
為什麼這篇鈴木一朗war鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在鈴木一朗war這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者LastDinosaur (LastDino)看板MLB標題Fw: [分享] 鈴木一朗對棒球的影...

※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1Qs9Vu5N ]

作者: LastDinosaur (LastDino) 看板: Baseball
標題: [分享] 鈴木一朗對棒球的影響
時間: Thu Apr 19 21:21:53 2018


美國的新聞報導 我翻譯的


The MLB will never see a player like Ichiro again.


When you read about him online, there’s a mysticism that surrounds Ichiro.
His rare combination of power, speed, ability and talent haven’t always
shown in box scores, but has constantly been present to fans of the


Whether you check his stats every night or you are a casual fan of baseball,
there’s no denying that his first ten years were nothing short of dominant.
During this time, he was the league’s Most Valuable player and Rookie of the
Year in 2001, both a 10-time all-star and gold glove winner, three-time
silver slugger and won the AL batting title twice.


As ESPN Stats and Info has pointed out, all 10 of Ichiro’s 200-hit seasons —
which ties him for first all time with Pete Rose — came during this 10-year
span. In comparison, Rose never had more than three consecutive 200-hit
seasons during his career.

ESPN的數據也指出,一朗的十個200安的球季(讓他生涯跟Pete Rose平手第一名),就是在

During this time, Ichiro also broke a few longstanding records. In 2004,
Ichiro broke George Sisler’s 84-year-old record for hits in a season with
264 — a number which still stands to this day. He also holds the record for
hits in a four-year period with 924. When he surpassed Bill Terry’s
four-year record of 918, he broke a record that stood since 1932.

George Sisler維持84年的單季最多安打紀錄。他單季敲出了262支安打。這紀錄仍持續到
今日。他在四年期間敲出924支安打,也是一項紀錄。他突破了1932年時Bill Terry創下

But if you were to break Ichiro down by just his hits — he’s 22nd all-time
with 3086 — you’re only telling one part of his baseball story.


If you wanted to show off his speed, you could pull the stat that Ichiro is
tied for 35th all time with 509 stolen bases. Early in his career, his home
to first base time was a quick 3.6 seconds. If you wanted to show that he has
a strong arm, he is tied for 209th all time amongst outfielders with 123
defensive assists.


With his value of getting on base — he has a .758 OPS — and his play in the
field, Ichiro’s career wins above replacement rating (59.6) has him in a tie
for 122nd all time.


While his stats are jaw-dropping, the legend of Ichiro comes from the stories
shared about him from around baseball circles. Based off his home-run swing
during batting practice, it has well documented that he could have had a
power bat in the MLB if he wanted. In response to this, he once said “[i]f I
’m allowed to hit .220, I could probably hit 40 [home runs], but nobody
wants that.”


He’s also always been interested in pitching at a professional level. During
the 2009 World Baseball Classic, Ichiro reportedly threw 92 mph off a mound
during a pitching workout.


Also, let’s not forget his dominance in the Nippon Professional Baseball
league. Signed just after he turned 18, Ichiro played nine seasons for Japan’
s Orix Blue Wave. From 1992-2000, he led the Pacific League in batting seven
times, won three MVP awards and took home seven consecutive Gold Gloves. If
you were to combine his hits from the NPB to the MLB, Ichiro would have 4358
professional hits, which make him baseball’s hit king.


I bring up these numbers and stories as a reminder of what Ichiro has meant
to baseball. Dominant, mysterious and unorthodox to the North American eye, it
’s been tough for the media to define how great of a player he is.


Even though his numbers have gone down in the latter half of his career, that
doesn’t mean he hasn’t shown he still has all the tools present from when
he joined the league in 2001. Just as an example, Ichiro hit .322 in limited
action at age 38 and .284 in 143 games at age 40. Not bad for someone who has
constantly been doubted.


If you had to place a knock on him, it would be that he’s never played on a
great team. Ichiro has only made the playoffs twice in his career, where he
has a career batting average of .346 across those four series he played in.


There’s a larger than life idealism that surrounds Ichiro, and it’s well
deserved. When he does retire — whenever that is — baseball will be lost
without his iconic swing. Until then, let’s soak in and remind ourselves
more often of the greatness that is Ichiro Suzuki.




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looop: 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭11/15 20:21
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1524144120.A.157.html
johnwu: 推翻譯 謝謝 04/19 21:23
axzs1111: 簽名檔XDDD 04/19 21:23
ben8102: 262? 04/19 21:23
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 04/19/2018 21:25:15
Beanoodle: 確實吧 能有一朗一半連五年200安就很厲害了 04/19 21:24
mtyk10100: 推翻譯 04/19 21:24
catsondbs: QQ 棒球傳奇 04/19 21:24
mike88030186: 推推 04/19 21:25
jsstarlight: 光看翻譯已泛淚,謝謝分享QQ 04/19 21:26
harrishu: 連10季200安真的鬼神 而且還是在大聯盟 04/19 21:26
sustainer123: 推一朗 04/19 21:27
kevin51521: 永遠是我的神 沒人能取代 04/19 21:28
madden: 超會跑,沒有當田近選手很可惜 04/19 21:29
indoman: 我的偶像 04/19 21:30
fairwarning: 推 04/19 21:30
sx642220012: 果然有madden 安安:) 04/19 21:31
sg015605: 一朗超強的 04/19 21:32
ilovedandan: 以下開放一朗傳說 04/19 21:33
starxls: 全盛時期真的是很狂的那種 04/19 21:35
jason050117: 沒有冠軍戒太可惜了~ 04/19 21:36
MBubble: 沒有冠軍真的是一個遺憾 04/19 21:39
CMC677: 神 04/19 21:40
lonelysin: 京四郎。 04/19 21:41
kenkenken31: 推~不用特地唬爛,一朗本身就夠猛了 04/19 21:41
m0324h1987: 推 04/19 21:41
lsj049: 唯一遺憾:世界大賽冠軍戒 04/19 21:42
jackerxx: 推翻譯 04/19 21:47
aurorahuangh: 推! 04/19 21:51
koji328: 推一朗 也推翻譯 04/19 21:54
Cishang: 等等 那個砲手傳說不是說20轟嗎? 怎麼加倍了 04/19 21:55
LaserLi: 朗神QQ 04/19 22:12
shyofly: 真心覺得Pete各方面都輸一朗 04/19 22:38
Timekeeper: 要不要發在mlb板啊 04/19 22:42
techi: 借轉朗神板 感謝翻譯 04/19 23:00
techi:轉錄至看板 Ichiro 04/19 23:00
paris0826: 謝翻譯 04/19 23:32

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: LastDinosaur (, 04/19/2018 23:51:49

這是我自己翻譯的 如果轉到MLB板不洽當的話 會視情況刪文 謝謝大家
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 04/19/2018 23:52:28
tw88: 感謝分享 04/19 23:56
chopper594: 一朗QQ 04/19 23:57
ianshadow: MVP 2005唯一速度99的球員 04/20 00:07
IchiroSuzuki: 感謝分享 04/20 00:07
Syndi: ichiro 04/20 00:15
notmuchmoney: 這四年就是打心酸的持續傷害球隊 一代名將還是要懂 04/20 00:50
notmuchmoney: 得退場 老實說吃以前名聲老本而已 比較欣賞放得下急 04/20 00:50
notmuchmoney: 流勇退的球員 04/20 00:50
mesenchymal: 有幸能看到一朗稱霸的那幾年 04/20 00:53
notmuchmoney: 不忍一代名將變成苟延殘喘的老狗 04/20 00:54
lantieheuser: 去讀讀海明威,或許就能懂何謂老派的棒球鬥犬。 04/20 04:59
austin24: 推一朗 04/20 07:17
loveandy58: 推 一吉囉 04/20 07:25
jet113102: 一朗是我看過最全面性的球員之一 04/20 08:01
EEERRIICC: living legend 04/20 08:13
afans: 推~ 某樓好淺 04/20 08:36
lai35700: 推!! 04/20 08:43
SULAjardin: 3打數5安打是基本,有時候3打數8安... 04/20 08:59
HuanYuWu: 馬魚至少圓了登板的心願 04/20 09:09
davidex: 怎麼突然發懷念文 難道一朗他 04/20 09:28
wangazi: 推! 04/20 09:41
douman: 然後接下來就會開始複習網民版的一朗傳奇了呦 04/20 10:15
newest: 能在馬魚上來投球也算是圓夢了 04/20 10:33
aaron70221: 推 04/20 10:37
PaulOneil1: 最神奇的是他的身材永遠保持不變 04/20 11:37
Kaho: 晚期退化比Rose快,這是一朗唯一缺點了吧.. 04/20 12:59
ketter: 當一朗站在左外野的時候,打者上場會自動出局 04/20 13:56
Conniiiie: 推 令人尊敬 04/20 18:08
Asucks: 一朗最可惜的就是太晚去美國 04/20 18:46
secom: 最好是能單季40轟啦 想當初一朗在WBC對南韓多嗆啊 04/20 19:43
secom: 結果也只能說出經典的Fuxk 04/20 19:44
secom: 實力歸實力 嘴砲歸嘴砲 不要混為一談 04/20 19:45
Brujita: https://youtu.be/I4mzaqJC4WQ 04/20 21:05
darkMood: 傷害球隊? 你是球團老闆喔? 老闆是笨蛋簽一個回來傷害球 04/21 04:43
darkMood: 隊喔? 如果有人是笨蛋,我不會認為是球團和老闆啦 04/21 04:43
darkMood: 有人想在高峰時退,有人想奮戰到老,輪到你屁話喔 04/21 04:44
darkMood: 老狗也比你強1000000000000000000000000000000000倍啦 04/21 04:44
ThreeNG: 一朗傳說! 04/21 22:11
bluelin7788: 一朗對棒球還有熱情所以才選擇繼續打 04/22 00:21
ted40905: 是球員你會不想打球? 傷害球隊這種話也講得出來 04/22 11:55
ted40905: 你哪天老了不行了就不要被年輕人嫌棄 04/22 11:55
mizuhara: 一朗在大聯盟領那種薪水被稱作老狗,就不知某人躲在鍵盤 04/25 00:16
mizuhara: 後面領什麼樣的月薪或年薪?www 04/25 00:16
wuchianlin: 一朗只要還打得動我相信一定有球隊願意給他機會。 04/27 08:16

