

在 降雨量英文precipitation產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這幾天寒流來臨, 天氣明顯變冷, 大家要多關注Central Weather Bureau的天氣預報, 做好防寒準備, 另外,儘量減少出入公共場所, 如果有,一定要戴好口罩, 防寒亦防疫。 圖片及單字匯整,感謝附中張同學提供🙏🏼 —————————————————— 🌡 俐媽新聞英文—寒流篇: 🌬...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,賓狗的更多英文學習資源:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual · 全英文 podcast · 視訊家教 · 不定時線上課程 1 【precipitation 降水】-- 名詞 Rain and snow are types of preci...

降雨量英文precipitation 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-12 07:19:36

這幾天寒流來臨, 天氣明顯變冷, 大家要多關注Central Weather Bureau的天氣預報, 做好防寒準備, 另外,儘量減少出入公共場所, 如果有,一定要戴好口罩, 防寒亦防疫。 圖片及單字匯整,感謝 @jangbai_ 提供🙏🏼 —————————————————— 🌡 俐媽新聞英文—...

  • 降雨量英文precipitation 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-30 18:32:48
    有 114 人按讚

    大家要多關注Central Weather Bureau的天氣預報,

    🌡 俐媽新聞英文—寒流篇:
    🌬 Central Weather Bureau 中央氣象局
    🌬 hazard (n.) 危害
    🌬 cold surge (n.) 寒流 = cold wave
    → surge (n.) 激增
    🌬 ventilation (n.) 通風(vent-: come)
    🌬 electricity (n.) 電力
    → electric (a.) 電動的;通電的
    e.g. electric chair/blanket
    → electrical (a.) 電器/學的
    eg. electrical appliances
    → electronic (a.) 電子的
    eg. electronic devices/mail
    🌬 prolonged (a.) 持續的
    🌬 respiratory (a.) 呼吸相關的
    → respire (v.) 呼吸
    🌬 cardiovascular (a.) 心血管的
    🌬 induce (v.) 誘發
    🌬 the elderly (n.) 老人
    → the + a. = 全體
    🌬 vulnerable (a.) 脆弱的(+ to 傷害)
    🌬 hygiene (n.) (個人)衛生
    🌬 etiquette (n.) 禮節
    🌬 precaution (n.) 預防措施
    → take precautions (v.) 採取預防措施
    🌬 aquaculture (n.) 水產業
    🌬 considering (prep.) 有鑒於;考量到
    🌬 criteria (n.) 標準
    🌬 weather forecast (n.) 氣象預報
    🌬 satellite (n.) 衛星
    🌬 UV = ultraviolet 紫外線
    🌬 index (n.) 指標
    🌬 precipitation (n.) 降雨量
    🌬 wear a mask (n.) 戴口罩
    → hoard (v.) 囤積
    #俐媽新聞英文 #俐媽新聞英文寒流篇 #俐媽新聞英文天氣篇

  • 降雨量英文precipitation 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-04-21 08:00:00
    有 120 人按讚


    地質系 (n.) Department of Geosciences
    *earth science (n.) 地球科學; 地學
    *geoscience (n.) 地球科學
    地質專家 (n.) geoscientist

    暴戾之氣 (adj.) fierce and malicious
    例: Allen is always fierce and malicious towards his friends without caring about how they feel. Consequently, he is isolated recently.

    *fierce (adj.) 猛烈的; 激烈的; 駭人的
    [physically violent and frightening]
    例: a fierce attack/battle
    *malicious (adj.) 惡毒的; 惡毒的; 意在傷人的
    [intended to harm or upset other people]
    例: malicious gossip
    例: a malicious look in his eyes

    斷章取義- something that is taken out of context
    例: [Critic] “How could you possibly claim that you want to rape and murder every single minority in the country?”
    [Politician] “I did say that, but it taken out of context.”
    (此則資料來源- urbandictioncary.com )

    plate tectonics (n.) 板塊構造學
    plate motion (n.) 板塊運動
    orogeny (n.) 造山運動
    earthquake (n.) 地震
    tremor (n.) 輕微地震; 小地震 [a slight earthquake]
    quake (n.) 地震
    microseism (n.) 微弱的地殼震動

    rainfall (n.) 下雨; (降)雨量
    precipitation (n.) 降水; 降落(尤指雨或雪)
    drizzle (n.) 下雨; 零星下雨; 毛毛雨
    mizzle (n.) 濛濛細雨
    torrent (n.) 洪流; 激流

    soil (n.) 泥土; 土壤
    earth (n.) 土壤
    loam (n.) 沃土; 肥土
    dirt (n.) 塵土; 泥土; 灰塵
    clay (n.) 黏土; 陶土
    turf (n.) 草皮; 草皮塊
    topsoil (n.) 表土(層)

    According to my observations, the rainfall seems to have something to do with the earthquake.
    Based on my personal experiences, the rainfall seemingly has something to do with the earthquake.

    A young idler, an old beggar.

  • 降雨量英文precipitation 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2012-06-04 08:42:39
    有 1 人按讚

    早安啊! 愉快的週末結束了! 一週的開始, 更新十句精彩英語對話和大家一起學英文!

    電影 我們買了動物園 - We Bought A Zoo! 10 句精彩對話 Part 24

    The heavy rain is coming and will continue all the week!

    1. What happens if literally we did this whole thing for nothing?
    萬一我們整個 (literally) 努力換來的結果是徒勞無功呢?

    2. Come on, give me a break. You've come this far. Huh?
    拜託, 饒了我吧! 都已經走到這一步了, Huh?

    3. Look, am I nuts to say that I missed you like crazy a lot? A lot.
    (中文詞窮了, 意思是Dylan告訴Lilly 他想念她想到快瘋了!)

    4. The precipitation tonight is just a hint of what's yet to come!

    5. Get an umbrella. Or better yet, just stay indoors.
    帶把傘。否則最好是, 乾脆別出門

    6. Look, my cameraman just handed me his umbrella.
    你看, 我的攝影師正拿了把雨傘給我 (handed me) 呢!

    7. Betsy, we're told that this is gonna be the wettest summer in aver 100 years!

    Betsy, 據說 (we’re told) 這將會是百年來最溼的夏天。(問問大家對aver這個字熟嗎?)

    8. Nathan, we're running out of yams and monkey chow.
    Nathan, 我們馬鈴薯和猴子食物 (chow) 沒了。

    9. Very heavy rain and plenty of lightning continue throughout the week.

    10. Benjamin: What? The hair, what happened to the hair? Kelly: French braids. Big in the '90s.
    (French braids, A beautiful and classic hairstyle. See the link and tell you how to French braid), 90年代超流行 (big in the '90s)

    Will the rain stop on 7/7 the reopen date for the zoo?

    To be continued…

  • 降雨量英文precipitation 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-09 12:09:20

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【precipitation 降水】-- 名詞
    Rain and snow are types of precipitation.
    No precipitation is expected this week.

    Heavy rainfall ruined the picnic.
    annual rainfall 年降雨量

    2【pour 下大雨】-- 動詞
    It’s about to pour.

    Take your umbrella. It’s about to pour.

    bucket down
    raining cats and dogs

    torrential rain

    3 【drizzle 毛毛雨】-- 名詞
    It's just a drizzle.

    It’s sprinkling.

    4 【dark cloud 烏雲】-- 名詞
    Look at those dark clouds. It looks like we’re going to get some rain.

    black cloud
    heavy cloud

    5【rain 大量掉下】-- 動詞
    It’s raining men.

    Set fire to the rain
    Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

    1 precipitation 降水
    2 pour 下大雨
    3 drizzle 毛毛雨
    4 dark cloud 烏雲
    5 rain 大量掉下

