作者superipis01 (哈哈)
標題[問題] 請問出金的英文是什麼
時間Fri Jun 26 09:29:42 2015
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Option/M.1435282187.A.4ED.html
推 yuya0519: moneyout 06/26 09:30
推 Delisaac: withdraw 06/26 09:31
推 cvccvv: outgold 06/26 09:32
推 Genki626: Out of money 06/26 09:32
→ superipis01: 樓上三位是認真的嗎= = 06/26 09:33
推 yellowmoon: outgold 06/26 09:34
推 b89207040: jizz 06/26 09:35
推 zzelida: withdraw 06/26 09:35
推 student380: happy 06/26 09:58
→ Genki626: Chu-Gin 06/26 09:59
推 manlike: Give me money 06/26 10:04
→ aufu1234: CASH OUT 或 WITH DRAW 06/26 10:08
推 yourinfo: <>~~ 06/26 10:10
→ ciccio: 出精 叫 Cum (?) 06/26 10:11
→ manlike: 樓上變態 06/26 10:12
推 muscul: show me the money 06/26 10:17
推 leo41017: 樓上有玩星海 06/26 10:18
→ vbnwei: 我都念ikea (?) 06/26 10:21
推 agnme2: black sheep wall 06/26 10:27
推 Genki626: Costco 你們是唸"摳死扣"還是"咖死扣"啊? 06/26 10:33
推 kisskai: 三葉常常cum 06/26 10:48
→ melba: "咖死特咖" @@ 06/26 10:50
推 change11: 這篇英文教學不錯喔XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/26 11:01
推 ariadne: creampie 06/26 11:18
推 moremoney99: Please give me gold 06/26 11:40
推 kisskai: 阿丹都creampie ! 06/26 11:57
→ cobrasgo: 只要有心,在哪都可以出精 06/26 12:15
推 s72005ming: reback my gold 06/26 12:17
推 dodo222kimo: I will cum and have much precum 06/26 12:51
推 hirosimamika: costco我都念costco,但是有的人唸costco 06/26 12:59
→ drumsets: get laid 06/26 13:06
推 Genki626: Who's your daddy? 06/26 13:11
→ alotofjeff: robin hood 06/26 13:22
推 HisVol: 動詞withdraw,名詞withdrawal 06/26 13:32
推 shyart: this is robbery, put your money in my bag ... 06/26 13:58
→ shyart: withdraw 就是提款 一般銀行都可以用 06/26 13:59
推 LeafBlue: 大家正經一點好嗎? show me the money 就對了 06/26 14:10
推 cobrasgo: 鄭成功他兒子了不起啊 06/26 14:22
推 cca1109: ikea 06/26 14:37
噓 ETHZ: 亂七八糟 06/26 14:39
→ ETHZ: 當然是念"Chu-Jin"才對呀~ 06/26 14:40
推 x61515: 以上開玩笑的都沒留倉 難怪心情好 06/26 14:44
推 melba: show me your body and give me the money 06/26 15:01
→ melba: 這才是op版的style @@ 06/26 15:02
推 LeafBlue: 看成 show me your daddy 嚇一跳 06/26 15:09
→ bitlife: 初經:「女子二七而天癸至,任脈通,太沖脈盛」 06/26 15:28
→ bitlife: 「月事以時下,故有子」 06/26 15:29
推 CYELgenius: 出現一堆秘技......嘖嘖 06/26 15:41
→ goodid520: 應該是媽金摳啊 !! margin call 怎麼連這也不知 06/26 15:55
推 ssdog: show me your daddy 害我差點掏出來 06/26 16:00
推 headnotbig: 哈哈哈哈哈~ikea也太好笑了 XD 06/26 16:00
推 KY1998: nakadashi 06/26 18:33
推 GX90160SS: 樓上你好糟糕,請暫時不要和我說話 06/26 18:41
推 cca1109: 初經那個太專業了 06/26 20:09
→ mystage: power overwhelming 06/26 22:03
推 muscul: operation cwal 06/27 00:02
推 are2: withdraw沒錯啦 06/27 00:04
推 a9997878123: May show gun more 06/27 09:27
推 Genki626: 對啦 是windows啦!(咦?) 06/27 11:27
推 secret7710: withdraw 06/27 13:01
→ HuskySummer: <>~~~ <>~~~ <>~~~ <>~~~ <>~~~ <>~~~ <>~~~ <>~~~ 06/27 17:01
推 RWebster: 推樓上 蟲蟲軍團 06/27 17:53
推 davidyu0922: 這裡是西斯板嗎? 06/28 11:56
推 newstarisme: withdraw 06/28 16:49
推 rugall: IMBA 06/29 19:20