

在 費用英文expense產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【3, 2, 1, ACTION!】 從我2016年6月懵懵懂懂的第一次做臉書直播,到現在有68隻影片上載在Youtube,不知不覺已有四年了。 有位二十多歲的女客人說,她和男朋友看了我早期的影片,再看我現在的影片,他們驚嘆我的改變如此的大。 是啊,我自己也沒想到有一天,我能坐擁來自世界各地三...

費用英文expense 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-12 06:53:27

「幸福綠皮書」Green Book伴你渡過陽光灑落的下午時光! ———————————————— 🌞 俐媽電影英文—幸福綠皮書篇: 👥 pine (n.) 松樹🌲 👥 facility (n.) 設施 👥 aware (a.) 有意識的 👥 deli (n.) 熟食 👥 circumstances ...

費用英文expense 在 方健儀 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 09:17:33

2015.5.15 《港股策略王周刊》破天「方」專欄。 《我怕退休冇錢使》 這是我早前幫德盛安聯擔任一個退休信心調查記者會做司儀時,最入腦的一個信息。你對強積金的態度,係咪都同我一樣咁hea?係就要警惕警惕! #Strategist #港股策略王 #港股策略王周刊 #MPF #retiremen...

  • 費用英文expense 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-30 16:41:15
    有 184 人按讚

    【3, 2, 1, ACTION!】








    剪輯師把完成作品發給我,經過我們一到兩輪的修改後,就是你們看到的Youtube 影片了。




    你們看我的影片,不用付費。我沒有設YouTube 會員區,也沒有啟動Youtube的廣告功能,這樣你們看影片不會被打擾。



    我從不勉強人,我會說如果他們不喜歡被我糾正,可以另請高明,其實出色又盡責的風水命理師,世界各地都有很多,我師父 - 玳瑚師父,就是其中一人。






    那倒不如,我把這機會讓給更有誠意的人,或多拍些有益的影片服務大眾,也是一件樂事呀~ ❤️


    世界很大,要體驗的事很多,要見的人也還很多,我們都不必為不需要我們的人蹉跎青春歲月,而忘了 - 其實失去也是一種大福報。


    It has been four years since my very first FB Live in June 2016 and now I also have 68 videos on YouTube.

    A lady client in her 20s told me that after watching my earlier videos and then my current videos, she and her boyfriend were surprised at the big change in me.

    Me too. I never imagined that one day, I would have a channel of 31.5K subscribers.

    The making of a video involves the blood and tears of many people behind the scenes.

    Filming myself, writing the script, dolling myself, and while in front of the camera, controlling my expressions, intensity of my gaze, speed and tone of my speech, all these took years of hammering it out.

    Sometimes I get dissatisfied with the videos filmed and I reshoot them the next day.

    I have a little helper in Singapore who helps me with the first cut and typing of Chinese and English subtitles. I will edit them again before sending them over to my Taiwan video editor for post-production.

    When my video editor sends me the finished product, there will usually be 1 to 2 more rounds of correction and viola, that’s the uploaded video you see on YouTube.

    This whole process takes about 6 working days.

    Not so simple to be a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner in these social media data’s,. Must learn how to write, present, script, film, edit video, take photos......I miss those olden days of walking the marketplace with a cloth banner that says “Fortune Telling”~😂

    Some audience asked me why I do not accept their consultation requests after I close my booking forms.

    I do not meet clients every day, because I still need to set aside time for video production work.

    Not everybody has the ability to engage me, and some are obstructed by the people around them.

    My wish is to at least touch as many lives as possible in a positive way, and my videos are one way for me to actualise that. So my apologies that I would not do more consultations at the expense of my videos. ☺️

    It is free for you to watch my videos. I did not turn on my Youtube channel membership or put ads in my videos, so you won’t be disrupted while watching my videos.

    The fees I earn from my consultations can pay for my video productions, so I do not need to activate other monetisation models. Thank you to all my video investors. 😄

    I admit I am definitely a very strict teacher. When clients lack the etiquette in their emails or are too casual, I will correct them.

    I do not like to force anybody and will tell them if they dislike being corrected, they can always look for another Master. There are outstanding and responsible Chinese Metaphysics practitioners all over the world, one of them being my Shifu - Master Dai Hu.

    These clients will usually choose to still meet me, but occasionally there will be some local clients who may feel emotionally imbalanced at being corrected.

    While they still insist to meet me, they will stand me up on the consultation day and give some reason for their no-show.

    I have sympathy for such clients. For a grown-up in his/her 30s/40s and some even in their 50s, why do they still experience so many misfortunes in their lives?

    Seems like it is all self-inflicted. Being egotistical never solves problems. There is no point wasting blind compassion on them.

    I never give second chances not because I bear a grudge against them or get angry at them. There is never enmity in my heart.

    But since the opportunity has been given and lessons taught, plus they have also gain from my video contents, I don’t owe anything to them. They forsook our original appointment, and deprive another person from getting my help. This is not virtuous of them. Why not I give this chance to another one who is more sincere, or use the time to create more video content to benefit more people. That would be just as joyous~ ❤️

    Moreover, to me, what is most important isn’t the red packet that I should have received but the donation that they have already done to the charities.

    The world is vast, with many new experiences waiting for us and many more people to meet. Don’t let youth slip by us and hanker for people who don’t need us. Remember this, sometimes, losing someone or something is good fortune in disguise.

  • 費用英文expense 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-19 08:00:57
    有 214 人按讚

    Airbnb 可憐啊!鈔票變空氣?
    🔥 ‘A Bargain With the Devil’—Bill Comes Due for Overextended Airbnb Hosts

    💰For years, Cheryl Dopp considered the ding on her phone from a new Airbnb Inc. booking to be the sound of what she called “magical money.” A property she rented out in Jersey City, N.J., on Airbnb could gross more than $8,000 a month, she said, double what long-term tenants would pay.
    很多年來,Cheryl Dopp每當聽到手機發出Airbnb新訂單的提示音,都會覺得那一聲「叮」代表著錢幣入袋。她把紐澤西州澤西城的一處房產掛在Airbnb上出租,她說每月總收入在8000美元(約23.9萬元)以上,是長租的兩倍。

    -consider: 認為;視為
    -property: 財產,資產;房地產
    -gross: 獲得總收入(或毛利)
    -tenant: 房客;承租人

    🏠Now, Ms. Dopp associates the dings with cancellations and financial misery. The 54-year-old information-technology contractor said she had about $10,000 in bookings evaporate overnight in March. She has $22,000 in monthly expenses for a largely Airbnb portfolio, she said, that included another Jersey City home and a house in Miami.

    -associate: 聯想,把……聯想在一起(+with)
    -evaporate: 蒸發;揮發
    -expense: 費用;支出;開支

    👿In her mind, the promise of more rental income offset the growing debt, she said. “I made a bargain with the devil.”

    -offset: 補償;抵銷
    -bargain: 買賣,交易
    ✍ to bargain with sb. (over or for sth.) (就某事物)與某人商談
    ✍ to make or strike a bargain 達成協議

    🏰Ms. Dopp is part of an upper-crust dimension of the gig economy: property owners and speculators who bought or leased real estate in pursuit of Airbnb profits. Airbnb spawned a cottage industry of homeowners running their own property empires, turning the startup into a hotelier without any hotels.

    -upper-crust: [口語]上流社會;麵包表層的皮
    -gig: [口語](爵士樂、搖滾樂) 演奏,公演
    ✍ gig economy: 零工經濟
    -speculator: 投機者;投機商人
    -spawn: 產(卵);產生;造成


    In Ms. Dopp’s mind, the promise of more rental income _____ the growing debt, she said. “I made a _____ with the devil.”
    A. compensate / adjustment
    B. balance / agreement
    C. offset / bargain

    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • 費用英文expense 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-03 14:42:57
    有 86 人按讚

    「幸福綠皮書」Green Book伴你渡過陽光灑落的下午時光!
    🌞 俐媽電影英文—幸福綠皮書篇:
    👥 pine (n.) 松樹🌲
    👥 facility (n.) 設施
    👥 aware (a.) 有意識的
    👥 deli (n.) 熟食
    👥 circumstances (n.) 情況
    👥 rat (n.) 抓耙仔(告密者)🐀
    👥 ransom (n.) 贖金
    👥 plain (a.) 樸素的
    👥 spirit (n.) 精神
    👥 tuxedo (n.) 燕尾服
    👥 handcuff (n.)(v.) 手銬
    👥 bribe (n.)(v.) 賄賂
    👥 career (n.) 事業
    👥 exception (n.) 例外
    👥 offer (v.) 提供
    👥 manager (n.) 經理
    👥 title (n.) 頭銜
    👥 responsibility (n.) 責任
    👥 expense (n.) 費用
    👥 parish (n.) 教區
    👥 classical (a.) 古典的
    👥 persuade (v.) 說服
    👥 insist (v.) 堅持
    👥 audience (n.) 觀眾
    👥 entertain (v.) 娛樂
    👥 stick to N 堅持...
    👥 fairy tale (n.) 童話
    👥 expressive (a.) 富表達力的
    👥 license (n.) 執照
    👥 detour (n.)(v.) 繞路
    👥 violate (v.) 違反
    👥 right (n.) 權利
    #EEC #WillingEnglish #EECmovie #俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室幸福綠皮書篇 #俐媽電影英文 #俐媽電影英文幸福綠皮書篇 #greenbook