[爆卦]魔術 教練是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇魔術 教練鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在魔術 教練這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Kestrel (What is love ?)看板Orl-Magic標題Rivers可能在月底...

魔術 教練 在 村子裡的小露 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 13:38:01

小露學韓文一個月了,記得她第一堂韓文老師一打開視訊發現她才12歲問她….. #是妳媽媽要妳學的嗎 #還是妳媽媽沒時間學讓妳來學 #或是妳媽媽學不成就只好要妳來學 露:是我自己想學的,因為我很有興趣。 我也有認真練習韓文,每天追劇就是為了精進我的語言能力。 #用心良苦 想起當初小露沈迷 #紅樓...


Rivers' reign as coach of Magic might soon end

By Chris McCosky / The Detroit News

PHOENIX--Start up the office pools and draw your dates. As ridiculous as it migh
t sound, as unfair as it might be, Magic Coach Doc Rivers could be fired, seriou
sly, by the end of this month.

The Magic, winless at home (0-6), took a 1-7 record onto a five-game trip that b
egan Friday. And even Rivers seems resigned to the fact that, unless things get
turned around quickly, it could be his final trip.

"Someone is going to take the blame, obviously," he said. "And if we keep losing
, it'll be me, the players or management. It could be anybody. That's just the w
ay business is and the way sports are. I understood that when I got into this. B
ut I believe that we'll turn this around."

Magic star Tracy McGrady didn't exactly give Rivers a vote of confidence, either
, when he said, "When you're not winning, changes have to be made."

Nor did this help: "I don't see a light right now; really, I can't even see the
end of the tunnel."

If the Magic do pull the plug on Rivers, in all likelihood General Manager John
Gabriel will be fired along with him. Gabriel, after all, is responsible for put
ting this team together.

John Weisbrod, the Magic's chief operating officer, is a former Amway executive
who has assumed a more powerful role in the basketball operations this year. He
maintains that no firings are imminent.

"I'm not speaking along those lines or thinking along those lines," Weisbrod sai
d. "I know it's the unavoidable question because it happens to be on everyone's
lips and that's the culture of sports. That's the way everyone thinks when a tea
m gets in these circumstances. But now I'm focused on joining hands with Gabe an
d Doc and trying to fight out of this."

The Magic's downfall, it must be said, has nothing to do with coaching. They hav
e had horrendous luck with injuries (Grant Hill, Pat Garrity, Gordan Giricek, to
name just a few) and Gabriel has made some questionable personnel choices (draf
ting Steven Hunter and Jeryl Sasser, passing on Jamaal Tinsley and Tony Parker,
signing classic underachiever Juwan Howard, etc.). Rivers hasn't exactly been gi
ven a stacked deck. But he continues to fight.

"The bottom line is, the easiest fix is for you to take the blame," he said. "Bu
t you've just got to keep doing your job and keep the guys focused on the goal,
on the task. If you do that and get out of this, all will be forgotten. If you d
on't get out of it, something will happen. And it might not be just me. I don't
want that. I'd rather just work this out."

Believe this: If Rivers is fired, he won't be long out of work. My guess is, the
Knicks will fire Don Chaney at their earliest convenience and hire Rivers.

T-Mac support team

Things got so bad in Orlando that McGrady briefly pondered quitting.

"There for a minute I was out of it and just really frustrated," he said. "I did
n't want to play basketball any more and I was ready to give it up right then an
d there."

That had to send up some red flags within the organization. Well, guess who has
stepped up to help lift McGrady out of his funk -- a $13.2 million pseudo-shrink
named Grant Hill. Hill, who hopes to try to play again in January or February,
has been offering a shoulder to cry on and some counsel.

"I try to be there for him, but it's frustrating to see somebody so talented go
through something like that," Hill said. "We've all gone through something like
that in this league with the adversity.

"It's unfortunate the price you have to pay sometimes to be a top player in this
league. But this might be his adversity. Magic (Johnson), Michael (Jordan), Lar
ry Bird and Isiah (Thomas) have all gone through something. But this too shall p
ass as long as he keeps doing the things he's been doing the past three years."

McGrady has apparently seen the light.

"It was a reality check for me and now I'm back to my normal self," he said. "I'
ve been down and I don't want to feel that way no more. I never felt like that i
n my life. I was so depressed. The people around me were feeling it as well. Whe
n I hurt, they hurt. I don't want to put my family and fans through that any mor
e. If I struggle now, I struggle. But I've just got to go have fun. If I struggl
e again, I'm fighting through it."

尼克居然想要Rivers ??!! @@"

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※ 編輯: Kestrel 來自: (11/17 17:03)
booth:卡狗很強很秋是不是 和麥一輪一樣都是他媽的巨大垃圾 糙 11/12 15:54

