Follow @girlstyle.mag 10款抗流感秋冬湯水⠀
一. 金銀菜紅蘿蔔陳腎湯⠀
Follow @girlstyle.mag 10款抗流感秋冬湯水⠀
一. 金銀菜紅蘿蔔陳腎湯⠀
功效:清熱潤肺、潤腸通便、止咳化痰�材料:新鮮白菜半斤、菜乾1束、陳腎2個、紅蘿蔔1條、蜜棗3粒、南北杏 適量、瘦肉300克�做法: 瘦肉及陳腎出水備用。紅蘿蔔去皮切件。白菜浸軟洗淨;菜乾浸軟洗淨去菜頭。蜜棗及南北杏洗淨略浸備用。把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,調味即可。⠀
二. 蘋果雪梨湯⠀
三. 猴頭菇蘋果椰片南棗湯�功效:提高人體免疫力、抗氧化、提高胃部及消化系統功能�材料:猴頭菇1個、蘋果2個、椰片50克、南棗5粒、花生40克、眉豆40克、蜜棗2粒、豬展300克�做法:蘋果去皮去芯切件備用。豬展切件出水備用。猴頭菇以清水浸片刻並擠乾水。去核南棗、椰片、花生、眉豆及蜜棗清洗略浸備用。把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,調味即可。⠀
四. 木瓜雪耳湯�功效:生津止渴,潤肺化痰�材料:木瓜1個,雪耳1-2個,南北杏30克,百合20克,無花果5粒,瘦肉300克�做法:把所有材料洗淨,雪耳預先浸發後去水預用,木瓜去皮去核切件,瘦肉汆水後切件。把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,調味即可。⠀
五. 桑杏湯�功效:疏風清熱、潤肺止咳�材料:桑葉三錢、北杏三錢、北沙參四錢、麥冬四錢、川貝三錢、玉竹三錢、百合三錢、冰糖數顆。⠀
六. 蟲草花螺頭栗子湯�功效:滋陰補腎�材料:蟲草花80-100克,螺頭2-3個,紅蘿蔔1個,栗子300克,瘦肉300克�做法:把所有材料洗淨,蟲草花預先浸泡後去水備用,紅蘿蔔切件,瘦肉、螺頭汆水後切件。把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,調味即可。⠀
七. 紅菜頭杞子紫蘿蔔湯�功效:提高抗病能力、促進腸胃蠕動,令骨骼強健�材料:紅菜頭2個、紫蘿蔔2條、粟米1條、杞子約1湯匙、薑2片�做法:將紅菜頭洗淨,然後去皮及切片。紫蘿蔔、粟米去皮切塊去皮切塊。杞子洗淨;薑片去皮之後拍鬆。除杞子外,把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,再放入杞子煲20分鐘,調味即可。⠀
八. 赤小豆粉葛鯪魚湯�功效:清熱、生津止渴、增強免疫功能�材料:粉葛約1斤、紅蘿蔔1條、鯪魚1條、扁豆80克、赤小豆40克、豬展300克�、蜜棗2粒、薑2片�做法:粉葛、紅蘿蔔去皮切件備用。扁豆、赤小豆、蜜棗洗淨略浸備用。豬展切件出水備用。下油爆香薑片,放入鯪魚每邊煎約3分鐘。除鯪魚外,把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,再放入已煎鯪魚煲20分鐘,調味即可。⠀
九. 淮山茨實蓮子百合湯�功效:健脾祛濕安神�材料:淮山30克,茨實20克,蓮子20克,百合30克 ,生熟薏仁40克,粟米1條,紅蘿蔔1個,瘦肉300克�做法:把所有材料洗淨,藥材預先浸泡後去水備用,粟米切件,瘦肉汆水後切件。把所有材料放入沸水中同煲2小時,調味即可。⠀
十. 蕃茄薯仔粟米牛肉湯�功效:性質平和,防感冒/感冒時可飲用�材料:蕃茄2個、薯仔1個、粟米1-2支、牛肉 $20-25�做法:將所有材料洗淨,把所有材料放入沸水中同煲45分鐘,調味即可。⠀
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魚湯功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
材料:乾霸王花2朵 (或鮮霸王花1-2朵)、老黃瓜1個、海帶60克、花生30克、章魚乾1塊、蜜棗2枚
1. 所有材料洗淨,章魚乾切條,霸王花用水泡洗乾淨後切段;海帶泡水15分鐘;老黃瓜切塊
2. 2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,海帶連水加入鍋中,武火煮至水滾,隨個人喜好把海帶取出,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
3. 注意:脾胃虛寒者容易腹瀉不宜飲用。
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Clear heat and dampness to clear your eye boogers
Eye boogers are the discharge from the eyes. They are mainly made up of fats, tears and dusts. It is normal if they appear occasionally, but we need to take note of it if the frequency increases.
Chinese Medicine opined that eye boogers are a symptom that reflects body heat, which is a result of a hectic work schedule and staying up late. The increase in eye boogers is due to the accumulation of body heat in the liver. If an individual has damp-heat body condition, his or her eye boogers will become thicker and stickier.
In order to improve the condition, eat light and clear food, avoid eating raw, cold, spicy and heavily seasoned food; avoid drinking alcohol and concentrated coffee; avoid smoking. Consume food that can clear heat and dampness, and drink more soup as well.
If the eye boogers turn yellow, coupled with conditions like redness, itch or pain in the eyes, it could mean bacterial and viral infection. Individuals with these eye conditions should seek immediate treatment. This is common among toddlers, as their tear ducts have yet to fully develop, therefore, we need to be mindful of their hygiene. As toddlers grow older, the situation should improve; but if the same condition persists, do seek professional medical advice.
Tips for soup to clear heat and dispel dampness:
Appropriately add in ingredients such as lotus leaf, coix seed, munk bean, smilax etc.
Night-blooming cereus soup with old cucumber and dried octopus
Effects: clears heat and dispels dampness. Suitable for frequent eye discharge, oily face, bad breath and lethargy
Ingredients: 2 dried night-blooming cereus (or 1-2 fresh night-blooming cereus), 1 old cucumber, 60g seaweed, 30g peanut, 1 dried octopus, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Slice dried octopus. Cut night-blooming cereus. Soak seaweed for 15 minutes. Peel and cut old cucumber into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water, add seaweed with water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hour. Add salt to taste.
Note: Not suitable for those asthenic cold spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.
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魚湯功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 所有材料洗淨,老黃瓜連皮切塊;海帶泡水30分鐘;鰹魚片放入湯袋備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,海帶連水加入鍋中,武火煮至水滾,可隨喜好把海帶取出,調文火煮1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Summer soup to burn fat and dispel dampness
Midsummer has arrived and our appetite may have reduced due to the hot weather, yet somehow our weight loss plan does not seem to have any significant improvement. Individuals with the phlegm-dampness body constitution who consume raw and uncooked food and sweet desserts on a regular basis will cause the spleen and stomach to function ineffectively.
The dampness retained in the body will lead to the discharge of phlegm, which in turn will cause the individual to appear overweight. Common symptoms are loose muscles, edema, body feeling heavy, and fats accumulated in the lower half of the body. Besides monitoring their diet, individuals with the phlegm-dampness body constitution should also workout regularly, seek treatment to improve the body condition, and get rid of the dampness. These steps will help increase the success of their weight loss regime.
Tips for soup to strengthen spleen and dispel dampness:
Appropriately add in ingredients such as Chinese yam, hyacinth bean, rice bean, fox nut etc.
White-back fungus soup with old cucumber and seaweed
Effects: Cools blood and burns fat. Alleviates symptoms of excessive weight, loss of appetite, prone to indigestion and abdominal discomfort.
Ingredients: 1 old cucumber, 1-2 white-back fungus, 60g seaweed, 30g peanut, 3-4 dried scallops, 20g bonito flakes, 30g soy bean, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel old cucumber and cut into pieces. Soak seaweed for 30 minutes. Put bonito flakes into soup bag.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot, add in the soaking water with seaweed and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
Remarks: Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach.
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魚湯功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 所有材料洗淨備用。
2. 鯽魚洗淨後以熱油加薑、蔥煎至兩面微黃。
3. 直接於鍋中加入約2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,改文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
Strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness to lose your beer belly
After a day of work, it is relaxing to have a cold beer with skewered food. Overtime many guys develop beer bellies as a result. Chinese medicine believes that spleen deficiency and dampness leads to obesity symptoms. Although the beer is hot in nature and can dispel cold and promote blood circulation, dampness can stagnate if you drink it excessively leading to phlegm and heat in the body. It affects the normal function of the liver and spleen. Good that complements beer are usually oily and fatty, in the form of skewers, fried food or cold and raw appetizers which leads to fat and dampness collecting in the waist area. In addition, bad mood, work stress and other emotional disorders can cause liver qi stagnation, and that also increases the burden of spleen and stomach. Dampness and phlegm accumulation will also form beer belly.
To get rid of the beer belly, you should eat less oily, fatty and cold/raw food. Eat more ingredients that can strengthen spleen and dispel dampness ingredients such as Chinese yam, potato, lotus seeds, millet, medlar, etc.. Take time to do moderate exercise and pay attention to your emotional health. You can also adapt acupuncture treatment to restore the body to a fair condition.
Black and white Crucian carp soup with Chinese yam and rice beans
Effects: strengthens spleen and dispels dampness. Relieve fatigue and heavy limbs.
Ingredients: 1 fresh Chinese yam, 2 carrots, 40g rice beans, 1 black Crucian carp, 1 white Crucian carp, 2-3 slides of ginger, 2 spring onion
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly.
2. Wash Crucian carps, pan-fry with hot oil, ginger and spring onion until both sides of fish are slightly browned.
3. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
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