

在 閣名字產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,244的網紅廖紫涵Angela,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「用一場旅行,偷個自在人生。」煙波近期有趣活動,入住煙波蘇澳館,趁飯店人員不注意偷到指定字畫回家,就可以得到獎金十萬! 不用出國就可以享受到#屋頂無邊際泳池 #川原天幕 ,還有美麗的圖書館#卻書閣 名字很美,有很多我很喜歡的好書!好驚喜~配上下午茶小點(芥末豆跟果乾很好吃!)看夕陽餘暉,可以待在這一...

 同時也有216部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅菜班長,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please subscribe to 《菜班長》 Channel on YouTube if you like my videos 喜歡請按讚分享訂閱唷 步道名稱是由「林美」與「石磐」兩個名字組成,「林美」是指礁溪鄉林美村,而「石磐」指的是石磐瀑布,因此在這條步道中沿途常見溪流瀑布、大小不一的水...

閣名字 在 企業精英 Elites Insider Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-19 12:10:48

📚人性的弱點這本書教給人們一些處世的基本原則和生存之道,這是我們每個都應該學習的人生必修課 📌這本书彙集了卡耐基的思想精華,幫助你解決生活中面臨的問題:如何在日常生活、商務活動與社會交往中與人打交道;如何擊敗人類的“憂慮”等諸如此類的問題。 . 📌書中作者提到的37條原則如下: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻...

閣名字 在 山女孩|Kit Fang Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 18:48:08

#夏日戀愛企劃 第十四集 HI Kit, 記得是去年11月,因雨取消的中央尖換成北得拉曼,在十幾位大男孩的歡樂氛圍中我總是顯得特別安靜,於是他注意到我,隔日下山後,便收到他的訊息。 好不容易遇到大我五歲,有著如山的臂膀,晴天般的爽朗的男人,我自在地扮演內心的女孩,我們很快地在一起,卻也很倉促地...

閣名字 在 Cheryl 李欣怡 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 14:30:14

這幾天,我和不同的資歷的馬來西亞音樂人討論發生在《刻在我心底的名字》的現象(是現象)。有和我差不多一樣中生代的,也有上了神台的。如果站在“有新聞就是好事”的角度來看,這當然是件好事。 一開始的風向針對這首歌,然後就燒到盧廣仲,大家說“關盧廣仲什麼事,要罵就罵創作人”。 今天看到佳旺凌晨的貼文: ...

  • 閣名字 在 廖紫涵Angela Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-07-03 11:38:04
    有 46 人按讚

    不用出國就可以享受到#屋頂無邊際泳池 #川原天幕 ,還有美麗的圖書館#卻書閣 名字很美,有很多我很喜歡的好書!好驚喜~配上下午茶小點(芥末豆跟果乾很好吃!)看夕陽餘暉,可以待在這一整天,最享受的人生莫過於此~
    最棒的是#日出套餐 每道菜品都是藝術品,湯品裡面的#番茄 ,代表蘇澳的日出暖陽,吃起來像溫泉蛋,咬下去裡頭有蛤蜊肉嚇歪!直接跪在主廚面對他的手藝感動涕零!
    主餐必點我的愛人 #自然戰斧豬排 贏過人人欽點的 #菲力牛排 佐 #鵝肝醬 。那豬排入口軟嫩,爆汁鮮甜,那肉汁啊~那肉質啊~我已經跟牠求婚了謝謝大家的祝福~❤️
    我會再回#蘇澳煙波 找我的愛人的😎❤️ #煙波大飯店蘇澳四季雙泉館 #煙波大飯店 #likelike #like4likes #likeforlikes #likeforfollow #likeforlikeback #likesforlikesback #like4follow #likes4like #instalike @ 煙波大飯店蘇澳四季雙泉館

  • 閣名字 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-20 00:45:00
    有 249 人按讚

    【專題訪問 Interview Feature】2019年度香港大學學生會周年大選中央幹事會候選内閣蒼傲訪問(內務篇) | Interview with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union of Annual Election 2019 (Internal Affairs)

    (Please scroll down for English version.)



    1. 你們可否簡單自我介紹?
    鄭鎮熙(下稱鄭):大家好我是鄭鎮熙(候選會長), 來自理學院五年級。 今次參選學生會因為對學生會有一些意見、 一些改進空間、 自己一直以來都希望為學校和學校未來的發展而發出一些聲音。

    張信一(下稱張):Hi, so I am Shaun, studying Economics and Finance Year 3. The main reason why I have nominated myself to be the executive committee of the HKUSU is because, I have been a little bit unhappy with the way it has been running in the last few years I have been here. I want to see if I could make a difference.

    李鎔津(下稱李):我是李鎔津, 候選大學事務秘書, 現就讀文學士及法學士二年級,參選中央幹事會的原因與其他兩位一樣希望令港大變得更加好, 我們有意見想提出和改進。關於議題參與率低的問題,若果我們有很幸當選, 便會為各個議題製作簡介, 希望讓同學知道怎樣從議題入手,從而提高參與率。 第二個原因是希望學生會會作為橋樑與校方討論大學事務,大學事務與每一個同學息息相關, 於各種議題同學都會想提出意見。

    2. 你們可否解釋莊理念?
    鄭:我們內閣名字是蒼傲, 分開八個字便是「蒼茫大地,傲骨依然」,頭四字是我們認為今屆學生會選舉只有四個人出選,反映出港大學生投入讀書以外活動有很大的疑問。蒼汒大地、傲骨依然正正代表了學校現在的情況、社會現在的情況、甚至整體香港的未來其實都是一個大問號。至於「傲骨依然」四個字我們認為作為港大學生應有一份榮譽感,畢竟港大是最高學府,所以每一個在港大學習的學生都是十分有能力,所以傲字不單是自我的鼓勵,亦是向所有的學生說面對不如意或逆境時,都希望能有一份永不放棄、倔強的精神,去迎接當下的困難,因為我們相信困難過後必會雨過天晴,會看見彩虹,所以這也是我們選擇Prism為我們英文閣名的原因。

    張:What we think Prism represents is simple. We want to act like a prism, and we think everybody in HKU is like a light. We have a lot of potential in all of us and we want to use your light and turn the campus into a more vibrant environment for all of us. Hence, Prism, we think is pretty good symbol of what we intend to do.

    3. 你們為何於重開提名期後才報名參選?
    鄭:我們在(12月)24、25日左右收到重開提名期的電郵,剛好我跟一大班的朋友舉行聖誕派對,期間我們就這問題(重開提名期)進行討論。剛好認識到Shaun和 Kelly,我們三人想法上十分接近,就是認為既然沒有人參選,我們或者可以試一試,所以最後參選今屆的學生會。

    4. 為何沒有人競逐外務副會長一職?

    5. 你們於政綱提出「是時候做不同的事」,是什麼意思?
    張:The thing we want to do differently, is to provide a more positive atmosphere that I think is more reflective of the student body in HKU as a whole. Because, if you look around, a lot of the posters and and lot of notices put out by the Student(s’) Unions of the past have been predominantly negative, I think they are right to be upset about some of the issues, but I think it’s a bit overboarded and a bit dramatic, and it turns a lot of students off. So, we acknowledge that there are issues but we will face them in a positive manner.

    6. 近年學生會就社會時事(如DQ議員事件) 出聲明 ,若果來年當選會否出聲明?

    7. 你們可否解釋就國際生議題上與往年學生會有何分別
    張:First thing is, we are going to consider opening a new seat in the executive committee that is dedicated to non-local students' affairs. And of course we are going to have a series of activities that we hope to be more effective (in the issue of international students). For example, we are considering hosting a non-local orientation camp and some other cultural immersion activities, for example a mahjong class for non-local students, and also some cultural heritage tours. We hope to invite students of different nationalities to take part in it.

    Campus TV has interviewed with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union, Session 2019, with regards to their treatment of internal affairs. Prism has expressed their opinions on internal affairs, which include: the Cabinet’s mission statement, the reasons for running as candidate, and details on their platform such as increasing the seats in the Students’ Union, and focusing on international students’ affairs.

    The interview excerpts are as follows:

    1. Could you please introduce yourselves?
    Andrew Cheng Chun Hei (Cheng): Hello, I am Andrew Cheng Chun Hei (Proposed President), from the Faculty of Science Year 5. I am running for the Students’ Union because I have some opinions about the Union, I think there is some room for improvement. All along, I have wished to voice my opinions regarding the school and the school’s future development.

    Shaun Cheung Shun Yat (Cheung): Hi, so I am Shaun, studying Economics and Finance Year 3. The main reason why I have nominated myself to be the executive committee of the HKUSU is because, I have been a little bit unhappy with the way it has been running in the last few years I have been here. I want to see if I could make a difference.

    Kelly Li Yung Chun (Li): I am Kelly Li Yung Chun, the Proposed University Affairs Secretary, I am a Year 2 pursuing the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws. The reason why I am running as candidate in the Annual Election 2019 is in line with the other two candidates in a sense that I wish to see the University of Hong Kong become better; we have comments we wish to raise and matters we wish to improve on. The first reason (of running as candidate) is due to the (students’) low participation rate in (social) issues. If we have the honour to be elected, we will make an introduction for each issue or topic, so that students know how to understand these issues, thus increasing (their) participation rate. The second reason is (we) wish to act as a bridge between students and the school in discussing about university affairs. Since each and every student are related to university affairs, they would want to express their opinions on various issues.

    2. Could you explain your Proposed Cabinet’s vision/ mission statement?
    Cheng: Our (Proposed) Cabinet’s name is Prism, in a non-abbreviated form (of the Chinese name of the Cabinet), it means “in face of the boundless land, remain a lofty and unyielding character”. The former part of the phrase reflects how we view Annual Election 2019, it shows a problematic lack of extra-curriculars for the University's students outside of academics. The whole phrase precisely represents the school’s current situation, the society’s current situation, even the whole of Hong Kong’s future, which is actually a huge question mark. The former part of the phrase means that the students of the University definitely has a sense of pride and honour, nevertheless it is the elitist of educational institutions, every student of the University must have superb abilities. Therefore, the words “lofty” and “unyielding” are not only a form of self-encouragement, they are to tell students to always have a persevering spirit in face of predicaments. Because we believe after tribulations, there is always rainbow after rain, which is why we chose “Prism” to be the English name of our Cabinet.

    Cheung: What we think Prism represents is simple. We want to act like a prism, and we think everybody in HKU is like a light. We have a lot of potential in all of us and we want to use your light and turn the campus into a more vibrant environment for all of us. Hence, Prism, we think is pretty good symbol of what we intend to do.

    3. Why did you run as candidate only after the reopening of nomination?
    Cheng: We received the email about the Notice of Reopening Nomination (of Annual Election 2019) on around the 24th or 25th (of December). Coincidentally, me and a group of friends were having a Christmas celebration, during which we discussed about the matter (of reopening of nomination). Coincidentally, I met Shaun and Kelly, the three of us shared similar thoughts, that if nobody was running as candidate, perhaps we could give it a try, and so we nominated ourselves as the candidates.

    4. Why is nobody running for the position of the Vice-President (External)?
    Cheng: Actually, we wish to focus on affairs of student societies and organisations, and university affairs. That being said, we are not neglecting all of the external issues, we just believe that in view of the school’s participation atmosphere, and students’ awareness to issues, all of these (situations) are reminding us as the (Proposed) Students’ Union that we should spend more time in dealing with internal affairs and general affairs.

    5. In your platform you raised that “it is time to do something different”, what does that mean?
    Cheung: The thing we want to do differently, is to provide a more positive atmosphere that I think is more reflective of the student body in HKU as a whole. Because, if you look around, a lot of the posters and and lot of notices put out by the Student Unions of the past have been predominantly negative, I think they are right to be upset about some of the issues, but I think it’s a bit overboard and a bit dramatic, and it turns a lot of students off. So, we acknowledge that there are issues but we will face them in a positive manner.

    6. The Students’ Unions of recent years have always issued statements in response to social issues. If you are elected for the coming session, will you do the same?
    Cheng: We think that the Union represents and speaks on behalf of the whole of student community. Therefore, the Union should for the most part stay neutral on matters, because it is merely a tool that bridges the outside world and the students.

    7. Can you explain what are the differences of your Proposed Cabinet compared to last year’s regarding the issue of international students?
    Cheung: First thing is, we are going to consider opening a new seat in the executive committee that is dedicated to non-local students' affairs. And of course we are going to have a series of activities that we hope to be more effective (in the issue of international students). For example, we are considering hosting a non-local orientation camp and some other cultural immersion activities, for example a mahjong class for non-local students, and also some cultural heritage tours. We hope to invite students of different nationalities to take part in it.




    Other candidates for the Annual Election 2019 include the Proposed General Secretary Mak Ka Chun Eugene, the Proposed Cabinet of Campus TV, the Proposed Editorial Board of Undergrad, and the Proposed Popularly Elected Union Councillor.

    The Central Campaign for Annual Election 2019 will be held from the 21st to 25th of January at the Sun Yat-sen Place, from 12:30 to 14:30.

  • 閣名字 在 菜班長 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-17 23:17:44

    Please subscribe to 《菜班長》 Channel on YouTube if you like my videos

    長 1.7 公里的靜謐環狀健行步道,穿梭於森林間,途中行經風景優美的瀑布和茂盛的樹林。

  • 閣名字 在 Din Xiao-Yu Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-15 20:00:12



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  • 閣名字 在 麋先生MIXER Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-08 12:01:16




    若是跋倒就爬起來拌拌咧 毋通吼出聲

    感謝這雙手的拍拚 予阮的好生活
    轉去的路 我知影 你攏佇遐

    食飯時間到矣 我閣徛佇樓梯跤 叫你來食
    食飯就愛點名 看佗一个阿孫仔 無轉來遮
    定定煩惱阮佇外口敢有四序 敢會食袂飽

    換阮講 我佇遮 我佇遮
    換阮來 予你靠 予你倚
    聽這首為著你 寫的歌 換阮來唱予你聽

    阿公我會聽話 跤踏實地
    變成你的驕傲 做好工課
    紮著你的期待 盡量飛 閣有你叮嚀的話
    就是毋情毋願就是毋甘 逐改佮你講


    錄音工程師|黃君富‭, ‬林喆安

