

在 部分英文portion產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 看到這篇BBC & 中研院的文章, 想起常看到自己高科技業、醫療業、口譯業⋯的朋友post放「乖乖」在機器旁邊的照片, 「我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛」中,奚伊歐也是把「乖乖」放在罷工的烤箱旁,要它合作一點。 到底放「乖乖」, 有沒有科學根據? 還是心理作用? 下回我也要把乖乖放在我的教室裡, 看看大家...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 腰果炒肉丁 材料: 梅頭豬肉1斤 腰果1碗 西芹 紅蘿蔔1個 薑1舊 蒜頭2粒 乾蔥頭2粒 處理: 1. 豬肉,清水洗乾淨,擎乾水。 2. 腰果處理: a. 加入鹽半茶匙,及水100毫升。 b. 浸15~20分鐘,...

部分英文portion 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-23 12:37:03

看到這篇BBC & 中研院的文章, 想起常看到自己高科技業、醫療業、口譯業⋯的朋友post放「乖乖」在機器旁邊的照片, 「我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛」中,奚伊歐也是把「乖乖」放在罷工的烤箱旁,要它合作一點。 到底放「乖乖」, 有沒有科學根據? 還是心理作用? 下回我也要把乖乖放在我的教室裡, 看看大家...

  • 部分英文portion 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-16 19:30:46
    有 130 人按讚

    看到這篇BBC & 中研院的文章,


    🗞 俐媽新聞英文—乖乖社會研究篇:

    《BBC》的Worklife單元報導台灣乖乖 (Kuai Kuai) 文化,稱台灣是一個科技發達的地方,且半導體 (semiconductor) 產業佔全球領先地位,但在台灣有個奇特的習俗 (ritual),就是把乖乖當作幸運物(lucky charm),從實驗室 (laboratory)、銀行到醫院,都能發現乖乖身影。
    《BBC》也清楚介紹乖乖的使用規則,綠色乖乖能夠讓機器乖乖聽話,因為紅綠燈中,綠色代表「暢通、通順」的正面意思,反之,黃色和紅色則帶有警告意味 (caution / alarm),另外如果過期 (expire)了也會失去幸運作用。

    🥠 ensure (v.) 確保
    🥠 sacred (a.) 神聖的
    —> sacred role (ph.) 神聖不可侵犯的地位
    🥠 keep...at bay 和⋯保持距離
    🥠 crisp (n.) 油炸馬鈴薯片 [英式用法]
    🥠 charm (n.) 咒語,符咒;護身符
    🥠 amulet (n.) 護身符;避邪物
    🥠 humble (a.) 簡單樸素的
    🥠 pick-me-up (n.) = tonic 提神的事物/飲食 [口語用法]
    🥠 moreish (a.) 讓人想再吃的
    🥠 savory (a.) 可口的 [英式用法];鹹味的
    🥠 mythical (a.) 神話的;杜撰的
    🥠 property (n.) 特性
    🥠 semiconductor (n.) 半導體
    🥠 pharmaceutical (a.) 製藥的;(n.) 製藥公司
    🥠 confectionary (n.) 西點;糕點
    🥠 word-of-mouth (a.) 口耳相傳的
    🥠 thesis (n.) 論文
    🥠 crash (v.) 當機
    🥠 talisman (n.) 避邪物
    🥠 synonymous (a.) 同義的
    🥠 metamorphosis (n.) 變形;轉型;(生物)變態
    🥠 hard-and-fast rule (ph.) 固定規則;硬性規定
    🥠 ventilator (n.) 通風口
    🥠 let alone 更不用說
    🥠 expiration date (n.) 過期日
    🥠 lest (conj.) 以防萬一
    🥠 consume (v.) 食用
    🥠 void (v.) 使無效
    🥠 warranty (n.) 保固期
    🥠 break down (phrase) 故障
    🥠 ambiguity (n.) 含糊不清
    🥠 specialize in N 專精於
    🥠 ethnology (n.) 民專學
    🥠 ritual (n.) 儀式
    🥠 legacy (n.) 遺產
    🥠 portion (n.) 部分
    🥠 illogical (a.) 不合邏輯的
    🥠 skimp (v.) 偷工減料

    🗞 新聞來源:《BBC Worklife》


  • 部分英文portion 在 學校沒教的英語聽力 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-23 20:30:23
    有 12 人按讚


    portion (n.) 部分

    ✏Example sentence:
    Gently pull and roll out each portion on a floured surface, handling the dough with care.

    🔗例句出處: CNN Travel


    #Ep9美國文化食物篇 #聽完就知道他們的身材怎麼來的
    🎧Podcasts app
    Listen Notes:https://lihi1.cc/eokWr

    #英文 #英聽
    #聽力 #食物

  • 部分英文portion 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-28 14:09:34
    有 470 人按讚

    [時事英文]彩券是一種窮人稅 (a tax on the poor)?

    The lottery is a particularly awful example of political corruption. Here government is raising revenue by selling the Powerball dream of wealth without work. Studies in a number of states have shown that lottery ticket sales are concentrated in poor communities, that poor people spend a larger portion of their income on tickets and that the poor are more likely to view the lottery as an investment.
    1. political corruption 政治腐敗
    2. raise revenue 提高收入
    3. Powerball 威力球(美國境內發行的彩券)
    4. dream of wealth 財富的夢想
    5. more likely to 更傾向於
    Lotteries are regressive taxes on poor people, in that a ticket costs relatively more for a poor person than a rich person, and punitive taxes on the poor and uneducated people who are the most avid buyers. The people who can least afford it are throwing away on average 47 cents on the dollar every time they buy a ticket. And the government, which relies increasingly on the lottery for funding, goes out of its way to tell them it is a good idea.
    6. relatively more 相對更多
    7. most avid buyers 最狂熱的買家
    8. go out of one’s way(特別是為其他人)非常努力地做
    9. punitive taxes 懲罰性賦稅
    What if I told you there was a $70 billion tax that the poor pay the most. You'd probably say that isn't very fair. But that's exactly what the lottery is: an almost 12-figure tax on the desperation of the least fortunate. To put that in perspective, that's $300 worth of lottery tickets for every adult every year. Researchers have found that the bottom third of households buy more than half of all tickets. So that means households making less than $28,000 a year are dishing out $450 a year on lotteries.
    10. a 12-figure tax 一個12位數的稅
    11. the least fortunate 最不幸的
    12. worth of… 值得⋯
    13. dish out 祭出;拿出
    14. What if...? 如果(尤指糟糕的情況出現)會怎麼樣?
    Historical data implies that when the economy goes bad, lottery revenues go up, because "when people are feeling desperate, they are more likely to stop by the gas station and buy five lottery tickets, hoping they get a big windfall.”
    15. historical data 歷史數據
    16. feel desperate 感到絕望
    17. get a big windfall 獲得巨額、意外的收穫
    In 2008, during the height of the recession, at least 22 of the 42 states with lotteries — including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut — set sales records.
    18. height of the recession 經濟衰退的高點
    19. set sales record 創下銷售記錄
    Lotteries are sometimes criticized as a "de facto tax on the poor," according to Matheson. "The poor spend a much higher percentage of their overall income on lotteries than the rich, and they can afford it less," he said. John Spry, a finance professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, has also studied the economic disparity among people who play instant scratch-off games. About three out of four instant game tickets sold in Minnesota are purchased by people with below-average incomes, according to Spry. He also cites research that shows that in South Carolina, 60% of instant lottery tickets were purchased by people with very low incomes.
    20. a de facto tax on the poor 一種對窮人的實質賦稅
    21. overall income 總收入
    22. economic disparity 經濟差異;經濟失衡(國際法名詞)
    23. below-average incomes 低於平均水準的所得
    Think on this a moment. In a place where government has utterly failed to provide adequate education and public services, government is using advertising to exploit the desperation of poor people in order to raise revenue that funds other people’s public services. This is often called a “regressive” form of taxation. The word does not adequately capture the cruelty and crookedness of selling a lie to vulnerable people in order to bilk them. Offering the chance of one in a 100 million is the equivalent of a lie. Lotteries depend on the deceptive encouragement of mythical thinking and fantasies of escape.
    24. utterly fail to 徹底地失敗
    25. fail to provide 無法提供
    26. adequate education and public services 充分的教育與公共服務
    27. exploit the desperation of poor people 利用窮人的絕望
    28. fund public services 資助公共服務
    29. a regressive form of taxation 一種累退的賦稅形式
    30. sell a lie 兜售一個謊言
    31. vulnerable people 弱勢群體
    32. mythical thinking 不切實際的想像
    33. fantasy of escape 逃避的幻想
    Some policymakers argue that the moral cost of lotteries is low. After all, the games are voluntary. And perhaps the money collected by the state is better off going to schools than to booze and cigarettes and whatever else. In an age of rising income inequality, it’s pernicious that states rely on monetizing the desperate hope of its poorest residents. State lotteries take from the poor to spare the rich, all while marching under the banner of voluntary entertainment. Banning lotto games will not make our poorest communities suddenly rich. But these neighborhoods have lost enough lotteries in life even before they touch a penny to the scratch-off ticket.
    34. moral cost 道德成本
    35. be better off 境況更好;經濟狀況較先前(或多數人)好
    36. rising income inequality日益加劇的所得不均
    37. take from the poor to spare the rich 劫貧濟富
    38. under the banner of 以⋯⋯的名義;在⋯⋯的旗幟下
    39. voluntary entertainment 自願性娛樂
    40. a scratch-off ticket 一張刮刮樂

    國內運動彩券之評析: https://www.npf.org.tw/3/5099

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2P11l9L






  • 部分英文portion 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-05-09 18:28:41

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 豬肉,清水洗乾淨,擎乾水。
    2. 腰果處理:
    a. 加入鹽半茶匙,及水100毫升。
    b. 浸15~20分鐘,吸收鹹味。
    c. 清水洗乾淨,擎乾水,吹乾。
    3. 豬肉,切粒。
    4. 紅蘿蔔,去皮,切粒。
    5. 西芹,揀出淺色的部分,切細粒;深色的部分,刨去表面的根,切細粒。
    6. 乾蔥頭,切兩端,去皮。
    7. 蒜頭,切兩端。
    8. 薑,去皮。
    9. 洗淨乾蔥頭,蒜頭及薑。
    10. 洗淨砧板。
    11. 蒜頭,切片。
    12. 豬肉調味:
    a. 生粉1茶匙,撈勻。
    b. 油1湯匙,撈勻。
    c. 鮑魚汁半茶匙,撈勻。

    1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油3湯匙。
    2. 轉慢火。
    3. 放腰果,慢慢在鑊中間推。
    4. 腰果已炸至金黃色。
    5. 熄火, 擎乾油,放碗內。
    6. 鑊中只需要保留油1茶匙。
    7. 開大火,加入豬肉粒。
    8. 豬肉粒,已炒了2分鐘,放蒜頭、薑及乾蔥頭落鑊。如果鑊出白煙,表示油不夠,要酌量加入,炒多1分鐘,但是豬肉尚未煮熟,先放入碗。
    9. 大火在鑊中加入油1茶匙,加入紅蘿蔔粒,加入水20毫升,焗3分鐘。
    10. 加入肉粒及西芹,炒勻,加入水100毫升。
    11. 加入糖2茶匙及鮑魚汁半茶匙,炒勻,冚蓋,煮2分鐘。
    12. 過了2分鐘,所有材料已煮熟,加入回鑊油1茶匙,令餸菜有光澤。
    13. 加入生粉芡收汁,炒勻至稠身。
    14. 熄火,放上碟。
    15. 腰果,放上碟。
    16. 加入芫荽。
    17. 完成,可享用。

    Stir frying meat cubes with cashew nuts

    Plumhead pork 1 catty
    Cashew nuts 1 bowl
    Carrot 1 No.
    Ginger 1 No.
    Garlics 2 Nos.
    Shallots 2 Nos.

    1. Pork, rinse with tap water. Hang dry.
    2. Cashew nuts:
    a. Put salt 0.5 tsp and water 100ml.
    b. Soak for 15~20 minutes, absorb the salty tastes.
    c. Rinse with tap water. Hang dry. Blow dry.
    3. Pork, get it diced.
    4. Carrot, get it peeled. Dice it.
    5. Celery, choose the portion in light colour, dice in small cubes, the portion in darker color, peel the skin, dice in small cubes as well.
    6. Shallots, cut both ends. Get it peeled.
    7. Garlics, cut both ends.
    8. Ginger, get it peeled.
    9. Rinse the shallots, garlics and ginger.
    10. Rinse the chopping board.
    11. Garlics, slice it.
    Shallots, get them sliced.
    Ginger, slice it.
    12. Season the pork:
    a. Tapioca starch 1 tsp, mix well.
    b. Oil 1 tbsp, mix well.
    c. Abalone sauce 0.5 tsp, mix well.

    1. Heat up oil 3 tbsp at high flame in wok.
    2. Turn to low flame.
    3. Put cashew nuts, push them in the wok back and forth.
    4. Cashew nuts have been deep fried into golden yellow.
    5. Turn off fire. Hang dry the oil. Put into a bowl.
    6. Only 1 tsp oil is to be retained in wok.
    7. Turn to high flame, put pork cubes.
    8. Pork cubes, have already fried for 2 minutes, put garlics, ginger and shallots into wok. If there is white smoke arising, that means oil is not enough, you have to add little into wok. Fry for 1 more minute, but the pork has not been cooked well. Put in a bowl first.
    9. Heat up oil 1 tsp at high flame in wok. Put carrot cubes and water 20ml. Cover up the wok for 3 minutes.
    10. Put pork and celery, fry well. Add water 100ml.
    11. Add sugar 2 tsp and abalone sauce 0.5 tsp, fry well. Cover up the wok, cook for 2 minutes.
    12. All the ingredients have been cooked well after 2 minutes. Put oil 1 tsp alongside the wok to make the ingredients more shiny.
    13. Put tapioca sauce. Fry well until the sauce becomes thick.
    14. Turn off fire, put on plate.
    15. Cashew nuts, put on top.
    16. Put coriander on top
    17. Complete. Serve.