作者tupacshkur (coalwood boy)
標題[請益] 請問異常處理的英文怎麼說?
時間Mon Jun 25 21:36:27 2018
機台 產品等異常
exception handling? 感覺是電腦方面的
abnormality handling? 感覺是醫學方面的
defective handling? 瑕疵品 不良品處理?
有人知道嗎? 或大家的公司是用哪個字?
感謝<(_ _)>
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1529933790.A.CCA.html
→ mike03486: PE check 06/25 21:37
→ shtsao: trouble shooting 06/25 21:37
推 gj942l41l4: call vendor 06/25 21:38
推 breaklove: Push issue 0.0... 06/25 21:39
推 benda: ocap,out of control action plan 06/25 21:43
→ clamperni: 1 06/25 21:48
→ cha122977: 看context,通常用error handling或exception handling 06/25 21:50
推 NSYSUEE: out of spec 06/25 21:50
推 jamesyu545: May Day ! May Day ! 06/25 21:50
→ pttworld: malfunction 06/25 21:51
推 musashi023: U R Fired. 06/25 21:52
推 Simonfenix: 我會用EXCEPTION 06/25 21:53
推 agbr2: unexpected/abnormal handling 06/25 21:53
推 TCross2: Wait PE Comment 06/25 21:55
推 greg19: Troubleshooting 06/25 21:57
推 ctct0513: What the fuck is going on 06/25 21:57
→ s02180218: tool down wait vendor check 06/25 21:58
推 alihue: abnormal 最廣泛。就口語的異常,沒有特定領域 06/25 22:00
推 Kobelephants: FYI 06/25 22:01
推 motan: they的錯 06/25 22:02
→ abbei: corrective maintenance 06/25 22:02
推 bingripplw: creampie 06/25 22:06
噓 dxdy: Sorry, my bad. 06/25 22:11
推 Qooriver570: wait a minute 06/25 22:15
推 pppika: Fail 06/25 22:15
推 poison5566: exception handling 歐我資工的 06/25 22:18
推 KingFrank: Somebody help!!! 06/25 22:19
推 hank830320: trouble shooting 06/25 22:19
→ sc1: y chang chu li 06/25 22:21
推 sanctuary: disposition 06/25 22:21
推 wan8088: dear 06/25 22:28
推 jonaswang01: 一樓正確 06/25 22:29
推 mmes: FYI, all wait for u 06/25 22:29
推 Rocker5566: loop everybody in 06/25 22:34
推 w9103: 簡單 +PE 06/25 22:36
推 Shimotsukin: how do you turn this on 06/25 22:42
推 k300plus: 三樓正解XDD call vendor 06/25 22:42
推 harry2714919: 看推文笑死哈哈哈 06/25 22:43
推 sunarmed: quit 06/25 22:47
推 mercurycgt68: 我都念 Costco 06/25 22:48
→ gani2e: EE check pls 06/25 22:49
推 jaywantw: loop PE team 06/25 22:50
推 iamkingking: bingripplw: creampie XDDDD 06/25 22:51
推 nvidiam: false alarm 06/25 22:53
推 seaice: 聽外勞最準,他們都說 engineer 完蛋了 06/25 23:03
推 ljsnonocat2: Houston, we have a problem. 06/25 23:03
推 lioukiki1: exception thrown 06/25 23:07
推 deltarobot: Ocap 06/25 23:08
推 SchoolStore: Costco 06/25 23:08
推 zxcdewqasd: Pass to PE check 06/25 23:10
推 alittleghost: try catch 06/25 23:15
推 piadora: trouble shooting 06/25 23:18
推 terryroc: call vendor我笑噴 06/25 23:20
推 YoEugene: Anomaly handling 06/25 23:21
噓 MeiHS: wait PE/owner/engineer/check (to)check. 超沒意義MEMO 06/25 23:23
推 joick50506: 一樓精闢 06/25 23:23
推 katzlee: Call FAE 06/25 23:24
推 JustWinslow: Highlight PE 06/25 23:27
推 getbacker: WTF 06/25 23:27
推 FK56: 我還看過產品故障,PE寫待RD處理......... 06/25 23:37
推 POCARI5566: 笑死 06/25 23:39
推 ALDNOAH5566: best regards 06/25 23:45
推 darkangel119: Fail and wait PE. 06/25 23:50
推 googoo1102: ASAP 06/25 23:52
推 giantwinter: issue 06/25 23:53
噓 BonjourWu: not me issue 06/25 23:58
推 baostupid: Wait PE fine tune 06/25 23:58
推 imjeffreylee: Trouble shooting? 06/25 23:59
噓 BonjourWu: 認真不鬧 eat my bird 06/26 00:01
→ owen5566: troubleshooting 06/26 00:05
推 Vanquze: Abnormal Handling 06/26 00:09
推 r30385: creampie是三小啦 06/26 00:10
推 xyz30317: 我都唸IKEA 06/26 00:17
推 hidezou1: 推文笑死 06/26 00:23
推 QQ101: 1F 3F都是正解啊 06/26 00:23
→ GiantChicken: Not My Business 06/26 00:39
推 s06yji3: 我們都講wtf 06/26 00:43
推 Roderickey: Mayday Mayday XDDD 06/26 00:47
推 SMDB: Suck My Dick Bitch 06/26 00:56
推 kevin80170: taking fire need assistance 06/26 01:00
推 SMDB: 認真回 異常處理trouble shooting, 機台產品異常 tool (cham 06/26 01:00
→ SMDB: ber) abnormal、THK abnormal, XXX abnormal.... 06/26 01:00
推 keydiablo: call pe 06/26 01:16
推 louisp: wtf 06/26 01:46
→ ed78617: layoff 06/26 01:48
推 Eric0605: Please kindly help to check 06/26 02:14
推 aadsl: HELP 06/26 02:19
推 sdbb: mayday 06/26 02:27
推 Ekance: 一樓... 06/26 02:33
噓 yoyo178134: try throw catch 06/26 02:43
推 mathrew: 3F 正解 XD 06/26 02:54
推 Sex5F: call pe 06/26 03:07
推 cb5886: play one 06/26 03:22
推 SkyF4lL: Fucked up 06/26 03:57
→ twinsen: RD issue 06/26 06:58
推 fenom1987: Release 06/26 07:04
推 aries5420: how do you turn this on 06/26 07:33
→ huahua1022: Abnormal 06/26 07:40
→ jengmei: 推一樓 06/26 08:01
推 gototheptt: Trivago 06/26 08:15
→ popzxcvasdf: call help啊 06/26 08:18
推 Mysex: 外勞那句我會笑死 06/26 08:40
→ morrischen: no money no service 06/26 08:49
推 DowntoC: Abnormal condition. Need to check. 06/26 08:54
→ DowntoC: Call 學弟 06/26 08:55
推 litabet: troubleshooting 06/26 09:02
推 KFC007: go home eat yourself 06/26 09:06
推 wtao: 噁浪 06/26 09:08
推 yoyohu: nuclear launch detected 06/26 09:19
推 dado: go home eat yourself 什麼鬼啦 XDDD 06/26 09:24
推 sandyQQ: OCAP 06/26 09:48
推 lattecoffee: Trouble shooting 06/26 10:07
推 l3161316: error是錯誤吧 exception是例外 兩邊在程式的用法也不同 06/26 10:19
推 Orzz: 3F 正解 06/26 10:37
→ jej: handle the fuxking suck 06/26 10:43
推 brainerd: +more 06/26 10:51
推 jiji0928: Scrap 06/26 10:56
推 ginobili62: 我以前的公司就是用2樓的 06/26 11:08
推 foujeffeee: 我都唸ikea 06/26 11:08
推 sginobili20: pls EE PM 06/26 11:09
推 plusadd: hold to owner check 06/26 11:11
推 poiuy178: Suck my dxxk 06/26 11:22
推 thomaschiu: It's fxxked up 06/26 11:40
→ bluesapphire: danger, danger!!!! 06/26 11:42
推 smax0503: 推 外勞說的 engineering 碗蛋了 06/26 11:53
推 deltarobot: Pls help check chamber condition 06/26 12:10
推 cookfish112: Wait EE check 06/26 12:14
推 asd9982: Folllow MFG command tool warm off 06/26 12:29
推 cannabisi: 推 3F 06/26 12:41
推 Satansblessi: How do you turn this on? 06/26 12:55
推 perfects1988: WAD 06/26 13:28
推 stfang925: FML 06/26 13:31
推 rattrapante: covering fire!!! 06/26 13:41
推 mc2834: 外勞都說,sir,棒我。不會懂! 06/26 13:42
推 loveswazi: strange sausage handling 06/26 13:47
→ acgotaku: Catch(error){.....}; 06/26 14:05
推 balzark: Terry is coming! 06/26 14:14
→ sqt: 樓上姓郭? 06/26 14:22
推 HsuErl: low power 06/26 14:25
→ HsuErl: insufficient fund 06/26 14:26
推 larun70: 我都叫cocksucker~ 06/26 15:24
推 yokoleo: Pease! Pease! 06/26 15:33
噓 cityhunter04: 二樓正解...你這個都不知道!大學有畢業嗎? 06/26 15:59
推 Hannibal0816: Nuclear launch detected 06/26 16:09
推 moonchris: 藝腸粗哩 06/26 17:13
推 dakkk: kuaikuai expiration 06/26 17:39
推 chun1976: this is a pen 06/26 17:43
推 KKTcondition: wait PI comment 06/26 17:49
推 SeaOfLove: NG阿 06/26 17:54
推 Tihan: wait ywkang 06/26 18:06
推 T3T: ASAP 06/26 18:37
推 ysl0927: Troubleshooting 06/26 19:45
推 minc: Is it good drink 06/26 19:52
推 quicknick: 外勞:幫我 06/26 20:36
推 whatsdog: better call saul 06/26 20:41
推 lavender2001: Call vendor 我笑翻 06/26 21:16
推 DiawKu: Fire in the hole 06/26 21:17
推 LSwang: GG 06/26 21:25
推 CHJ1111: 推文笑死 06/26 21:38
推 Duckloadra: wait DA check 06/26 23:01
推 xcri0922: Tool down then All pass PE scrap 06/26 23:26
推 penny1986: how do you turn this on 06/26 23:47
推 poikg: 一樓正確 06/26 23:56
推 hanmin1015: I'm not the right person 06/27 00:53
推 kevinkvliu10: Somebody help me~ don’t shoot~ 06/27 01:39
推 orangewill: Kobe Bryant 06/27 03:49
推 f821027: call vendor直接笑歪 06/27 04:18
推 davidchu7271: I have a pen 06/27 07:44
推 StrikeBee: This is a book. 06/27 08:21
推 reich3: 三樓大正解! 06/27 09:27
推 MrRedHair: 3L5W 06/27 12:32
推 ywchenz: Fuxx the mot... 06/27 12:56
推 ed19945: Call Vandor 06/27 17:18
噓 book2381: Shit 06/27 19:47
推 allen0326200: Anomaly handling? 06/27 23:05
推 pttaaaaaaaaa: 三樓唯一解 06/27 23:51
→ motics: new feature :) 06/28 10:27
推 lenta: Medic! Medic! 06/28 18:25
推 cowuu: call it 06/28 23:06
推 happyashtray: 看到May Day ! May Day !,笑歪 06/29 09:09
推 Secretkiwi: 海德格 救我 06/29 10:55
→ keorik: 1,3F都正確 06/29 15:59
→ fallen01: fire me 06/29 16:21
推 mcumaple: 推3F 06/29 19:15
推 Biglottery: 1F 內行 06/30 13:46
推 Arnol: 3F唯一正解 07/03 10:20
推 z5381598: Release 07/05 23:06
→ kklarinet: 我愛黎明!我愛黎明! 07/06 04:26