

在 達成英文achieve產品中有35篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過827的網紅Ann's English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💙 #GoingProwAnn 新系列第一刷登場🙌 在這個淵博的💙深藍色💙新系列貼文中 我會和你分享 #英文履歷選詞 和 #商務英文 相關的知識! 我還在試水溫 每天都在思考 要怎麼讓貼文更符合你們所需要而且想要的 所以如果有任何 #建議 或 #許願 都歡迎在下方留言跟我說💙 💎💎💎 小...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,240的網紅English Island英語島,也在其Youtube影片中提到,About Chatterbox Island English Podcast: 從「話題式」的角度出發,以日常對話的方式,與主持人Elise聊一些生活中的趣事,輕鬆練習英文聽力! Did you have any New Year's resolutions before? How did it...

達成英文achieve 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-22 13:57:58

想聽新聞學英文,就追蹤 @bingobilingual_bb 和 #賓狗發音教室!  🎈【unattainable 無法達成的】— 形容詞 Perfection is an unattainable goal. (「完美」是無法達成的目標)  · attain 是「達成」,動詞,跟 ac...

達成英文achieve 在 MEG HUANG ∣ Fitness 健身訓練 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 12:57:59

OMG OMG today is the first time when I looked in the mirror and noticed my ABS was becoming more of a four-pack: “YAY! Four-pack!! Woohoo!” *Calls fam...

  • 達成英文achieve 在 Ann's English Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 20:09:15
    有 6 人按讚

    💙 #GoingProwAnn

    #英文履歷選詞 和 #商務英文

    所以如果有任何 #建議 或 #許願


    #英文履歷選詞 貼文中所附上的例句
    (technically they’re not “sentences”)


    也可以參考我的 #攻克英文面試 線上課程
    就到我的主頁點選連結 🔗 去參考吧!



    1. Achieve 達成
    2. Reach 達到
    3. Attain 得到
    4. Outperform 超越

    #安的美語 #履歷 #英文履歷 #英文面試 #商用英文 #職場英文 #英文學習 #英文筆記 #同義詞 #resume #CV #englishinterview #常用英文 #實用英文

  • 達成英文achieve 在 Ann's English Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 20:00:37
    有 6 人按讚

    💙 #攻克英文面試 早鳥預購六折 只剩一天 🙌

    #英文履歷選詞 和 #商務英文

    所以如果有任何 #建議 或 #許願


    #英文履歷選詞 貼文中所附上的例句
    (technically they’re not “sentences”)


    也可以參考我的 #攻克英文面試 線上課程
    課程方案可以讓你選購 #英文履歷編修 的服務
    就點選此連結 🔗 http://go.hoost.tw/3mnnd8 🔗 去參考吧!


    如果想要看看更多 #英文求職 以外的有趣內容
    歡迎到我的 Instagram 參觀!
    🚪 https://www.instagram.com/anns.english/ 🚪



    1. Achieve 達成
    2. Reach 達到
    3. Attain 得到
    4. Outperform 超越

    #安的美語 #履歷 #英文履歷 #英文面試 #商用英文 #職場英文 #英文學習 #英文筆記 #同義詞 #resume #CV #englishinterview #常用英文 #實用英文

  • 達成英文achieve 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-16 14:16:04
    有 5,786 人按讚





    ✨馬耐德(Nate Maynard)連續兩年(2014及2015 年)榮獲美國傅爾布萊特獎助學金,現為「鬼島之音Waste Not Why Not」節目製作及主持人,及銳思碳管理顧問股份有限公司高級顧問。

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #14 – Environmental sciences scholar Nate Maynard discover Taiwan’s and its key role in supply chains

    "I’m from San Diego California originally. My undergrad was from Soka University of America; liberal arts with a concentration in environmental studies, and I work on fresh-water fishes mostly and basic fisheries. And then my Master’s program was at the Monterey Institute of International Studies with a concentration in ocean and coastal resource management. One of my professors was Taiwanese, and she said: ‘you gotta go to Taiwan,’ as most Taiwanese people living abroad will tell foreigners.

    And I did go visit Taiwan for a cross-Strait research trip, and as the only environment person, I had to come up with something I could talk about in Taipei and Shanghai, and garbage was the most obvious thing. Because when you come to Taiwan, there’s no garbage, and I became fascinated: Why is there no garbage? I realized there really wasn’t much information in English about Taiwan’s waste management transformation, and that’s sort of how I got hooked and decided I wanted to live in Taiwan. That was 2013. And then I got the Fulbright Fellowship and spent a year at the National Aquarium in Kenting....and they haven’t been able to get me to leave. About six months ago, I started working for a private consulting firm called Reset Carbon. We help major brands and their supply chains set and achieve carbon supply chain targets. This is a new office that we just set up in Taiwan. The company’s headquarter is in Hong Kong, but we wanted to pivot to Taiwan because Taiwan’s the key supply chain link. We expect to see Taiwan growing in terms of sustainability reporting, carbon reduction goals, and Taiwan’s just a nice place.

    There’s a couple things that I really enjoy about Taiwan. I think the best thing that doesn’t get enough coverage is biodiversity. Taiwan is a sub-tropical island. It’s full of native and endemic species, beautiful butterflies, fireflies, coral, whale sharks, tuna, bears...I can list the animals for hours. It’s easy for me to go and get access to nature, even without a car. I also enjoy biking and Taiwan has excellent biking infrastructure, and great bike companies that make fine products. Most aspects of my life in Taiwan are pretty good. I can’t complain. Food is great too. I think there’s also a general trust and enthusiasm for science in Taiwan. I mean there’s a lot of elected officials that are doctors, scientists, engineers, and the president has published papers as a PhD. And you know, the vice president was probably the most qualified person on Earth to lead the COVID response. In Taiwan, it feels like the scientists are pretty well-represented, and like being a nerd is kinda okay." -- Nate Maynard

    ✨Nate Maynard won Fulbright Fellowship two times in a row (2014-15, 2015-16), now serving as a program host and producer of “Waste Not Why Not” with Ghost Island Media and a senior consultant at Reset Carbon.

  • 達成英文achieve 在 English Island英語島 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-01 19:00:11

    About Chatterbox Island English Podcast:

    Did you have any New Year's resolutions before? How did it go? What's your plan for this year? New Year's resolutions sound like something very serious and tough, but you can always take little baby step to achieve them.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the 5 steps that can help you REALLY achieve your goals in 2021!
    Listen to our podcast on:
    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z
    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68
    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy
    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ
    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/381LLp8
    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish
    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7
    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7
    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    Chatterbox Island English Podcast full playlist - https://reurl.cc/mn3LzY
    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/
    Music Credits🎵:
    Waiting by Ghostrifter Official https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-of...
    Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/l-waiting
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/8jYhareobTA

  • 達成英文achieve 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-07-02 15:12:38



    🌎 https://bit.ly/2ALIzQ2

    需要逐字稿和批判性思考問題的同學請到我臉書留言: https://bit.ly/2YTW9dI

    這部影片旨在提供同學一些有效率的學習方式,例如多閱讀、多嘗試講英文。雖然 Vincent 在國外長大,但並不代表我們完全無法參考他的學習方式,也不代表我們一定要按照他的方式來學習。下週我們邀請的來賓也會提供不同的學習觀點,敬請期待。


    趙怡翔(Vincent Chao)臉書: https://www.facebook.com/vincentychao

    趙怡翔(Vincent Chao)美國台灣觀測站專訪: https://www.facebook.com/ustaiwanwatch/posts/1418736271643673


    Here are some questions to consider:

    1. How did Vincent learn English? What are some methods mentioned in the interview?
    Vincent 如何學習英文?訪談中提到哪些方法?

    2. Identify at least three reasons why reading is an effective way to learn another language.

    3. What are the differences between Vincent’s learning approaches and your own?
    Vincent 與你的學習方式有何差異?

    4. Is Vincent’s method of learning the "best" way to learn English for students in Taiwan? Why or why not? 對臺灣的學生來說,Vincent 的方式是學習語言的最佳方法嗎?

    5. How can you use SOME of the learning approaches mentioned in the video to help you achieve your English learning goals? Be specific in your response. 你該如何應用影片中所提及的學習方式來達成自己的英語學習目標?作答時請詳述之。

    6. With your friends, come up with a new plan for learning English. Write down some steps you can take together. 與你的朋友一起擬定一個學習英語的新計畫。請寫下你們能一起進行的部分。