

在 青色食物產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【飲食養生】哪種食材對肝最好?  ⭐ 切勿以為以形補形食肝補肝 ⭐ 記得飲食清淡少吃濃味食物 #星期四食材  三種養肝小顆子 春天是養肝的好時節,因為中醫理論認為肝在五行中屬木,四時之中春天亦屬木,所以肝與自然界的春天天氣相對應。想養好肝,飲食上宜減酸增甘,多吃甘味食物,健脾益氣,防止...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Benny Tuong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你們覺得下一次我要挑战什麼呢?? - - 想更認識笨尼 歡迎到 IG&FB逛兩圈? INSTAGRAM @bennytuong https://www.instagram.com/bennytuong/ FACEBOOK @bennytuong https://www.facebook.com...

青色食物 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 01:33:50

【飲食養生】哪種食材對肝最好?  ⭐ 切勿以為以形補形食肝補肝 ⭐ 記得飲食清淡少吃濃味食物 #星期四食材  三種養肝小顆子 春天是養肝的好時節,因為中醫理論認為肝在五行中屬木,四時之中春天亦屬木,所以肝與自然界的春天天氣相對應。想養好肝,飲食上宜減酸增甘,多吃甘味食物,健脾益氣,防止...

青色食物 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 01:34:09

【青色入肝】熬夜輪班的人最傷肝  #肝開竅於目 #多吃綠色食物對眼睛健康都有幫助 #星期一踢走BlueMonday  青色食物補肝排毒 根據中醫典籍《黃帝內經》提及的「五色入五臟」理論,自然界的五行:木、火、土、金、水,可以對應身體五個臟腑:肝、心、脾、肺、腎,而青、赤、黃、白、黑就是...

  • 青色食物 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-23 19:23:26
    有 643 人按讚

    ⭐ 切勿以為以形補形食肝補肝
    ⭐ 記得飲食清淡少吃濃味食物
    黑芝麻 — 性平,有補肝腎、潤五臟、養血烏髮、滋陰潤腸的功效,可改善早生白髮及皮燥髮枯的問題。但因為芝麻有補益效果,過量服用可引起偏熱症狀如口乾、喉嚨痛、暗瘡等。
    枸杞子 — 又名杞子,性平,具滋補肝腎、益精明目的功效,尤其適合肝腎陰虛的人士服用,可紓緩腰膝痠軟、頭暈目眩、視物不清、眼睛乾澀等症狀。脾虛便溏、易有腹瀉人士不宜多吃。
    決明子 — 性涼,有清肝明目、潤腸通便的作用,適合紓緩因肝火旺或風熱引起的目赤腫痛、腸燥便秘及高血壓症狀。氣虛便溏者不宜服用。
    3 seeds to nourish the liver
    Spring is a good time to nourish the liver, because the theory of Chinese medicine believes that the liver corresponds to wood in the five elements, and the spring corresponds to wood. If you want to nourish your liver, you should opt for sweet flavour instead of sour. Eat more sweet ingredients to strengthen your spleen and promote qi, and prevent excessive liver qi. At the same time, you can eat more green vegetables as "green enters the liver", and can improve liver qi circulation. You can also appropriately consume these three ingredients: black sesame, wolfberry and cassia seed. Black sesame and wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidney. Cassia seed can clear the liver and improve vision, and relieve the symptoms such as red and dry eyes due to strong liver heat.
    Black sesame- mild in nature, can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the organs, nourish blood and improve hair quality, nourish yin and moisten the intestine. It also can improve early appearance of grey hair and dry skin and hair issues. Since sesame has nourishing healing effects, over consumption can lead to heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, pimple.
    Wolfberry – mild in nature, can nourish kidneys and liver, and replenish vital essence to improve vision. It is especially suitable for those with liver and kidney yin deficiency, can relieve weak knees and lower back, dizziness, poor eyesight, dry eyes. Those with asthenic spleen and loose stool, and those prone to diarrhea should eat less.
    Cassia seed- cool in nature, can clear liver, improve vision and loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. It can relieve symptoms such as red and dry eyes, dry intestine and constipation and hypertension. Not suitable for those with qi deficiency and loose stool.
    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #陰虛 #頭暈 #烏髮

  • 青色食物 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-03 17:42:54
    有 354 人按讚

    「青入肝」,肝臟是負責排毒的器官,主要功能「疏泄」與「藏血」。 疏泄包含了精神情緒、消化,以及與氣血的流通;而藏血則包括了血液的儲藏及調節。綠色食物如芹菜、苦瓜、枸杞葉、綠豆等都有養肝、清熱解毒、利尿的功效,適量進食這些綠色食物,有助排出體內毒素,尤其適合經常熬夜人士,因為凌晨1至3時為肝的值班時間,這段時間睡覺可以讓肝進行修護工作,全身氣血會歸於肝,由肝來濾化血液。一旦熬夜,在這段時間沒有休息,加重肝臟負擔,進而影響其他臟腑的運作,如果無可避免要熬夜,不妨適量進食綠色養肝解毒食物,減低損害。
    芹菜 — 性涼,有清熱平肝、健胃利水,更有降血壓及血脂的功效,尤其適合肝火旺盛人士食用,症狀包括面紅目赤、口苦、頭暈等。芹菜性涼,脾胃虛寒者不易多吃。
    苦瓜 — 性寒,有袪暑解熱、清心明目的功效,可紓緩咽喉腫痛、目赤等偏熱症狀,糖尿病人同樣合適,脾胃虛寒者不宜多吃。
    枸杞葉 — 性涼,有養肝明目、清熱止渴、補虛益精的功效,由於性涼,大便稀薄者不宜吃。
    綠豆 — 性寒,具清熱解毒、消暑祛濕功效,有助紓緩中暑、水腫、皮膚痕癢等症狀,適合濕熱體質人士服用。惟注意胃寒、便溏久瀉人士不宜服用。
    Green ingredients to nourish kidneys and detox
    According to the ancient Chinese Medicine principles, the five elements of nature: wood, fire, earth, gold, and water can correspond to the five internal organs of the body: liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidney. Green, red, yellow, white, and black are the five corresponding colours. If you eat more ingredients of related colors, you can nourish the five internal organs to achieve health effects.
    Green corresponds to the liver. The liver is the organ responsible for detoxification. The main functions of the liver are to "vent" and to "hold blood". Venting is the circulation of mental and emotions, digestion, qi and blood. Holding blood is storage and regulation of blood.
    Green ingredients such as celery, bitter gourd, wolfberry leaves and mung beans have the effects of nourishing the liver, clearing heat and detoxifying, and promoting diuresis. Appropriately consuming these green ingredients can help to eliminate toxins from the body. It is especially suitable for people who stay up late frequently, as the liver is on duty from 1 to 3am. Sleeping during this period allows the liver to perform repair work. Qi and blood will return to the liver and be filtered accordingly. When you stay up late and have no rest during this period, the burden on liver increases and can affect the functions of other internal organs. If you have to stay up late, you should appropriately consume green ingredients to nourish liver and detox to reduce damage.

    Celery- cold in nature, can clear heat, calm the liver, strengthen the stomach and promote diuresis. Celery lowers blood pressure and blood lipids. It is especially suitable for people with strong liver fire with symptoms such as red flushed face, eye redness, bitterness in taste, and dizziness. As it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach.

    Bitter gourd- cold in nature, it can clear summer heat, clear the heart and improve eyesight. It can relieve the heat-related symptoms such as sore throat and redness in eyes. It is suitable for those with diabetes. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach should not have too much.

    Wolfberry leaves- cold in nature, they can nourish kidneys, improve eyesight, clear heat, relieve thirst, replenish asthenia and strengthen the essence. As it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for those with loose stool.

    Mung bean- cold in nature, clears heat and removes toxins, relieves summer heat and dispels dampness. It can relieve symptoms of heat stroke, edema, and itchy skin. Suitable for those with damp heat body type. Not suitable for those with cold stomach, loose stool and long-term diarrhea. 

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  • 青色食物 在 Benny Tuong Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-19 19:00:08

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  • 青色食物 在 Daddy Frank Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-02-20 11:00:04

    今天來聊聊 春天養生飲食的注意事項,有哪些春天應該多吃的食物呢?

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    法蘭爸的養生工坊 蝦皮賣場 ▶ https://shopee.tw/ptfrank305
    紫神膏 萬用小護士軟膏 ▶ http://sho.pe/EXG52

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