昨天講到have a crush on sb,對某人有狂熱的迷戀。是狂熱沒錯,但是還沒到跟蹤狂stalker的地步,算是健康的愛慕,只是態度明顯了些。
至於含蓄的說法:have a weakness for sth/sb,意思不是說在某人事物方面特別遜咖,而是指對某人/某事特別難以招架,對你有特殊的吸引力,總是難以拒絕。
例如,喜歡巧克力的人,只要遇到有巧克力總是忍不住伸手拿一塊來嚐嚐,就可以說 I have a weakness for chocolate.
另一個意思相近但是程度稍微弱一點的片語是:have a thing for sth/sb。
美式英文裡很喜歡用 “thing”這個字去泛指一些定義模糊的事物,可能就像我們中文裡常說的「那個」,對話者可以從上下文中得知所謂的「那個」是什麼,但是半路加入的第三者可能會一頭霧水,不知道「那個」到底是「哪個」。 這句片語所指的喜歡程度是相對弱一些的,還沒有到難以抗拒的地步,而是對某人事物有特殊的感情。
例如:I have a thing for ferry boat. 意思是「我對渡輪有種特別的好感」。 用這句片語時,通常是源自於講話的人過去生命中的美好經驗,導致他對某個人事物有非常正面的連結,但還沒有到特殊癖好、特殊依賴的程度。可能渡輪讓講話的人聯想到過去某段美好的戀情、或是童年記憶中跟父母家人憶起歡度的生日等等。
weakness中文翻成弱點、缺點,所以have a weakness for sb/sth可能會讓人誤以為是罩門、軟肋,或是死穴。
如果要表達罩門、死穴、軟肋,請用Achilles heel。
像是數學,可能就是很多女生的阿基里斯腳踝(我好像已經看到許多人在暗暗點頭了)。你可以說:Maths has always been my Achilles heel.數學一直以來都是我的痛點。
防止英文片語 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🖊 prevent 預防、防止、避免 (v.)
➡️ 問題來 (vent) 之前 (pre) 就先準備
E.g. The manager is giving a speech on how to prevent the tragedy from happening.
🖊 circumvent 規避、包圍 (v.)
➡️ 來 (vent) 到敵人的外圍 (circum)
E.g. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.
🖊 revenue 收入、營收 (n.)
➡️ 收回 (re) 來 (ven) 的錢
E.g. The government derives its revenue mostly from taxes.
🖊 convention 會議、傳統慣例 (n.)
➡️ 一起 (con) 來 (ven) 遵守的規定
E.g. In many countries it is a convention to wear black at funerals.
🖊 adventure 冒險、探險 (n.)
➡️ 想法剛來 (ven) 就馬上出發
E.g. It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.
🖊 venue 會場 (n.)
➡️ 來 (ven) 到這個地方參加活動
E.g. This space is an ideal venue for our activity.
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[時事英文] 紐約時報報導: 武漢冠狀病毒*
The mysterious coronavirus that has killed at least four people and sickened more than 200 in China is capable of spreading from person to person, a prominent Chinese scientist said on Monday, adding to fears of a broader epidemic.
1. the mysterious coronavirus 神秘的冠狀病毒
2. be capable of… 能夠
3. spread from person to person 人際之間傳播
4. a prominent scientist 著名的中國科學家
5. add to fears 加劇了擔憂
6. broader epidemic 更大範圍的疫情
*Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously known by the provisional name 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus.It is contagious in humans and is the cause of the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, an epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that has been designated a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The authorities had previously said the deadly virus seemed capable of spreading only from animals to humans in most cases, tracing the outbreak to a market in Wuhan.
7. trace the outbreak to… 將疾病的爆發追溯到…
“Now we can say it is certain that it is a human-to-human transmission phenomenon,” Zhong Nanshan, a scientist who is leading a government-appointed expert panel on the outbreak, said in an interview on state-run television on Monday.
8. human-to-human transmission 人傳人
9. expert panel 專家小組
10. state-run television 國家電視台
The World Health Organization announced Monday that it was convening an emergency meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22, “to ascertain whether the outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, and what recommendations should be made to manage it.”
世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)週一宣布,將於1月22日(週三)召開緊急會議,「以確定此次疫情是否構成國際關注的突發公共衛生事件,以及應採取何種措施進行應對」。
11. convene an emergency meeting 召開緊急會議
12. ascertain whether… 確定…是否…
13. constitute 構成
14. a public health emergency 公共衛生緊急事件
15. International concern 國際關注
16. make recommendations 提出建議
Symptoms of infection include a high fever, difficulty breathing and lung lesions. Milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection very difficult. The incubation period — the time from exposure to the onset of symptoms — is believed to be about two weeks.
17. symptoms of the infection 感染癥狀
18. lung lesions 肺部病變,損傷
19. milder cases 較輕的病例
20. resemble 類似;與…相似
21. the incubation period 潛伏期*
22. from exposure to the onset of symptoms 從接觸病毒到癥狀發作
To prevent the spread of respiratory infections, the W.H.O. recommends that people wash their hands regularly, cover their mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing, and avoid direct contact with farm or wild animals.
23. respiratory infection 呼吸道感染
24. recommend that... 建議…
25. avoid direct contact with... 避免或…直接接觸
Image source: https://www.nytimes.com/20…/…/21/health/cdc-coronavirus.html
Set I. 我們從預防疾病(disease prevention)相關的詞彙組塊 (lexical chunks) 開始:
1. improve our hygiene (加強衛生)
2. wet (弄濕), lather (起泡), scrub (搓洗), rinse (洗淨), and dry our hands (擦乾我們的手)
3. cook poultry and pork thoroughly (煮熟雞肉和豬肉)
4. refrigerate all leftovers (冷藏剩菜)
5. get vaccinated (注射預防針)
6. develop an immunity to (對…產生免疫)
Set II. 當我們生病時我們應該用甚麼相關的詞彙組塊來表達?
1. contract a disease (感染一種病)
2. receive treatment (接受治療 )
3. seek help from a medical professional (尋求專業醫療照護)
4. do not diagnose our own illnesses (不要自行診斷)
5. follow the doctor’s orders (聽從醫師的指示)
6. take our medication and follow the prescription (遵循處方吃藥)
7. follow the prescribed course of treatment (遵循處方治療)
8. not finishing the prescription may slow down the healing process (沒吃完處方簽藥物可能會延緩復原的時間 )
9. cause germs to develop antibiotic resistance (導致細菌產生抗藥性)
Set III. 以下是與流行疾病相關的詞彙組塊:
1. contain an outbreak (阻止疫情的爆發)
2. contagious disease (傳染病)
3. an epidemic (流行病)
4. a pandemic (國家疫情爆發或擴散)
5. a global pandemic (國家和全世界的流行病)
6. avoid touching our mouths, noses, or eyes (避免觸碰我們的口鼻眼)
7. cover our mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing (咳嗽或打噴嚏時請遮口鼻)
8. avoid crowded places (避免前往人多的地方)
9. reduce human transmission 減少人類傳染
10. stay home if you show signs of illness (若感到不適請留在家中)
11. develop symptoms of the diseases (產生生病症狀)
12. seek medical attention by contacting your health care provider (與您的醫療服務提供者聯絡尋求醫療協助)
13. have severe symptoms (有嚴重的症狀)
14. difficulty in breathing (難以呼吸)
15. wear a surgical mask (使用外科口罩)
16. reduce chances of contracting a disease (避免染上疾病)
17. pay attention to public announcements about the disease (注意關於疫情的公告)
18. be prepared for possible pandemics (對於疫情爆發要有準備)
Set IV. 最後我們要如何保持健康的詞彙組塊:
1. stay healthy (保持健康)
2. mentally healthy (心理上的健康)
3. understand our own emotions (認識與了解自己的情緒)
4. talk to others about problems such as depressions
5. stay socially healthy (維持社交上的健康)
6. maintain good relationships (維持良好的關係)
7. stay physically healthy (維持生理上的健康)
8. exercise regularly (定期地運動)
9. get plenty of rest (有充足的休息)
10. maintain healthy eating habits (保持健康飲食習慣)
11. eat nutritious meals (每餐要吃得營養)
保健心智圖: https://goo.gl/seqt5k
保健相關單字: https://wp.me/p44l9b-Tt (+mp3)
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8
防止英文片語 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[時事英文] 紐約時報報導: 新型冠狀病毒*
The mysterious coronavirus that has killed at least four people and sickened more than 200 in China is capable of spreading from person to person, a prominent Chinese scientist said on Monday, adding to fears of a broader epidemic.
1. the mysterious coronavirus 神秘的冠狀病毒
2. be capable of… 能夠
3. spread from person to person 人際之間傳播
4. a prominent scientist 著名的中國科學家
5. add to fears 加劇了擔憂
6. broader epidemic 更大範圍的疫情
*Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), previously known by the provisional name 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus.It is contagious in humans and is the cause of the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, an epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that has been designated a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The authorities had previously said the deadly virus seemed capable of spreading only from animals to humans in most cases, tracing the outbreak to a market in Wuhan.
7. trace the outbreak to… 將疾病的爆發追溯到…
“Now we can say it is certain that it is a human-to-human transmission phenomenon,” Zhong Nanshan, a scientist who is leading a government-appointed expert panel on the outbreak, said in an interview on state-run television on Monday.
8. human-to-human transmission 人傳人
9. expert panel 專家小組
10. state-run television 國家電視台
The World Health Organization announced Monday that it was convening an emergency meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22, “to ascertain whether the outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, and what recommendations should be made to manage it.”
世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)週一宣布,將於1月22日(週三)召開緊急會議,「以確定此次疫情是否構成國際關注的突發公共衛生事件,以及應採取何種措施進行應對」。
11. convene an emergency meeting 召開緊急會議
12. ascertain whether… 確定…是否…
13. constitute 構成
14. a public health emergency 公共衛生緊急事件
15. International concern 國際關注
16. make recommendations 提出建議
Symptoms of infection include a high fever, difficulty breathing and lung lesions. Milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection very difficult. The incubation period — the time from exposure to the onset of symptoms — is believed to be about two weeks.
17. symptoms of the infection 感染癥狀
18. lung lesions 肺部病變,損傷
19. milder cases 較輕的病例
20. resemble 類似;與…相似
21. the incubation period 潛伏期*
22. from exposure to the onset of symptoms 從接觸病毒到癥狀發作
To prevent the spread of respiratory infections, the W.H.O. recommends that people wash their hands regularly, cover their mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing, and avoid direct contact with farm or wild animals.
23. respiratory infection 呼吸道感染
24. recommend that... 建議…
25. avoid direct contact with... 避免或…直接接觸
Image source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/21/health/cdc-coronavirus.html
Set I. 我們從預防疾病(disease prevention)相關的詞彙組塊 (lexical chunks) 開始:
1. improve our hygiene (加強衛生)
2. wet (弄濕), lather (起泡), scrub (搓洗), rinse (洗淨), and dry our hands (擦乾我們的手)
3. cook poultry and pork thoroughly (煮熟雞肉和豬肉)
4. refrigerate all leftovers (冷藏剩菜)
5. get vaccinated (注射預防針)
6. develop an immunity to (對…產生免疫)
Set II. 當我們生病時我們應該用甚麼相關的詞彙組塊來表達?
1. contract a disease (感染一種病)
2. receive treatment (接受治療 )
3. seek help from a medical professional (尋求專業醫療照護)
4. do not diagnose our own illnesses (不要自行診斷)
5. follow the doctor’s orders (聽從醫師的指示)
6. take our medication and follow the prescription (遵循處方吃藥)
7. follow the prescribed course of treatment (遵循處方治療)
8. not finishing the prescription may slow down the healing process (沒吃完處方簽藥物可能會延緩復原的時間 )
9. cause germs to develop antibiotic resistance (導致細菌產生抗藥性)
Set III. 以下是與流行疾病相關的詞彙組塊:
1. contain an outbreak (阻止疫情的爆發)
2. contagious disease (傳染病)
3. an epidemic (流行病)
4. a pandemic (國家疫情爆發或擴散)
5. a global pandemic (國家和全世界的流行病)
6. avoid touching our mouths, noses, or eyes (避免觸碰我們的口鼻眼)
7. cover our mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing (咳嗽或打噴嚏時請遮口鼻)
8. avoid crowded places (避免前往人多的地方)
9. reduce human transmission 減少人類傳染
10. stay home if you show signs of illness (若感到不適請留在家中)
11. develop symptoms of the diseases (產生生病症狀)
12. seek medical attention by contacting your health care provider (與您的醫療服務提供者聯絡尋求醫療協助)
13. have severe symptoms (有嚴重的症狀)
14. difficulty in breathing (難以呼吸)
15. wear a surgical mask (使用外科口罩)
16. reduce chances of contracting a disease (避免染上疾病)
17. pay attention to public announcements about the disease (注意關於疫情的公告)
18. be prepared for possible pandemics (對於疫情爆發要有準備)
Set IV. 最後我們要如何保持健康的詞彙組塊:
1. stay healthy (保持健康)
2. mentally healthy (心理上的健康)
3. understand our own emotions (認識與了解自己的情緒)
4. talk to others about problems such as depressions
5. stay socially healthy (維持社交上的健康)
6. maintain good relationships (維持良好的關係)
7. stay physically healthy (維持生理上的健康)
8. exercise regularly (定期地運動)
9. get plenty of rest (有充足的休息)
10. maintain healthy eating habits (保持健康飲食習慣)
11. eat nutritious meals (每餐要吃得營養)
保健心智圖: https://goo.gl/seqt5k
保健相關單字: https://wp.me/p44l9b-Tt (+mp3)
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8