
為什麼這篇身歷其境鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在身歷其境這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者sovereignty (阿宅反抗軍)看板GRE標題[字彙] vicarious (a) 彷彿身...

往往中文裡要解釋半天的情境,英文一個字就 K.O. 了。


The Word of the Day for August 02, 2010 is:

vicarious \vye-KAIR-ee-us\ adjective

1 : done or suffered for the benefit of someone else
*2 : sharing in someone else's experience through the use of the imagination
or sympathetic feelings

Example Sentence:

Though I have never been to the Caribbean, I always take vicarious pleasure
in hearing about Leslie's trips there with her family.

Did you know?

If you act in someone's stead, you take his or her place, at least
temporarily. The oldest meaning of "vicarious," which was first recorded in
1637, is "serving in someone or something's stead." The word "vicarious"
derives from the Latin noun "vicis," which means "change," "alternation," or
"stead." "Vicis" is also the source of the English prefix "vice-" (as in
"vice president"), meaning "one that takes the place of."

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.


vicarious pleasure 彷彿置身其境的快樂
in sb.'s stead 代替某人 (instead = in + stead)
vice (a) 副手的 (必要時,可取代正手)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
stonecold926:但英文要用一大段話形容的事情 中文四個字就可以解決 08/04 15:19
sovereignty :是啊,也有這樣的情況 08/04 15:41

