

在 鄧紫棋蜂鳥產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過39萬的網紅FanPiece,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 十億總點擊次數就化為烏有喇~~ -------------------------------- FanPiece🖋http://fanpiece.com instagram https://www.instagram.com/fanpiece.hk/ #FanPiece #GEM #鄧紫...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過55萬的網紅新聞挖挖哇!,也在其Youtube影片中提到,大地主把家產全給3個兒子, 卻因一場中風讓他看清世態炎涼! 重男輕女的下場好悲哀,子女為分家產對簿公堂! #鄧紫棋#GEM鄧紫棋#新聞挖挖哇 【20190411 老人與錢!】 完整版請點▶▶http://yt1.piee.pw/FADHX 精華版 請點▶▶http://pse.ee/5PTNK ...

鄧紫棋蜂鳥 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-02 09:47:49

【@girlstyle.mag】鄧紫棋被員工揭10宗罪! . 現年29歲鄧紫棋G.E.M.近年在內地發展事業,自前經理公司蜂鳥音樂結束合作並自立門戶後,現時的工作主要由造型師男友Mark處理。不過日前就有位聲稱是鄧紫棋前員工的好友爆料,力數鄧紫棋與Mark的10宗罪狀,控訴他們對員工態度差,更用盡招...

鄧紫棋蜂鳥 在 GAWII Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-29 01:45:05

Beat Produced 編曲/製作: GAWII mixing/matsering 混音:閔翔 Directed 影像:GAWII - 嗨各位~本週cover的是鄧紫棋的『句號』 這首歌據資料上顯示是說,她出道12年,和前東家「蜂鳥音樂」在3月決裂後,至今官司未果,她將心情寄於新歌「句點」,其中...

  • 鄧紫棋蜂鳥 在 新聞挖挖哇! Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-19 11:00:04


    【20190411 老人與錢!】
    精華版 請點▶▶http://pse.ee/5PTNK









  • 鄧紫棋蜂鳥 在 GEMblog Youtube 的精選貼文

    2010-12-03 01:49:57

    - Contest has now ended. Use the links below to find out who won -

    Find out who won Brand New Star 2011 Contest

    Final Auditions
    Part 1 - http://www.hummingbirdmusic.hk/BNS2011-Auditions-pt1
    Part 2 - http://www.hummingbirdmusic.hk/BNS2011-Auditions-pt2

    For more details, visit: http://www.hummingbirdmusic.hk/brand-new-star/

    想成為明日之星?現在是機會了!Brand New Star 2011讓你向全世界展現你的才華!

    在2010年初開始舉辦的Brand New Star是目前最好的網上歌唱比賽,第二季比賽已經開始報名,我們期望你可以在這裡發揮所長。


    Brand New Star裡的所有評審都會以客觀的角度,在音樂能力和表演技巧上給予參賽者建設性的意見,目的就是要找尋擁有音樂天份的人並給予鼓勵。

    無論你表演唱歌、舞蹈、Rap或樂隊演奏,只要你有才華,我們都歡迎你參加比賽,不要再猶豫了!快些參加比賽,成為下一位Brand New Star!

    想觀看所有參賽影片,請到Brand New Star的頻道 http://www.youtube.com/brandnewstarcontest

    Have you ever dreamed about being a pop star? Here's your chance!! Participate Hummingbird's 'BRAND NEW STAR 2011' contest now!

    Brand New Star is THE BEST online talent contest out there. We started at the beginning of 2010 and now we are moving onto its 2nd season. And we are very excited to see what you all have in store for us!

    We are a singing contest that aims to broaden the horizons of the musicians here in Hong Kong and all over the world. Giving you guys the opportunity to win an opportunity of a lifetime - a single and a music video professionally produced by us, Hummingbird Music.

    In 'BRAND NEW STAR 2011', we invite judges who promise to be objective and to give constructive feedback to the artists primarily based on their musical capabilities and their performance skills. We aim to find the best talent out there and celebrate it with you!

    So, what are you waiting for? You can enter no matter if you sing, dance, rap or perform with your own. As long as you have the talent, you can enter and share it with us! Become our next BRAND NEW STAR!

    Go to the Brand New Star YouTube Channel to watch the latest submissions
