

在 香奈兒耳環值得買嗎產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過21萬的網紅李佑群老師 Yougun Lee ユウグン リ,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #價格不等於價值 最近,有幾個單品成了時尚圈火熱的討論主題。 一個是Louis Vuitton 長得像救生衣的充氣背心,一個是Bottega Veneta 神似電話線又像髮圈的項鍊和耳環。 前者要價十幾萬台幣、後面的要價2000美元,你一定會想,到底哪個瘋子會花大錢買這些東西?(還真的不少。)...

  • 香奈兒耳環值得買嗎 在 李佑群老師 Yougun Lee ユウグン リ Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-22 21:13:38
    有 245 人按讚



    一個是Louis Vuitton 長得像救生衣的充氣背心,一個是Bottega Veneta 神似電話線又像髮圈的項鍊和耳環。


    記得,Virgil Abloh 在2019年也設計過1萬美元的Monogram風箏、2021秋冬系列發表了吸睛度不輸Thom Browne小狗包的飛機提包、Gucci不遑多讓推出了2500美元的餅乾盒手提包、香奈兒也有1725美元的迴力鏢,這些乍看很“ㄎㄧㄤ”的東西,無一不在挑戰我們的固有價值觀。

    這讓我回憶起,幾年前Balenciaga 推出的“IKEA 風購物袋”,彷彿只因為多了一個Logo,價格就瞬間翻了2000倍,搞得那一年我也好愛揹IKEA藍色尼龍袋出門。



    創意總監 Daniel Lee 執掌下的Bottega Veneta ,不是於年初無預警地關閉品牌 Instagram 官方帳號嗎?這些反骨表現反倒更引起我們的注意。





    👉🏽 時尚造型大師李佑群的造型師實戰心法 - 時尚產業核心訣竅 :https://class.wazaiii.com/courses/AYR53TK30MKZ8K2

    ☑️立刻追蹤我的IG看更多美圖與即時動態 👉 www.instagram.com/yougunlee

    📽訂閱我的YouTube 頻道看更多精彩的時尚影音 👉 https://www.youtube.com/user/HOSHIKAWA2010

    #Value #DanielLee #BottegaVeneta #LouisVuitton #VirgilAbloh #Chanel #Fashion #Style #FashionDirector #Stylist #YouGunLee #李佑群老師 #佑群老師 #李佑群 #群說

  • 香奈兒耳環值得買嗎 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-03 20:10:39
    有 2 人按讚

    【8100】(English writing below)




























    8 videos later and my YouTube channel is at 100 subscribers! 🎉

    No ads, no regular uploading, all organic reach. Only one me in front of a IPhone 6, sprouting a lorry-full of life's principles.

    My videos are edited versions of my FB Lives. Thank you to the 100+ subscribers and the 5400+ views.

    Every little victory that we fought for is a worthy reminder to ourselves: Just what are we persevering for?

    I fell in love with Chanel earrings many years ago, but was too debt-ridden to afford them. So I stood for a very long time in front of the shop window at Ngee Ann City. I remembered my Grandmaster's teachings and there and then, did an offering practice.

    Early this year, a client gifted me with this pair of Chanel earrings, my very first pair of Chanel earrings.

    She said she wanted to thank me for analysing her daughters' Bazi two years ago. She adhered to my recommendations, which greatly helped her elder daughter in her O and A-Levels exams. When her child successfully enrolled in the junior college I recommended, both my client and her daughter were surprised that her daughter's studies improved. Most importantly, her daughter was also happy studying there.

    In my memory, there are several ways in how my clients thank me when they get results from my recommendations. They give me another red packet, offered to take photos of me (from a client who is a professional photographer), write me a testimonial, give me food or other little presents etc.

    This lady client observed from my Facebook that I often wore different earrings. She also remembered I wrote an article on Chanel watches some years ago.

    She told me it was her first time walking into the Chanel store at Ngee Ann City, and her sole purpose was to buy me these earrings. In that split second, I was in awe of the amazing powers of True Buddha Tantric Dharma!

    Last week, a reader PM me, wanting to make a donation in my name. She asked me to choose a charity that I wished to support. After reading my shared post on 14 March, she was saddened to know that I had to take on the negative karma of my clients. She wanted to help me out by donating money for me and replenish my tank of good fortune.

    The message wasn't a long one but I read it several times. I was truly moved by her gesture.

    I didn't accept the kind intention of the reader. I felt that I did not contribute anything to her, to deserve the "emolument". Secondly, the person who tied the bell on the neck of the tiger should be the one taking it down. It was on my own free will that I took up this job. I should also be the one to shoulder its karmic weight and know how to resolve it.

    While donations can increase one's good fortune, they are not sufficient to eradicate negative karma.

    You know what is the most difficult thing in this mortal world?

    To win the hearts of people.

    The second most difficult thing will be to have people wanting to fork out money for you. 😄

    I can speak ok, I can write ok. My video editing skills are also just passable.

    There aren't many things that I like. I mainly speak and write about Dharma, Chinese Metaphysics and a bunch of life theories. If all these have yet to bore you, I really have Amitabha Buddha to thank for.

    Some people lived till 80 years, while others lived the same year 80 times.

    I have had fear and hesitations. I had cried and wanted to give up. But I soldiered on because I needed a reason to stop doubting myself.

    Thank you to you, for not despising me more than myself, and allowing me to be me.

    Whether it was just one line of my writing that you read, or that one minute of video that you watched, I am happy and thankful to have won your heart in that one moment.

    If I have to lose you, winning the world will mean nothing to me.

    May there be more wonderful times of us striving together ahead, towards kindness, towards betterment.
