
為什麼這篇豎笛泛音指法鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在豎笛泛音指法這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者EastEvil (淡淡秋風解凡憂)看板NTUWindBand標題一個物理人的豎笛隨筆(三)時間...



我且用一個更實際點的說法來回答這個問題: 如果你先用豎笛吹個中央C
.... 相反的,如果你以長笛或雙簧管或是薩克斯風來作上述的練習,你會發現你吹



我們說話的聲音非常相近.對於分析豎笛的音色而言, 我們最好先研究組成它聲音


可以從頻譜圖上看出每個頻率的聲波在合成整個聲波時所佔的份量.假如440 Hz這

大 | |
小 | |
440 Hz 頻率 )

接著就讓我們用可以測出聲音頻譜的機器(Tony曰: 就是所謂的"頻譜分

在圖上看到在這個頻率的三,五,七倍頻率的地方也有一些較小的尖線出現. 這正
是我們預期閉管樂器會發生的現象. 但是你還是可以在二,四,六倍頻率附近的地
方看到很小的尖線出現. 這說明了真正的豎笛的特性和我上次介紹的"理想豎笛"
呂摩"音域(Tony曰: CHALUMEAU這是種古老的樂器,跟迅猛龍一樣,現在絕跡啦.它

種古代的木製高音小號. 豎笛中高音域的音色和這種樂器相近,故B~C''的這音域
小了.這些偶數頻的泛音還是比基數頻的泛音的成分來的小,但相差不多了. 這對




基本上你只能從其頻譜上看到兩個尖線,最多三個. 也就是說,如果你吹
一個高音E("兩點Mi"), 那麼你可以在更高八度的E("三點Mi")的頻率附近再看到
一條尖線,然後還可以在更高的高音B("三點Si")的地方再看到一條尖線. 基本上
所有其他的木管樂器它們的頻譜到了這樣高的音的時候也都是如此. 因此,豎笛,

譜通常到了超過5000 Hz的地方就會被切掉不見.也就是說在豎笛管身內超過5000
Hz頻率的振動大小已經小的可以忽略.而5000 Hz對我們的耳朵來說也變成了一個

以上這些資料主要是參考A. H. Benade先生(核子物理學家,而且可能也
於豎笛各個音域的範圍的部分,請參考Jack Brymer先生所著的"The Clarinet"一
書,或是Collin Lawson先生所主編的"The Cambridge Companion to the Clari-
(Tony曰:Brymer和Lawson都是當代英國豎笛大師, 也都有相當多關於豎笛的著述

下次我們將從更定性上的方面來"看看"頻譜上音色的變化. 而這是俄亥
俄州立大學的James Pyne先生所做的實驗研究.



A Real Clarinet -- Simplified Version

What is a clarinet? (again!)

Let me answer this question in a more practical way, if you play
middle C (please understand that for a Bb clarinet this is actually a
concert Bb) on a clarinet first, then try to produce the next harmonic,
you find yourself playing the G which is a perfect twelfth, then high E
(a major sixth above previous G), .......
On the other hand, if you are playing a flute or oboe or saxophone,,
you find yourself playing C, C (an octive), G (a perfect fifth),....

That's the conclusion from my previous paragraph on an ideal clarinet.

I have to introduce many things that many of you already know. However,
there seems to be no other choice for me but to explain them clear before
we move on.

The sound of any instrument is actually very complex, otherwise they
should sound similar to us. To analyze the sound of a clarinet, it is
best to study the power spectrum of its sound.

So, what is "power spectrum"?

The sound from a clarinet can be thought as a combination of many sound
waves with single frequencies. The power spectrum tells us the
contribution of the sound from each single frequency. If the
contribution from frequency 440Hz is large, there is a peak around 440Hz
in the power spectrum.

Let's analyze the sound of a clarinet by using a machine that can give
us the power spectrum of a sound.

Now, if you play a sound in the middle C which is the lowest C that you
can play on a clarinet, the power spectrum shows a large peak at the
frequency which corresponds to the pitch of C, then there are peaks which
have frequencies 3, 5, 7,... times of that peak. This is what we expected
for a closed pipe instrument. However, there are some small peaks around
frequencies which are 2, 4, 6,.... times of that C. This tells us that a
real clarinet is not the same as the perfect model that I mentioned last
time. It is not a perfect "close pipe" instrument. Similiar shape of
power spectrum can be found through out the chalumeau register for a
clarinet. As a result of the lack of contributions from frequencies 2, 4,
6,... times of the first harmonic, the sound of clarinet in this register
is unique, and this is the characteristic of a clarinet.

Next, play a sound which is a perfect twelfth above the middle C. It is
a G, of course. Fingering of this note is the same as the middle C except
you have to add the register key to make the sound happen easier. This
is a note in the range of "clarion register". The power spectrum has
changed qualitatively from those in the chalumeau register. Of course the
peak that corresponds to the lowest frequency is that for the note G, but
the even harmonics are not small anymore. The even harmonics are smaller
than the odd ones but not by a lot. This is true for all notes in the
clarion register, i.e., from B (for Bb saporano clarinet, this is 440Hz)
to high C.

"Wait a minute!" you may want to say, "I can tell that is a clarinet
even you just say the spectrum has changed qualitatively."

Well, you just told me how good human ears are. We can tell by a tiny
difference of the power spectrum of the sound that somebody is playing a
clarinet, not a flute, or saxophone.

How about the next register?

Basically there are only 2 peaks, at most 3 peaks that you can see from
the power spectrum. If you play a high E, then you will find a peak at
double high E, then another one at double high B. This is basically the
same for all other woodwind instruments. Hence, clarinet, flute, oboe,...
can sound similar for altissimo notes.

I have to add one more point: The power spectrum of the clarinet tone
is usually cut at frequency of about 5000Hz for a good player. That
is, the vibration for frequency higher than 5000Hz is small inside a
clarinet tube. 5000Hz turns out to be a magic number for our ears, too.
I will come back to that later.

The above material is mostly based on interesting books by A. H.
Benade, a nuclear physicist and perhaps the most influential woodwind
acoustic researcher of the 20th century. For the range of different
registers for a clarinet, please check on "The clarinet" by Jack Brymer,
or "The Cambridge Companion to the Clarinet" ed. by Collin Lawson.

Next time a qualitative way of "seeing" the tone color from the power
spectrum will be described, which is an experimental work done by James
Pyne of Ohio State University.

Hsuan-Yi Chen

大夢誰先覺 平生我自知

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