淡蘭古道北路的第二天從貢寮出發,經草嶺古道到大里火車站,搭火車北上到石城火車站,一路往北繼續第二條淡蘭北路(#楊廷理古徑 、#燦光寮古徑 )的行程.
淡蘭古道北路的第二天從貢寮出發,經草嶺古道到大里火車站,搭火車北上到石城火車站,一路往北繼續第二條淡蘭北路(#楊廷理古徑 、#燦光寮古徑 )的行程.
貢寮有機書店→德心宮→遠望坑親水公園→草嶺古道→虎字碑→草嶺古道越嶺鞍部→客棧遺址→古道客棧→ 大里天公廟→大里遊客中心→大里車站→(搭火車)→石城車站→濱海路公路→嶐嶺古道→福隆車站→龍門露營區
補給點:古道客棧、大里車站對面雜貨店(沒看到) 、石城車站對面勝城商行(沒開)
營地/住宿: 福隆龍門露營區 (門票NT$100/一帳NT$650) 平日建議當天電話詢問,假日建議事先預約.
Tamsui-Kavalan Trails / Northern Trails
🔹Day 2
Gongliao Organic Bookstore→Caoling Historic Trail→Dali Train Station→Shicheng Train Station→Longling Historical Trail→Fulong Train Station→Longmen Camping Area
The 200km Tamsui-Kavalan Trails is the first long-distance cultural route of Taiwan. The trails include the Northern trails, Middle trails and Southern trails for the officials, residents, and tea merchants.
During the Qing dynasty, the trail took you from “Tamsui Subprefecture”(Taipei) in the north to “Kavalan Subprefecture”(Yilan) in the east, also connecting the Xueshan Range to the Pacific Ocean and the rest of the world, via the Taiwan Strait, has played a crucial part in the development of northern Taiwan.
Pic 9-10 by @sxxxxlin
#淡蘭古道 #淡蘭古道北路 #草嶺古道 #嶐嶺古道 #健行 #長途健行 #台灣 #步道 #徒步 #女子電台 #tamsuikavalantrails #hikingintaiwan #hikerslife #longdistancehiking #hiking #traveling #fujiflim #fujifilmxt3 #fujifilm_global