

在 長期熬夜補救產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【面紅如關公】你有熱氣! ⭐面紅可細分為滿面通紅兩顴潮紅 ⭐實火虛火要識分 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 面紅代表氣血好? 很多人認為面色紅潤代表氣血好,不過從中醫角度來看,面色偏紅可能與熱證有關,如果身體出現手心潮熱、多汗、口渴、小便短黃、大便乾結等症狀,就代表身體有熱,熱可來自虛火或實火...

長期熬夜補救 在 JZ.Foodie?日常紀錄|吃喝玩樂? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 18:28:16

出門都要戴口罩,長期下來都悶悶乾乾的 有時候又不小心追劇追得太超過時間,一直熬夜 還是要來補救一下我自己~😝 💎ACbeauty 極光燕窩隱形面膜/鑽石積水光面膜 // 看到IG好多人都在使用 光看外包裝又是很吸引我,簡單渲染的淺藍和金色 💎極光燕窩隱形面膜 材質摸起來很薄的羽絲縷面膜,很好服貼在臉...

長期熬夜補救 在 Hsin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 18:25:38

好久沒有介紹面膜~ 請大家不要嫌棄偶久違露臉! 在家防疫的日子我最常做的保養就是敷面膜哩 畢竟好不容易不用天天化妝出門,皮膚狀況也比較好了, 當然要趁機加強一下,這樣才可以維持水嫩嫩皮膚哈哈! @idewcaretaiwan 家出的冰淇淋面膜系列 (聽起來就好消暑~) #蛋糕冰淇淋水水面膜 水嫩...

長期熬夜補救 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-26 17:27:41

【生育大計】不孕的成因很多 ⭐避孕藥要遵從醫生指示食用 ⭐停藥後記得留意月經狀況 #星期三CheckCheckMail 避孕藥吃久了會不孕? 張太:「我長期服用避孕藥,聽說吃久了容易有不孕問題?」 CheckCheckCin:口服避孕藥含有人工合成的雌激素及黃體素,女生在雌激素持續偏高時卵巢便...

  • 長期熬夜補救 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 18:10:09
    有 69 人按讚




    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:熱氣

    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    What do flushed cheeks mean?
    Many people think having flushed cheeks means they have a good blood and qi circulation, but from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, it can also be a heat-related symptom. If a person has warm and sweaty palms, hard and dry stools, sweats profusely, feels thirty regularly, and experiences a decreased output of urine that is yellowish, this means heat has already accumulated in the person’s body.

    There are two categories of heat: asthenic heat and excessive heat. People who sleep late, women who have just given birth, and those with menopause tend to have asthenic heat, and having flushed cheeks is one of the symptoms. This is due to the lack of the yin energy. Hence, individuals with this condition need to nourish the yin and consume ingredients such as snow fungus, lily bulb, snow pear, dendrobium, radix ophiopogonis, and honey.

    On the other hand, excessive heat refers to the accumulation of the yang energy. Heat would accumulate in a person’s body when he or she consumes grilled, fried, and spicy foods excessively. Likewise, symptoms may be flushed cheeks, dry mouth, bad breath, acnes, and urine in yellow color. To eliminate heat from the body, consume an appropriate amount of herbal tea and ingredients such as winter gourd, cucumber, watermelon, dragon fruit, and kiwi.

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Healing Tea Recommendation: Very hot (qi)
    Ingredients: Plumeria, chrysanthemum bud, spreading hedyotis
    Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies. Relieves bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website:

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    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #我枯燥 #陰虛

  • 長期熬夜補救 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-19 10:17:59
    有 34 人按讚





    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Would taking contraceptive pills lead to infertility?
    “I take contraceptive pills quite regularly, and I heard they might cause infertility?”

    CheckCheckCin: Oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone. High estrogen level will prevent ovaries from ovulating, and high progesterone level will encourage the cervix to produce secretion that can stop the sperms from entering. This is basically how a contraceptive pill works.

    As the medicinal effect of contraceptive pills available in the market is short, individuals would need to consume it on a daily basis. A person’s period would resume and the ovulation process begins once she stops taking the pills.

    Once you have stopped taking the contraceptive pills, it is best to go through 2 to 3 rounds of menstruation first before trying to conceive. If there is something amiss with the menstruation cycle, date, and menstrual blood, consult a registered and licensed Chinese medicine practitioner. Seek professional advice as well if you are failing to conceive even after you have stopped taking contraceptive pills for a long time.

    ✔Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #女 #經期

  • 長期熬夜補救 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-12 16:45:44
    有 73 人按讚





    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Men worried about after-dribble?

    Do you think the strength of the urinary stream in men has to do with their sexual prowess? The answer is no, because the strength of the urinary stream is closely associated with the functions of the bladder and urethra. If after-dribble occurs, then we need to pay attention to the prostate.

    As we age, the prostate, which is located beneath the bladder, will elongate and press against the bladder and urethra. This will cause irregular urination problems such as frequent urination, urinary retention, weak urine stream, inconsistent urination, nocturia (frequent urination at night), and even anuria (non-passage of urine).

    Chinese Medicine theories opine that prostate enlargement is caused by phlegm-dampness and damp heat. When the circulation of fluid in the body is affected, its circulation in the bladder and urethra would also stagnate.

    If this happens alongside other accompanying symptoms such as chest tightness, appetite loss, frequent urination but with a small volume of urine, it is best for us to clear the heat and eliminate the dampness from the body. If the accompanying symptoms are fatigue, aversion to cold, weakness and soreness in the knees, frequent urination with a large volume of urine, we need to strengthen the kidneys and promote urination.

    Upon entering middle age, men should take good care of their health whether they have a prostate problem or not. Since prevention is better than cure, have lighter diets and avoid consuming raw and cold food and beverages. Go for a brisk walk regularly as sitting for long hours can extra pressure on the prostate gland. Consume an appropriate amount of ingredients that can nourish the kidneys such as dusk rice water, Chinese yam, Polygonum multiflorum (‘he shou wu’), wolfberry, chestnut, and cashew nut.

    Tea to soothe frequent urination and replenish the kidneys:
    Cranberry and mulberry tea with lotus seeds

    Effects: Soothes the liver and replenishes the kidneys. Relieves depression, restlessness, and frequent urination.

    Ingredients: 4-5 cranberries, 9g mulberry, 9g wolfberries, 20g lotus seeds

    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 1000ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. This tea can be re-brewed until its flavour weakens. Drink consecutively for 1-2 days for best results.

    ✔Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website:�www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #我有壓力 #痰濕 #濕熱 #氣滯 #血瘀

