關於《領悟 JerryC Remix》如果你有在follow,你可能會問「這首歌不是2017年已經發表過了嗎?」《RE》這張專輯象徵的不只是 “remix” 電音改編,而是一個更大的重整。Repeat, review, renew.. 很多東西,在不同的心境之下接觸有完全不同的感受。你第一次聽《領悟...
關於《領悟 JerryC Remix》如果你有在follow,你可能會問「這首歌不是2017年已經發表過了嗎?」《RE》這張專輯象徵的不只是 “remix” 電音改編,而是一個更大的重整。Repeat, review, renew.. 很多東西,在不同的心境之下接觸有完全不同的感受。你第一次聽《領悟Remix》時是什麼感覺?現在呢?
You might be thinking this song was already released in 2017, but we’re sharing it again because it deserves that attention! The “re” in this album doesn’t just stand for “remix”; it’s also about making time and space for things you might not have noticed the first time around. How did you feel the first time you heard this remix? What about now?
或者你是第一次聽。那你對JerryC這個名字應該不陌生吧?已經有什麼印象了?也許是 “彈奏搖滾卡農很強的吉他手”,也許是 “寫小幸運的那個人”,但你可能不知道他對於電音有這麼快狠準的功力。我們都忘記人多麼有層次,我們的作品也是,直得一聽再聽,今天沒有共鳴,也許明天有。這次無感,下次可能就領悟了。再跟這我重新認識一次《領悟 JerryC Remix》如何?
Or maybe you’re hearing “Understanding” for the first time (it’s actually a classic from 1994). You could still have preconceived notions toward the producer JerryC, who is known for his rendition of “Canon Rock” and for penning the hit “A Little Happiness”. Did you know he’s also a kickass EDM producer? I was particularly impressed with how he was able to take an oldie-but-goodie and preserve its most nostalgic components, but still add his own style and make it entirely relevant for this genre and generation. We tend to forget that people have many layers to them. Our creative work is much the same, and deserves to be listened to and RElistened to.
#Meimeiwawa #妹妹娃娃 #Lara梁心頤 #梁心頤 #LaraLiang #RE專輯 #RemixAlbum #領悟 #Understanding
📷: @creativecorgi_portraits
🎶: @jerryc.yelloutmusic