白醋)
    1/4 cup Sugar (糖)
    1/4 cup Garlic (大蒜) - minced
    2 Spicy Red Chilis (小辣椒) - minced
    3 Limes (檸檬) - halved and squeezed for juice, seeds removed

    1/4 cup deep fried shallots (炸紅蔥頭)
    1/4 cup deep fried garlic (炸大蒜)

    STEP 1
    Make marinade. Add in 4-5 tablespoons of Tom Yum Paste into a bowl. Because the paste is thick, slowly add in boiling hot water to dissolve the paste into a thicker fluid. If you add too much, it will get too watery and reduce the flavor of the paste. Stir until even.

    STEP 2
    Marinade the chicken by adding in the marinade sauce. Turn the chicken so that it is evenly coated.

    STEP 3
    Once coated, put the chicken into a ziplock bag and put into the refrigerator overnight to seal in the flavors. When ready to fry, be sure to let the chicken rest on the table until it reaches room temperature. You don’t want to deep fry a cold chicken leg or it will definitely be raw inside.

    STEP 4
    If you want to make it for the same day, then marinade it for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour and leave it on the table in room temperature to try to absorb as much flavor as possible.

    STEP 5
    Make the deep frying mix by adding about 3 cups of flour into a large mixing bowl. Then add in about 3 tablespoons of garlic powder, 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of onion powder, 1 tablespoon of cayenne chili powder, 1 tablespoon of white pepper, 3 teaspoons of salt. Stir evenly.

    STEP 6
    Make buttermilk mix. Add in 1 cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar into a large bowl. Whisk together and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

    STEP 7
    Now we are ready to deep fry. Start by heating a pot of peanut oil. Peanut oil has a higher heat and smoke point, and it tastes great and is healthier than many other oils.
    現在我們準備油炸。 首先加熱一鍋花生油。 花生油的發熱量和冒煙點更高,而且比許多其他油都味道更香,更健康。

    [TIP] Not mentioned in the video, but a good tip to fry the chicken faster and more evenly, is to take a chopstick and poke 15-20 times into the chicken meat before you soak it into the milk vinegar.

    STEP 8
    Add and coat the marinaded chicken into the milk vinegar mix. Then remove and place the chicken into the deep fry flour mix. Coat generously and evenly so the entire chicken is covered in the flour mix.

    STEP 9
    Carefully add the chicken into the hot oil. Be careful as the oil can pop and burn you. Lower the heat so that you can slowly fry the chicken without burning the outside. If your pot is big enough, you can deep fry more than one drumstick at a time.
    小心把雞肉加入熱油中因為油會彈出。 若鍋足夠大,則可一次油炸多個雞腿。

    STEP 10
    Deep fry for about 10 minutes and then measure the meat temperature. If the chicken is over 80 degrees Celcius, then remove and rest on some paper towels to absorb the oils. If you don’t have a thermometer, use a chopstick and stick it in the thickest part of the meat. If the chopstick goes in and out easily, then it is ready.
    炸約10分鐘,然後測量肉的溫度。 如果雞肉超過攝氏80度,可以取出並放在一些紙巾上吸收油脂。 如果沒有溫度計,用筷子將其粘在最厚的肉上。 如果筷子插進去並且輕鬆,就好了。

    STEP 11
    Plate by pouring thai fish sauce (instructions video can be found in my first pomelo salad recipe) and then sprinkling on deep fried shallots and garlic.
    Directed&Edited by Apple

  • 魚露醬汁 在 This Family Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-11 22:06:39

    Taiwan Sausage with Thai Sauce by Jimmy's Table

    I created this warm, flavorful appetizer dish when making a Thai meal for the family, as a snack while drinking and waiting for the main courses. To everyone’s surprise, and also my own, it became an instant hit. Who doesn't like a delicious snack while having a beer!

    Ingredients 食材:

    Sauce Ingredients 醬料:
    1/4 cup - Fish Sauce (魚露)
    1/4 cup - Vinegar (白醋)
    1/4 cup - Sugar (糖)
    1/4 cup - Garlic (大蒜) - minced
    2 Red Chilis (小辣椒) - minced
    4-5 Limes (青檸檬) - halved and squeezed for juice, seeds removed

    Main Ingredients 主食:
    1 pack of Taiwan Sausage (台灣香腸)
    1/2 cup Garlic (大蒜) - sliced
    1 Large “non-spicy” red chili - (大紅辣椒-非辣)
    1/2 cup Cilantro (香菜) - leaves only
    1/2 cup -Basil (九層塔) - leaves only

    Finishing Ingredients 撒料調味:
    1/4 cup Deep fried shallots (炸紅蔥頭)
    1/4 cup Deep fried garlic (炸大蒜)
    Black pepper (黑胡椒)

    1. Make the sauce by adding fish sauce, vinegar, sugar, minced garlic, minced red chilis and lime juice. Taste for a balanced salty, sweet, sour, spicy flavor. If too salty, add vinegar and sugar to dilute and balance.
    步驟 1. 將魚露醬、砂糖、切碎的大蒜、切碎的紅辣椒、檸檬汁,全部混合於碗中,嘗嘗看味道是否足夠,若是太鹹,可以加一些 白醋或是砂糖來稀釋跟調整。

    1. Pan fry entire sausages until cooked with outer layer being a little crispy and brown.
    步驟 2. 使用平底鍋加一點點油將香腸煎至熟,並且外表呈現酥脆且有黃褐焦香的顏色。

    3. Slice sausages diagonally and set aside. Slice garlic and mix in with sliced sausages.
    步驟 3. 將起鍋後的香腸切成片狀,放回鍋中,另外再將大蒜也全部切成片狀,一同放回鍋中。

    4. Cook for another 3-5 minutes in a pan.
    步驟 4. 再將切片香腸及大蒜在鍋中加熱煎炒3-5分鐘。

    5. Scoop out into a mixing bowl and add in sauce. Add in cilantro and basil leaves depending on how much herbs you like. Add in deep fried shallots, garlic and black pepper for extra flavor.
    步驟 5. 放置於要與醬汁一起攪拌的碗中,倒入先前調好的魚露醬汁,加入適量香菜及九層塔葉。撒上炸紅蔥頭、炸大蒜,加一些黑胡椒來增加風味。

    6. Add in diagonally cut, large red chilis for color
    步驟 6. 加入切片的大辣椒,來讓這道菜的顏色更加豐富。

    7. Toss together and serve.
    步驟 7. 混合均勻所有的食物,就可以享用摟!

    #jimmystable #thisfamily #thaifood #thairecipe #taiwansausages #recipe #thaicooking #instafood
    Edited by Apple

