

在 酥油燈推薦產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅C's English Corner,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天是美國總統大選開票,我也緊張個半死。不過今天看直播的時候聽到一個很有趣的消息! 警察因為太了解美國人常常會在球賽、選舉或是遊行抗議場合用「爬欄杆、爬路燈」的方式表達不滿或贏球的喜悅(那畫面很好想像吧?就是我們搶孤的憤怒或狂喜三百倍版),所以都會在一些重要球賽時把附近路燈竿子都塗滿「油」,來「阻止...

酥油燈推薦 在 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 17:51:13

Happy Pearlké ! 超愛吃麵條的我,曾經想過一年三百六十五天如果只能選一種飲食類型,我就會選湯麵,不管哪種風格的湯麵我都可以!過去這一年多為了養成吃早餐的習慣,開始吃麵包,幾乎每一兩天就一定會吃到麵包,然後也開始吃甜點兩三年了,以前老朋友見到我主動點甜點、大口吃甜點都會大驚再大驚覺得我變...

酥油燈推薦 在 ??????_??????美食?旅遊?打卡??生活? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 15:52:31

《尖沙咀食乜好》 ⤑ 餐廳喺正海港城對面地點方便又就腳,裝修玩味十足一入門酒吧位置就見到大大塊《人間煙火》招牌霓虹燈牌,而且週邊有唔少潮物佈置,當中有潮人最愛BE@RBRICK公仔🧸!而且仲有室外用餐區同👧🏻行街行到攰攰地絕對可以chill吓🍸~ ⤑ 餐廳主打各款西式食物,扒類、pizza、意粉🍝、...

酥油燈推薦 在 Catherine Chang Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:29:41

今天是美國總統大選開票,我也緊張個半死。不過今天看直播的時候聽到一個很有趣的消息! 警察因為太了解美國人常常會在球賽或是遊行抗議場合用「爬欄杆、爬路燈」的方式表達不滿或贏球的喜悅(那畫面很好想像吧?就是我們搶孤的憤怒或狂喜三百倍版),所以都會在一些重要球賽時把附近路燈竿子都塗滿「油」,來「阻止」民眾...

  • 酥油燈推薦 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-04 20:58:00
    有 420 人按讚


    以往是用Crisco塗,什麼是Crisco呢?是一家專做各種食用油、酥油的大牌子,有點類似台灣得意的一天這樣。遇到下雨天,還會換成可以防水的hydraulic fluid。

    Now comes the time in the night where we must warn everyone about the dangers of Saturated Fats. Cheers for Foles! Jeers for Poles! It’s a long way down, baby. Celebrate responsibly.
    今晚想要來特別警告一下大家飽和脂肪的危險。為Foles(一個橄欖球員)加油!去爬欄杆會被笑喔!親愛的,欄杆很長,下來要下很久,請謹慎慶祝(其實是用常見的Drink responsibly謹慎喝酒的點,換成Celebrate responsibly,所以慶祝歸慶祝,不要出人命喔)。



  • 酥油燈推薦 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-22 09:04:01
    有 4 人按讚

    【生生世世眼光明】BRIGHT EYES EVERY LIFETIME (English writing below)


    那時我便在想,客人的眼睛/眼神一定有問題。6月26日那晚,我做了一場直播:三大條件 - 男人怎樣才能事業旺?直播裡,我解釋了男人的眼睛/眼神與個人事業的關聯。









    我們今生能貴為真佛弟子,是有著無比的福份,也是我這輩子最大的殊榮。但我們要小心,獅子能跳過的地方兔子不能跳。 師尊所說過的話,含著很深很深的般若智慧,我們要深入地參,而不要依樣畫葫蘆地亂蓋在自己身上。




    1. 千萬不要在臥房內,擺放佛像、神像或法相卡。


    2. 佛像、神像等不是擺設品,不應拿來美化居家,而應當如法供奉。


    3. 壇城的蓮花燈,要24/7亮著。




    二、眼睛没有疾病 ;




    六、不易受到外在事物所迷惑 ;







    A male client sought my consultation services for Bazi and Feng Shui, because he had problems looking for a job.

    At that time, I was thinking there was bound to be some problem in his eyes and/or eye expression. On the night of 26 June, I did a FB Live on this: The 3 Conditions for A Man To Have A Successful Career. In that Live, I explained the correlation between a man's eyes and his career.

    In our first meeting, the male client's eye expression was as what I deduced from his Bazi. However, the health of his eyes had more serious problems than I expected.

    He told me, once in a supermarket, he suddenly saw many white light spots. After visiting the doctor, he then realised his eyes have serious problems and a certain part of his eyes were at risk of loosening.

    During the Bazi analysis, I taught him how to use his favourable elements correctly and make up for his Bazi inadequacies through changing his spectacles and his diet, which will greatly boost his health. I also recommended a TCM practitioner to him. Some Bazi are suitable to seek Western doctors, while others are more suitable to seek TCM. However, even if the client is more fitted for TCM, I still have to consider the TCM practitioner's element and capability. My family and I have consulted this TCM practitioner before, hence my recommendation.

    I later did a Feng Shui audit for the client.

    While the client had never got his Bazi read till he read my articles, his home had been audited by other Masters before, but there were some key problems that had yet to be resolved.

    Sometimes, it's not that the previous Masters were inaccurate, but the obstruction of the knowable in the clients can be too heavy.

    About 3 weeks after the audit, the male client sent a PM, containing some good news for me. I am truly happy for him, and also hope that he do what is needed to transform his own destiny. In my Live on 8 June, I proclaimed that if a client adheres to 100% of my advice, he/she will definitely earn back the consultation fees paid to me. This is not me being haughty, but because I am very clear of my abilities, so why should I pretend that I am unable to give hope to clients?

    It is our great fortune that we can be True Buddha disciples. It is also my greatest honour in this lifetime. But we must be careful, the place that the lion can jump over is not what a rabbit can hop over. The words of our Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, contain very deep prajna-wisdom. We must contemplate on His words and not act after the same fashion, blindly using it on ourselves.

    Grandmaster has a famous adage, "Everything is of the best arrangement."

    Some fellow Dharma brothers and sisters will console themselves with this adage, when their lives turn rough. It's not wrong to think that way, but if you have been spiritually cultivating for many years, received numerous empowerments from Grandmaster, and yet have not seen any visible improvement, then have you misunderstood the Buddha wisdom of Grandmaster and used this adage to escape what you have been always doing wrong, without the heart to examine yourself thrice a day?

    Buddhists who have taken refuge are more fortunate than most people, for they have more opportune affinities to transform their Destiny and cultivate good fortune.

    Here are some of my recommendations, based on my past Feng Shui audit experience:

    1. NEVER display holy religious statues or pictorial cards in the bedroom.

    Most bedrooms are impure places, especially where there are sexual activity between a married couple, masturbation or sexual thoughts. Hence to be "openly" doing acts of filth in front of holy figures, is committing the sin of disrespect. This will create many obstacles in your Destiny.

    2. Religious statues are not display artefacts. They should be worshipped accordingly and not used for home decor.

    The number of religious statues worshipped has to be based on the number of home occupants, and the size of the house. Do not mistake that the more statues enshrined mean more blessings. On the contrary, when the Yin and Yang elements are out of balance, big problems will arise.

    3. The pair of lotus lamps on your altar should be switched on 24/7

    The little bulbs in the lotus lamps do not consume much electricity, but there are still people who wish to save money and only switch on the lamps on the 1st and 15th Lunar day, or in the daytime. That is unwise, because offering light to Buddhas & Bodhisattvas has inconceivable merits in both the secular and transmundane worlds.

    In my personal altar room, for 10 over years, my lotus lamps are always switched on even when I go overseas. The only exception is when I change the bulbs or clean the petals. On my altar, I also offer oil lamp. Light offering is one of my favourite offerings. Before cultivation practice, I would offer a butter lamp. On special days, I would offer up to 7 butter lamps.

    For transmundane merits, in the The Buddha Speaks of the Differences in Karmic Retribution for Elder Suka Sutra Catalogue, He expounded the Ten Benefits of Offering Lights: (extracted from internet)

    1. One becomes like the light of the world.
    2. One achieves clairvoyance of the pure eye as a human.
    3. One achieves the deva's eye.
    4. One receives the wisdom to discriminate virtue from non-virtue.
    5. One is able to eliminate the concept of inherent existence.
    6. One receives the illumination of wisdom.
    7. One is reborn as a human or deva.
    8. One receives great enjoyment wealth.
    9. One quickly becomes liberated.
    10. One quickly attains enlightenment.

    For secular benefits, light offering can illuminate your path of luck in this life and future lifetimes, ensuring you a bright future. Your benefactors will be abundant and prominent. Your Destiny will not fall into darkness and helplessness. Offering lights will reap the benefit of bright healthy eyes. And bright healthy eyes are an auspicious sign of a flourishing career.

  • 酥油燈推薦 在 高雄美食.大口袋 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-26 16:37:40
    有 40 人按讚

    石研室 石頭火鍋 - 高雄裕誠店
    1/23-1/28 試營運用餐85折
    🔻油蔥酥雞腿排鍋 $360
    🔻伊比利豬肋條鍋 $380 雙倍肉量 +$90
    選用西班牙國寶伊比利厚切 #豬肋條,愛吃肉的建議加肉!豬肋條香煎後加入風味湯頭。第一次吃到豬肋條,帶有油脂口感很棒不會太油膩🤤 記得不要煮太久會縮小!可以沾醬料吃很涮嘴。醬料區很文青很像實驗室的風格,連盤子都美!
    🔻麻油麵線 +$25
    麵線份量很夠,麻油味不會過濃,可以淋上一些火鍋湯,好吃🤤 👉飲料 擇二
    有紅茶/豆漿機台 可以自助取用,調成紅茶豆漿蠻好喝的不會過甜。
    👉四川小酥肉+老油條 單點100 加購價 $89
    👉手作蝦仁漿 單點90 加購價 $69
    🔻滷鴨血 $60
    🔻滷豆腐 $60
    滷鴨血豆腐都很入味,如果有選麻辣湯底的還可以丟進去煮🤩 蝦仁漿中規中矩,小酥肉可以直接吃或丟進去鍋煮,裡面包的是五花肉。
    [ 石研室 石頭火鍋-高雄裕誠店 ]
    ( 高雄市左營區裕誠路356號 )
    ⌚️1/23-1/28 試營運
    ⌚️1/29 開幕 一-日 11:30-23:30
    最後收客時間 22:00

