

在 關心英文concern產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] G7外長會議公報關鍵詞彙 Have you read the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers’ Meeting: Communiqué? Taiwan was mentioned twice! 同學有看完G7外長會議公報嗎?台灣被提及了...

  • 關心英文concern 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-07 10:41:23
    有 173 人按讚

    [時事英文] G7外長會議公報關鍵詞彙

    Have you read the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers’ Meeting: Communiqué? Taiwan was mentioned twice!


    •communiqué 公報

    📰 完整會議公報 :https://bit.ly/2RqxtYS

    📰 G7外長會議公報•兩次提及台灣:https://bit.ly/33lEPj6


    To strengthen global cooperation on issues of concern to all we believe it is vital to ensure inclusive processes in international organisations. We support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in World Health Organisation forums and the World Health Assembly. The international community should be able to benefit from the experience of all partners, including Taiwan’s successful contribution to the tackling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    •global cooperation 全球合作
    •meaningful participation 有意義的參與
    •the international community 國際社會
    •benefit from 從⋯⋯受益;受益於⋯⋯

    我們認為,須於世人都關心的議題上加強全球的合作,最重要的是確保國際組織的包容性進程。我們支持臺灣有意義地參與世界衛生組織論壇(WHO forums)以及世界衛生大會(WHA)。國際社會應得以從所有夥伴的經驗中受益,包括臺灣為因應COVID-19疫情所作的卓越貢獻。


    We remain seriously concerned about the situation in and around the East and South China Seas. We underscore the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues. We reiterate our strong opposition to any unilateral actions that could escalate tensions and undermine regional stability and the international rules-based order and express serious concerns about reports of militarisation, coercion, and intimidation in the region. We emphasise the universal and unified character of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and reaffirm UNCLOS’s important role in setting out the legal framework that governs all activities in the ocean and the seas. We consider the 12 July 2016 award rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal under UNCLOS as a significant milestone and a useful basis for peacefully resolving disputes in the South China Sea.

    •be seriously concerned about 嚴重關切⋯⋯
    •underscore 強調
    •the importance of peace and stability 和平與穩定的重要性
    •peaceful resolution 和平解決
    •cross-Strait issues 兩岸問題
    •reiterate 重申
    •strong opposition to 堅決反對
    •unilateral actions 片面行為、單方面行動
    •escalate tensions 使緊張局勢加劇
    •undermine regional stability 破壞區域穩定
    •international rules-based order 以國際法為基礎的秩序
    •express serious concerns 表達強烈關切
    •coercion 威逼、強迫
    •legal framework 法律框架
    •the 12 July 2016 award 2016年7月12日裁決(南海仲裁案)
    •significant milestone 重大的里程碑
    •a useful basis 一個有益的基礎
    •peacefully resolve disputes 和平解決爭端


    What do you think of the statement? Is it significant? Why or why not?

    📷 圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3b51gNG



    📰 G7 takes aim at China over Taiwan Strait

    📰 China condemns G7 statement censuring Beijing, supporting Taiwan

    📰 最新相關報導:法國參議院304:0通過挺台參與國際

  • 關心英文concern 在 PTT Gossiping 批踢踢八卦板 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-01 11:48:21
    有 207 人按讚

    蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen:『最新一期經濟學人的封面報導,提到台灣是「地球上最危險的地方」,引起許多對於台灣安全議題的討論。





    The cover of this week’s issue of The Economist
    , which calls Taiwan “the most dangerous place on earth,” prompted a great deal of discussion on our national security.
    The article highlights the threat that China’s military expansion poses to the Taiwan Strait and surrounding areas. I hope the Beijing authorities come to realize that the PLA’s actions in this regard contradict their own proclamations of China’s “peaceful rise” and are only driving greater international concern.
    But though Taiwan does face a real threat from China, I want to assure everyone that our government is fully capable of managing all potential risks and protecting our country from danger.
    Over the past few years, we have stayed on top of shifts in international supply chains and developed closer economic and security ties with our global partners. We have also actively worked to strengthen our national defense, especially our asymmetric capabilities. Taiwan is fulfilling our responsibility to uphold regional peace and stability. Our position remains consistent—we will neither bow to pressure nor act rashly when we have support. This approach has earned us international recognition as a responsible force for good in the Indo-Pacific region.
    Taiwan stands on the front lines of democracy worldwide. As long as the people of Taiwan remain united and uphold our core values while responding prudently to regional developments, we can overcome the challenges posed by authoritarian expansion. I trust that our like-minded partners, having seen the risks involved, will rise to this challenge and work together to maintain peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

  • 關心英文concern 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-27 19:06:36
    有 6,736 人按讚


    台灣對於印度近日情勢極為關心,外交部已向印度駐台代表 戴國瀾 (Gourangalal Das) 轉達誠摯問候及協助意願,同時開始協調國內醫衛機構及相關平台,加速人道援助的流程,隨時提供必要協助。



    MOFA would like to echo the serious concern expressed by President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen over the rapid spread of #COVID19 situation in India. As President Tsai said, #TaiwanStandsWithIndia at this difficult time and we are ready to provide the requisite assistance to our Indian friends at this time of great need.

    India Taipei Association - 印度 台北協會