

在 身體虛寒症狀產品中有629篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【秋日養生】秋天水果不只得梨子 ⭐吃水果前分清自己寒熱底 ⭐平性水果寒熱體質皆宜 #星期四食材 秋日常見水果多偏涼 秋日常見水果如梨、柚子、楊桃、柿子等屬性都偏涼適合秋天天氣乾燥時候適量食用。梨子有生津潤燥的功效,有助紓緩秋燥帶來的不適,但體質偏寒、脾胃虛弱不宜多吃。而「寒底人」宜選擇屬性平和或...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,920的網紅艾蛙媽 VS. 達樂哥Aiwa Hu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【新竹身體調理推薦】富立安美式平衡力學,腰酸背痛推薦脊椎減壓課程。肌肉沾黏、科技調理超有效率!配合專業方式和健康管理師,舒緩身體疲勞症狀 - #富立安美式平衡力學 #新竹身體調理推薦 #科技調理 - 身為資深上班族,當我寫文案就是在辦公桌2個小時都不動!因為要專心創作。加上缺乏運動,整個筋骨都硬梆梆...

身體虛寒症狀 在 ????? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 16:28:36

女生們每個月都會有約一周的時間要歡迎姨媽拜訪 通常生理期我會有明顯不適,有時甚至生理期前就會不舒服 症狀之一不外乎就是經痛啊 雖然是陣痛,痛起來真的是只想要趴在地上什麼事也做不了 偶爾嚴重的話還會吃不下頭痛嘔吐 那幾天很辛苦 真的必須要好好被呵護啊!!! - 之前使用過 @phytopia.asia...

身體虛寒症狀 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【胎毒疑惑】擔心濕疹傳給下一代? ⭐孕前調理及孕期戒口已足夠 ⭐還要等寶寶出世後再治理 #星期三CheckCheckMail 清胎毒避免BB濕疹? 陳太:「我現在懷孕32周,朋友都說我要清胎毒,要吃西瓜和飲白蓮鬚糖水,否則會把濕疹傳給寶寶。」 CheckCheckCin:不少孕媽媽以為懷孕覺得...

身體虛寒症狀 在 林凱鈞 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 00:48:34

【凱鈞話重點】入秋正是調理好食機!10味秋日降燥蔬果,讓口乾、缺水、便秘、煩躁等問題通通退散! 秋風起,迎秋意,隨著氣候溫度與濕度逐漸變換,自立秋之後,燥氣明顯,特別容易影響肺部、肌膚、情緒與消化等系統的穩定度,像是口乾舌燥或呼吸系統受到損傷就很常見;且肌膚變得乾燥粗糙且搔癢難耐;有些人則會有煩躁...

  • 身體虛寒症狀 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 18:01:39
    有 64 人按讚





    梨 — 性寒,有生津潤燥、清熱止咳化痰的功效,適合口乾、喉嚨痛、便秘、暗瘡等偏熱症狀人士食用。

    柚子 — 性寒,有清熱消滯、下氣化痰、醒酒的作用,適合消化不良、胃脹、噯氣人士、宿醉未解人士食用。

    楊桃 — 性寒,有清熱生津、止咳、解酒的功效,適合因為煙酒過多、經常熬夜而出現的肺熱咳嗽、黃痰。

    柿子 — 性寒,有清熱潤肺、生津止渴的功效,適合痔瘡出血、大便乾結人士食用。


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    Autumn fruits are usually cool in nature
    Fruits we see during autumn such as pear, pomelo, starfruit, and persimmon are cool in nature. Hence, they are suitable to be eaten during the dry autumn season.

    Pear can relieve the discomfort caused by autumn dryness, as it can induce salivation and quench thirst, but individuals with a cold body and a weak spleen and stomach should not consume it excessively.

    Those with a cold body should opt for fruits that are warm or mild in nature. For instance, grapes (induces salivation and strengthens the spleen), fig (strengthens the stomach and moistens the intestines), and guava (induces salivation and quench thirst).

    🔥 Common symptoms of people with heat-related body condition: reddish complexion, dry eyes, enjoy cold beverages, prone to dry mouth, yellowish urine, dry stool
    ❄️ Common symptoms of people with cold-related body condition: pale complexion, aversion to cold, enjoy hot beverages, partial body pain when encountering wind and cold, loose stool

    Pear – cold in nature; can induce saliva secretion, moisten the body, clear heat and phlegm; is suitable for individuals with heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, constipation and acne.

    Pomelo – cold in nature; can clear heat and relieve stagnation, clear the qi and phlegm, aid digestion and relieve hang over. It is suitable for those with digestion, bloating and belching problems, as well as those with a hangover.

    Starfruit – cold in nature; can clear heat and induce saliva secretion, induce diuresis, relieve a cough and a hangover; suitable to relieve heaty lungs and coughs as well as the secretion of yellow phlegm that normally happen to frequent smokers and night owls.

    Persimmon – cold in nature; can clear heat and moisten the lungs, induce saliva secretion and quench one’s thirst; suitable for individuals with bleeding hemorrhoids and dry stools.

    *Those with cold-related body condition, as well as those with a weak and cold spleen and stomach should avoid eating.

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    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #我畏冷 #水果 #寒底人 #熱底人

  • 身體虛寒症狀 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 19:13:53
    有 65 人按讚




    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:紅粉緋緋


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Introverts should replenish yang and dispel cold
    Introverts tend to be quiet, do not talk as much, and can be emotional. Some friends would even describe them as timid as a lamb. While some are born introverts, others can became so due to their body constitution.

    If symptoms such as pale complexion, cold limbs, high urination volume, loose stools, or even undigested food in stools occur, then the individual likely have a yang-deficient body constitution. The lack of the yang energy is like the lack of fuel for the body. Hence, the body would become weak and develop aversion to cold of cold. This is why certain people become introverted and emotionally easily.

    Individuals with a yang-deficient body constitution should replenish the yang and dispel cold. They should bask in the sun once in a while during summer and nourish the body during winter.

    Consume ingredients that are warm in nature such as mutton, raw ginger, Korean ginseng, maitake mushroom. Avoid eating and drinking raw and cold foods and beverages, and avoid overworking. Exercise moderately and regularly such as taichi, brisk walking, and carrying out stretching exercises. With an increase in yang energy in the body, our personality can become more cheerful.

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Healing Tea Recommendation: Blushing
    Ingredients: Red Date, Dried Longan, Wolfberry, Chrysanthemum, Sweet Osmanthus, American Ginseng, Maojian Tea, Rock Sugar
    Effects: Nourishes blood and calms the mind. Relieves asthenic cold spleen and stomach, pale complexion, cold limbs.

    Welcome to order through our website:�www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛

  • 身體虛寒症狀 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-25 18:01:53
    有 139 人按讚

    各個國家或是地區,都有不同的風俗民情,不知道你有沒有聽說過哪個地區有什麼特別的民俗療法,可以透過相當特別的習俗幫人治病。今天老師要用另類巫醫,測出你未來45天一定要注意的【健康危機】! !

    Q:有一天你到異國旅遊,突然覺得身體不舒服,上吐下瀉,附近又沒有醫療院所,當地的導遊將你帶到一個秘密的巫醫治療所,你第一直覺,導遊帶你去做何種療法? (這些療法都不會對你造成任何傷害。)





