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貝斯英文翻譯 在 Sangpuy 桑布伊 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 12:40:19

「在面對疫情時,希望大家彼此祝福,彼此陪伴。每個族群互相的支持,互相的鼓勵,互相的欣賞。台灣會更美麗。」 - 桑布伊.卡達德邦.瑪法琉 桑布伊說,個人的願望很好達成,他最大的夢想就是希望:在台灣這片土地上的所有人,都能對彼此的文化尊重、欣賞,彼此陪伴、彼此扶持。因為愛和陪伴,是這世上最大的力量。...

Heavy Metal Music

Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music that
developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the Midlands of the
United Kingdom and the United States. With roots in blues rock and
psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick,
massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar
solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness. Heavy metal lyrics and
performance styles are generally associated with masculinity and machismo.

The first heavy metal bands such as Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep
Purple attracted large audiences, though they were often critically reviled,
a status common throughout the history of the genre. In the mid-1970s Judas
Priest helped spur the genre's evolution by discarding much of its blues
influence; Motörhead introduced a punk rock sensibility and an increasing
emphasis on speed. Bands in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal such as Iron
Maiden followed in a similar vein. Before the end of the decade, heavy metal
had attracted a worldwide following of fans known as "metalheads" or
第一波金屬樂團如Led Zeppelin、Black Sabbath 和Deep Purple吸引了廣大的聽眾群,
1970年代中期,Judas Priest協助促進重金屬音樂擺脫原本的藍調色彩;Motörhead引入
了龐克搖滾的感覺以及對速度的強調。英倫金屬新浪潮(New Wave of British Heavy
Metal ,NWOBHM)樂團如Iron Maiden與兩者一脈相承;在70年代結束以前,重金屬音樂

In the 1980s, glam metal became a major commercial force with groups like Mö
tley Crüe and Poison. Underground scenes produced an array of more extreme,
aggressive styles: thrash metal broke into the mainstream with bands such as
Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax, while other styles like death metal
and black metal remain subcultural phenomena. Since the mid-1990s, popular
styles such as nu metal, which often incorporates elements of grunge and hip
hop; and metalcore, which blends extreme metal with hardcore punk, have
further expanded the definition of the genre.
到了1980年代,在Mötley Crüe和Poison等樂團引領風潮下,華麗金屬成為了主流商業
如新金屬(nu metal)──該流派通常吸收了油漬搖滾與嘻哈音樂的元素──和金屬核


Heavy metal is traditionally characterized by loud distorted guitars,
emphatic rhythms, dense bass-and-drum sound, and vigorous vocals. Metal
subgenres variously emphasize, alter, or omit one or more of these
attributes. New York Times critic Jon Pareles writes, "In the taxonomy of
popular music, heavy metal is a major subspecies of hard-rock—the breed with
less syncopation, less blues, more showmanship and more brute force." The
typical band lineup includes a drummer, a bassist, a rhythm guitarist, a lead
guitarist, and a singer, who may or may not be an instrumentalist. Keyboard
instruments are sometimes used to enhance the fullness of the sound.
Jon Pareles寫道:「在流行音樂的分類中,重金屬音樂是硬式搖滾一個重要的子類別─

The electric guitar and the sonic power that it projects through
amplification has historically been the key element in heavy metal. The lead
role of the guitar in heavy metal often collides with the traditional
"frontman" or bandleader role of the vocalist, creating a musical tension as
the two "contend for dominance" in a spirit of "affectionate rivalry". Heavy
metal "demands the subordination of the voice" to the overall sound of the
band. Reflecting metal's roots in the 1960s counterculture, an "explicit
display of emotion" is required from the vocals as a sign of authenticity.
Critic Simon Frith claims that the metal singer's "tone of voice" is more
important than the lyrics. Metal vocals vary widely in style, from the
multioctave, theatrical approach of Judas Priest's Rob Halford and Iron
Maiden's Bruce Dickinson, to the gruff style of Motörhead's Lemmy and
Metallica's James Hetfield, to the growling of many death metal performers,
and to the harsh screams of black metal.
清楚傳達感情」是一種可靠的象徵。樂評Simon Frith宣稱,金屬樂主唱的「聲調」比歌
詞更加重要。金屬樂的歌唱風格五花八門;從音域寬廣、戲劇式的唱腔如Judas Priest的
Rob Halford和Iron Maiden的Bruce Dickinson,到Motörhead的Lemmy和Metallica的
James Hetfield的粗啞唱腔,乃至於死亡金屬中眾多表演者愛用的低吼,和黑金屬演唱者

The prominent role of the bass is also key to the metal sound, and the
interplay of bass and guitar is a central element. The bass guitar provides
the low-end sound crucial to making the music "heavy".Metal basslines vary
widely in complexity, from holding down a low pedal point as a foundation to
doubling complex riffs and licks along with the lead and/or rhythm guitars.
Some bands feature the bass as a lead instrument, an approach popularized by
Metallica's Cliff Burton in the early 1980s.
榜著以貝斯為主要樂器,這條路線因Metallica1980年代早期的貝斯手Cliff Burton而普

The essence of metal drumming is creating a loud, constant beat for the band
using the "trifecta of speed, power, and precision". Metal drumming "requires
an exceptional amount of endurance", and drummers have to develop
"considerable speed, coordination, and dexterity...to play the intricate
patterns" used in metal. A characteristic metal drumming technique is the
cymbal choke, which consists of striking a cymbal and then immediately
silencing it by grabbing it with the other hand (or, in some cases, the same
striking hand), producing a burst of sound. The metal drum setup is generally
much larger than those employed in other forms of rock music.
樂中所使用的複雜花式。金屬樂鼓手技巧的一個特點就是Cymbal Choke,即在擊鈸後,用

In live performance, loudness—an "onslaught of sound," in sociologist Deena
Weinstein's description—is considered vital. In his book Metalheads,
psychologist Jeffrey Arnett refers to heavy metal concerts as "the sensory
equivalent of war." Following the lead set by Jimi Hendrix, Cream and The
Who, early heavy metal acts such as Blue Cheer set new benchmarks for volume.
As Blue Cheer's Dick Peterson put it, "All we knew was we wanted more
power."A 1977 review of a Motörhead concert noted how "excessive volume in
particular figured into the band’s impact." Weinstein makes the case that in
the same way that melody is the main element of pop and rhythm is the main
focus of house music, powerful sound, timbre, and volume are the key elements
of metal. She argues that the loudness is designed to "sweep the listener
into the sound" and to provide a "shot of youthful vitality."
在現場演唱中,高音量──社會學家Deena Weinstein形容為「聲音的突襲」──被認為
不可或缺。在他的書《金屬頭》中,心理學家Jeffrey Arnett指金屬音樂會是「相當於戰
爭的感官體驗」。追隨著領頭樂團如Jimi Hendrix、Cream和The Who的腳步,早期的金屬
樂團體如Blue Cheer,為「高音量」豎立起新的標竿。正如Blue Cheer的Dick Peterson


I had nothing but the embittered sun...

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◆ From:
davidhuang28:讚啦~~ 12/29 14:41
bullvet:推 推廣金屬時有這種入門介紹文章很棒! 12/29 14:44
knight00931:<(_ _)> 12/29 14:56
PistolUncle:推! 12/29 15:10
Erotomania:不推不行 12/29 15:14
brooklyn1:狂推猛送!借轉 12/29 15:32
a411120:\m/ 12/29 16:28
kopfschuss:推 後面還很多囧 12/29 16:50
yesno1011:推 12/29 18:32
hankower:推 12/29 20:04
Ning01:推 12/29 20:21
livingend:讚喔!! 12/29 22:45
paradyse:不推不行 12/29 22:58
gatsu:This is really good. 12/29 23:12
HouseOfSleep:這篇真的很棒 很根本又基礎的介紹 12/29 23:35
youyou4509:推 12/29 23:53
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (12/30 10:42)
maple2l8:現在還有純一點的重金團嗎? 12/30 10:43
sapphire125:推啦! 感謝翻譯 12/30 16:45
hdes937119:酷飛出版,必屬精品!! 12/30 19:52
rdennis1992:推推推~~ 01/02 19:47
sneak: 50看到接下來音樂元素 https://muxiv.com 08/15 10:19

