[爆卦]讀paper dcard是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 讀paper產品中有2039篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅新思惟國際,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有些人論文看得快,有些人卻很慢。#你是哪一種 ⠀ 有些人能整理數十篇既有文獻與亞洲現況,制訂 guideline,有些人卻連論文都看不完。 ⠀ 有些人能整理數百篇文獻,一年發表 10 篇 meta-analysis,但有些人卻連一個主題都讀不完。 ⠀ 因為,論文是作品,得讀沒錯。 但更重要的,是你帶...

 同時也有486部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,720的網紅宛的手帳人森 Life and Journal,也在其Youtube影片中提到,素材: ▲日曆→讀曆書店 ▲果實 轉印貼紙→Sonia's illustration Life ▲休 印章→美好文具室 ▲月球 轉印貼紙→MU ▲ YOHAKU 紙膠帶 ▲MT X SOU SOU 聯名紙膠帶 ▲拉花兔兔印章 →Kumayankee ig不定期分享拼貼,還不追蹤起來♥↓↓↓↓♥ ...

讀paper 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 16:39:58

. 【iPad介紹系列第一彈】 . 從在台大的時候開始使用iPad,到現在大概已經有四年多快五年的時間,實在覺得它對醫學生而言是個幾乎不可或缺的工具。甚至如果要我筆電跟平板只能選一個,我還是會選平板。 . (第二頁) iPad可以聊的東西很多,趁著iPadOS 15正式發布的這幾天,先介紹我桌面上的...

讀paper 在 ???? ??????.????????港愛情 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 04:23:51

[gfmurmur9885] 我今年就快20歲,上年DSE成績唔好入唔到想入既科,所以去左讀其他短期課程同自修,於是認識左呢位阿sir,佢大我11年,樣唔係出眾但係好有學識,而且個人好溫文儒雅,所以我都漸漸俾佢吸引左。 佢都知我都想自修考返上大學,所以就留左佢電話俾我,方便我問佢問題。點知日日傾...

  • 讀paper 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 17:00:22
    有 92 人按讚


    有些人能整理數十篇既有文獻與亞洲現況,制訂 guideline,有些人卻連論文都看不完。

    有些人能整理數百篇文獻,一年發表 10 篇 meta-analysis,但有些人卻連一個主題都讀不完。


    要晨會報告,讀的重點是,與科內臨床工作相關的細節,以及從文字中看出不同醫院的資源與文化不同。要整理 guideline,論文閱讀重點是各篇的 indication、outcome 與普遍的適用性。要發表 meta-analysis,重點當然就是研究設計、評估量表與該文章的特殊意義。甚至,同是實證,要做 EBM 競賽,與要發表 meta-analysis,所閱讀的重點,也有所不同。

    缺乏這種「目的」感,看 paper 只好逐字逐句、鉅細靡遺的讀,自然速度就慢,而且 #連重點都抓不太到,更別說本來想完成的成果,品質不佳,甚至半途而廢。

    這堂課,曾秉濤醫師將與你分享,如果帶著「我要發表 meta-analysis」的目的,論文該是 #怎麼找、#怎麼瀏覽、#怎麼篩選,以及最後挑出來的精華,又該 #如何精讀?


    🎯 克服經費與資源稀少的困境,帶您踏入統合分析的領域。

    ☑ 統合分析研究規劃技巧
    ☑ 正確拆解論文架構
    ☑ 必學的重要專有名詞
    ☑ 互動實作:完成一套 Meta-analysis 圖表
    ☑ 以發表為導向的搜尋文獻
    ☑ Meta-analysis 圖表優化重點
    ☑ 給初學者的起步建議

    🔸 11/7(日)統合分析工作坊 #全新梯次
    起步真的不難,PGY 課後發五篇統合分析論文的課程!

    👨‍🏫 講者陣容

    #張凱閔,知名復健醫學與超音波學者,台大流病與預防醫學博士,SCI 論文超過 190 篇,並有 25 篇以上為 meta-analysis,探討臨床常見議題。

    #曾秉濤,專業精神科醫師,擅長從臨床工作找到發表議題,並組成研究團隊,SCI 論文超過 85 篇,並有 70 篇以上為 meta-analysis。

    #蔡依橙,專業課程開發與整合者,能迅速理解學門架構,並以初學者能理解的方式,建構學習流程。生涯被 SCI 期刊接受的圖表,已超過 500 張,熟悉學術審閱過程與要求。

    🗣️ 學員回饋

    「由於我只是 PGY,很擔心報名後,會聽不懂而浪費錢,結果發現,我的擔心是多餘的!整堂課深入淺出,講師們都把重點講得清楚明白,連新手都可以輕鬆聽懂!包含了如何擬定主題、如何收集文章、如何把題目設定好,使得查詢到的文章量是合適的、如何用軟體分析數據、統合分析的重要觀念、表格要如何呈現才會美觀,一整天下來,資訊和知識的密度極高,完全值回票價!」

    「這次的統合分析工作坊,集合幾位對統合分析很熟悉的老師,藉由指定論文的實際例子,配合互動實作,讓我可以了解完成一篇 meta-analysis 所須經歷的過程。透過老師們的引導,也可以知道整篇論文從構思、搜尋文獻、文獻評讀、資料整理、統計運算、製作圖表到完成文章的脈絡。」

  • 讀paper 在 SJE 。 閱讀紀錄 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 01:03:47
    有 151 人按讚

    (此圖不包含同myON的『Kaite Woo』和『Dino』系列)
    卻增加了 #myON電子書 的量!
    延伸上一篇文 ‧ 傳送門https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/a.1661247717465782/3058233677767172
    #SJE閱讀記錄 #Eugene6Y7M #英文閱讀 #英文有聲書

    ◆ The Elves Help Puss in Boots
    ◆ Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
    ◆ Medea Tells All: A Mad, Magical Love
    ◆ Medusa Tells All: Beauty Missing, Hair Hissing
    ◆ Three Blind Mice Team Up with the Three Little Pigs
    ◆ The Tooth Fairy
    ◆ Seriously, Snow White Was SO Forgetful!
    ◆ Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet!
    ◆ Snow White and the Seven Robots: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Red Riding Hood Meets the Three Bears
    ◆ Red Riding Hood Meets the Three Bears
    ◆ The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Medea Tells All: A Mad, Magical Love
    ◆ Helen of Troy Tells All
    ◆ Pandora Tells All: Not the Curious Kind
    ◆ Robin Hood, Time Traveler
    ◆ The Ugly Dino Hatchling: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Keep It Simple, Rapunzel!
    ◆ Mermaid Midfielders
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel
    ◆ Say "Cheese"!
    ◆ Big Pig
    ◆ Cass the Monkey
    ◆ Rapunzel
    ◆ Honestly, Our Music Stole the Show!: The Story of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by the Donkey
    ◆ The Recess Bully
    ◆ The Runaway Robot
    ◆ Alice, Secret Agent of Wonderland
    ◆ Frankly, I'd Rather Spin Myself a New Name!
    ◆ Sleeping Beauty, Magic Master
    ◆ Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
    ◆ Secret Matter
    ◆ Truthfully, Something Smelled Fishy!: The Story of the Fisherman and His Wife as Told by the Wife
    ◆ Pandarella
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel Stories Around the World
    ◆ Red Riding Hood, Superhero: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Beauty and the Beast Stories Around the World
    ◆ Goldiclucks and the Three Bears
    ◆ Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
    ◆ Believe Me, I Never Felt a Pea!
    ◆ Poodle and the Pea
    ◆ Kitten Who Cried Dog
    ◆ Ack's New Pet
    ◆ Pandarella
    ◆ Goldilocks and the Three Vampires
    ◆ The Silver Spurs of Oz
    ◆ Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein
    ◆ Peter Pan in Mummy Land
    ◆ Mouse Says "Sorry"
    ◆ Mouse Says "Sorry"
    ◆ Hippo Says "Excuse Me"
    ◆ Monster Knows Table Manners
    ◆ Monster Knows Excuse Me
    ◆ Party Problems
    ◆ Miles McHale, Tattletale
    ◆ Yasmin the Chef
    ◆ Truthfully, Something Smelled Fishy!: The Story of the Fisherman and His Wife as Told by the Wife
    ◆ The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Max Goes to the Dentist
    ◆ Listen, My Bridge Is SO Cool!: The Story of the Three Billy Goats ◆ Gruff as Told by the Troll
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Speed Secret
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Growing Goo
    ◆ Marconi the Wizard
    ◆ Hair-pocalypse
    ◆ Little Tiger Picks Up
    ◆ Penguin Says "Please"
    ◆ Little Dinos Don't Push
    ◆ Little Dinos Don't Hit
    ◆ Dino Hunt
    ◆ Prize Inside
    ◆ Pizza Palace
    ◆ What's That Sound, Cinderella?
    ◆ Pet Costume Party
    ◆ Even Fairies Bake Mistakes
    ◆ Counting Money!
    ◆ Maybe When I'm Bigger
    ◆ Traveling Shoes
    ◆ When Thomas Edison Fed Someone Worms
    ◆ The Swim Race
    ◆ Ruth's Pink Pajamas
    ◆ Me and My Cat
    ◆ Boo Bat
    ◆ Incredible Rockhead and the Spectacular Scissorlegz
    ◆ Truly, We Both Loved Beauty Dearly!
    ◆ Poodle and the Pea
    ◆ Marshmallow Mermaid
    ◆ Green Queen of Mean
    ◆ Evil Echo
    ◆ Yum!
    ◆ My Body
    ◆ My Day
    ◆ My Neighborhood
    ◆ Marvelous Me
    ◆ Paid to Game
    ◆ Mr. Bones
    ◆ Little Dinos Don't Yell
    ◆ Do Not Let Your Dragon Spread Germs
    ◆ Friends All Day
    ◆ Field Day Rules!
    ◆ The Goose that Laid the Rotten Egg: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Plans Gone Wrong
    ◆ The Ants and the Grasshopper
    ◆ The Boy Who Cried Wolf
    ◆ The Boy Who Cried Vampire: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Frankly, I'd Rather Spin Myself a New Name!
    ◆ Little Red Riding Hood Stories Around the World
    ◆ Rapunzel Stories Around the World
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel Stories Around the World
    ◆ Beauty and the Beast Stories Around the World
    ◆ Little Red Riding Duck
    ◆ Goldiclucks and the Three Bears
    ◆ Kitten Who Cried Dog
    ◆ Princess Harper Gets Happy
    ◆ Pandarella
    ◆ How Do We Stay on Earth?
    ◆ Scary Night
    ◆ Aliens and Energy
    ◆ The Big Mistake
    ◆ The Black Hole Report
    ◆ Ack's New Pet
    ◆ Ooze Slingers from Outer Space
    ◆ Eek Discovers Earth
    ◆ Tap Dance Troubles
    ◆ First Base Blues
    ◆ Soccer Switch
    ◆ Snow Dance
    ◆ Jack and the Beanstalk
    ◆ Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker
    ◆ Crabby Pants
    ◆ Eleanore Won't Share
    ◆ Clara's Crazy Curls
    ◆ The Perfect Birthday Recipe
    ◆ The Little Bully
    ◆ You Get What You Get
    ◆ Zombies and Meatballs
    ◆ Boy Under the Bed
    ◆ Welcome to Third Grade, Gus!
    ◆ Going on a Field Trip
    ◆ Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten!
    ◆ No Lie, Pigs (and Their Houses) Can Fly!
    ◆ Seriously, Snow White Was SO Forgetful!
    ◆ Really, Rapunzel Needed a Haircut!
    ◆ Ninja-rella: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Farms
    ◆ A Nature Walk on the Farm
    ◆ Bree's Bike Jump
    ◆ The Lion and the Mouse and the Invaders from Zurg: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Lucille Gets Jealous
    ◆ Terrible, Awful, Horrible Manners!
    ◆ First Day of Unicorn School
    ◆ Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet!
    ◆ Clara's Crazy Curls
    ◆ Cat That Disappeared
    ◆ Super Billy Goats Gruff: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Day of the Field Trip Zombies
    ◆ Shark in the Library!
    ◆ Sleeping Beauty
    ◆ Robin Hood, Time Traveler
    ◆ Red Riding Hood
    ◆ Rapunzel
    ◆ Puss in Boots
    ◆ Medusa Tells All: Beauty Missing, Hair Hissing
    ◆ Freestyle Fun
    ◆ Pandora Tells All: Not the Curious Kind
    ◆ Punk Rock Mouse and Country Mouse: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel
    ◆ Chicken Little Saves the Moon Base: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Johnny Slimeseed and the Freaky Forest
    ◆ The Goose that Laid the Rotten Egg: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
    ◆ No Lie, I Acted Like a Beast!
    ◆ Morning Mystery
    ◆ Johnny Slimeseed and the Freaky Forest
    ◆ Curse of the Red Scorpion
    ◆ Rapunzel
    ◆ Jak and the Magic Nano-beans: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Goldilocks and the Three Vampires
    ◆ The Silver Spurs of Oz
    ◆ Peter Pan in Mummy Land
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel
    ◆ Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein
    ◆ Private Eye Princess and the Emerald Pea
    ◆ First Day, No Way!
    ◆ Beauty and the Dreaded Sea Beast
    ◆ Cinderella Stories Around the World
    ◆ Frog Prince
    ◆ Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess
    ◆ For Real, I Paraded in My Underpants!
    ◆ Olivia Bitter, Spooked-Out Sitter!
    ◆ Willy the Worm
    ◆ My Home
    ◆ Three Princesses
    ◆ The Frog Prince Saves Sleeping Beauty
    ◆ Sleeping Beauty
    ◆ Princess Bella's Birthday Cake
    ◆ Princess Addison Gets Angry
    ◆ The Tortoise and the Hare
    ◆ The Voice in the Boys' Room
    ◆ Servant and the Water Princess
    ◆ Because I Stubbed My Toe
    ◆ Yasmin the Builder
    ◆ New Kid from Planet Glorf
    ◆ Monster of Lake Lobo
    ◆ Golden Goose
    ◆ Dozer Strikes!
    ◆ Incredible Rockhead vs Papercut!
    ◆ Super-Powered Sneeze
    ◆ Up the President's Nose
    ◆ Blastoff to the Secret Side of the Moon!
    ◆ Hercules and the Pooper-Scooper Peril
    ◆ Witch's Brew
    ◆ Princess and Her Pony
    ◆ Day Mom Finally Snapped
    ◆ Boy Who Burped Too Much
    ◆ Secret of the Summer School Zombies
    ◆ Peek-a-Boo Dinosaurs
    ◆ My Little Bro-Bot
    ◆ Night of the Homework Zombies
    ◆ Max and Buddy Go to the Vet
    ◆ Invasion of the Gym Class Zombies
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Putt-Putt Contest
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Cave Creatures
    ◆ Lost Lunch
    ◆ Good, the Bad, and the Monkeys
    ◆ Frank 'n' Beans
    ◆ Little Lizard's New Baby
    ◆ Missing Monster Card
    ◆ Bus Ride Bully
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Cool Caps
    ◆ Eek and Ack vs the Wolfman
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Outer Space Trip
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Super Fast Car
    ◆ Snorkeling with Sea-Bots
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Race to School
    ◆ Jimmy Sniffles vs the Mummy
    ◆ Wright Brothers
    ◆ Double Trouble
    ◆ Dognapped!
    ◆ Fuchsia Fierce
    ◆ Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library
    ◆ My First Guide to Paper Airplanes
    ◆ Nose for Danger
    ◆ Helen Keller
    ◆ Thomas Edison: Physicist and Inventor
    ◆ People of the World
    ◆ Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
    ◆ When Neil Armstrong Built a Wind Tunnel
    ◆ Jane Goodall
    ◆ Malala Yousafzai's Story
    ◆ Going to School: Comparing Past and Present
    ◆ Dinosaurs for Breakfast
    ◆ What Do You Think, Katie?
    ◆ Too Much RainRain
    ◆ A Is for Albatross
    ◆ Tricky Tooth
    ◆ The Best Baker
    ◆ Big Lie
    ◆ Jay-Z
    ◆ You Can Work in Music
    ◆ Spiders
    ◆ The Best Club
    ◆ I Can Reuse and Recycle
    ◆ How Effective Is Recycling?
    ◆ No Valentines for Katie
    ◆ Pony Party
    ◆ Piggy Bank Problems
    ◆ No More Teasing
    ◆ Moving Day
    ◆ Katie's Vet Loves Pets
    ◆ Drawing and Learning About Cats
    ◆ Moo, Katie Woo!
    ◆ Keep Dancing, Katie
    ◆ Katie's Spooky Sleepover
    ◆ Katie's Noisy Music
    ◆ Katie's New Shoes
    ◆ Katie Woo, Super Scout
    ◆ Katie Woo's Crazy Critter Jokes
    ◆ Katie Woo Has the Flu
    ◆ Katie Saves the Earth
    ◆ Katie Saves Thanksgiving
    ◆ Katie in the Kitchen
    ◆ Katie Goes Camping
    ◆ Mystery Coins
    ◆ Missing Trumpet
    ◆ Slime Attack
    ◆ Beach Bandit
    ◆ Crazy Clues
    ◆ Surprise Prize
    ◆ Ghost Sounds
    ◆ Katie Finds a Job
    ◆ Katie Blows Her Top
    ◆ Haunted House
    ◆ Alice in Wonderland
    ◆ Katie and the Haunted Museum
    ◆ Katie and the Fancy Substitute
    ◆ The Story of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor: A Roman Constellation Myth
    ◆ Katie and the Class Pet
    ◆ It Doesn't Need to Rhyme, Katie
    ◆ Helping Mayor Patty
    ◆ Goodbye to Goldie
    ◆ Nervous Night
    ◆ Good Morning, Farmer Carmen!
    ◆ Friends in the Mail
    ◆ Fly High, Katie
    ◆ Flower Girl Katie
    ◆ Daddy Can't Dance
    ◆ Cowgirl Katie
    ◆ Cartwheel Katie
    ◆ Boss of the World
    ◆ Boo, Katie Woo!
    ◆ Best Season Ever
    ◆ Happy Day
    ◆ Underworld Clash
    ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

  • 讀paper 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 19:25:01
    有 15,754 人按讚

    前兩天發的Q姐升學文章意外獲得廣大迴響,沒想到這麼多人對英國的教育有興趣。 因應今天是928教師節,我決定再來詳細解釋一些比較多人提出的疑問,希望對教育話題沒興趣的朋友不要轉台,明天就回歸育兒或裝修或精品了(誤)


    首先,文章中提到英國很多小朋友為了準備11+中學升學考,從國小三年級、四年級就請英文/數學家教的大有人在。有網友問:「已經住在英國了,還要請英文家教嗎?就像住台灣請中文家教?」 網友提出的這個問題,我知道絕對沒有惡意,一定很多人都有相同的疑問。 簡單來說,英國的英文考試並不像台灣的國小或國中英文,著重在英文單字/句型/文法;當然這裡的考試也有包含上述幾項,但難度更高更艱深,而且佔比不重。 英國的英文考試,最難的項目在於 #閱讀理解 Reading Comprehension 和 #寫作 Creative Writing or Composition這兩大部分。 其中閱讀理解真的是大魔王,不只要看懂、理解、難的考題甚至還要進一步分析。 用一個更具體的比喻,就好比我們台灣考國文一樣,要看懂理解文言文或古詩,這個要拿高分就有一定的難度了。

    所以話題轉回來,如果是英國本地人,在準備考試時也會補英文或是請英文家教嗎? 答案是肯定的。 當然,如果父母有辦法自己摸索或自己教就自己教、沒辦法就只好外包請老師教。我和DDC的英文都並非第一語言,Q姐的英文程度老早就超越我們,所以英文這考科我們完全舉手投降,就幫她找個家教輔助一下。 而且一般來說啊,數學反而是比較容易在短時間內靠刷題或大量練習而進步的科目,英文則是要考長時間的培養,所以 #從小閱讀習慣養成 是非常非常重要的,沒有大量閱讀,上述的閱讀理解和寫作能力真的會很有限!


    再來,為什麼我們決定讓Q姐去參加11+考試? Q姐從四歲多至今一直都是在快樂學習、沒功課(頂多一週一次10分鐘寫完)、沒考試、沒壓力的公立小學就讀。 學校教的內容大致上是跟著全英提供的課綱進度在走(私立小學則是整體超前1-2年)。Q姐從三年級接近四年級開始,學校會依照學習進度和程度來分table,她英文數學一直都是在Top Table,老師也會另外提供更難的試題給她寫; 再加上Q姐自己也很好學,看到難的題目就很興奮,當時我就覺得她適合走「考試」這條路,也許可以挑戰看看去和更多人競爭,目標放在私立中學或是公立重點學校(Grammar school)

    我們大可以選擇念不用考試直接分發的公立學校一路到大學,既輕鬆又省錢,陪小孩一起準備考試最累的絕對是爸媽自己。 但我覺得既然現在我們自己還有能力、還有資源、女兒也願意的情況之下,何不讓她嘗試看看自己的潛力可以被開發到哪裡? 能夠在這個年紀,在不是強壓硬逼的情況之下,慢慢學習處理壓力的能力也是不錯的。 經過這次準備考試的過程,Q姐也知道原來世界這麼大,在英國其他學校、其他區域,存在著更厲害、更優秀、更努力更用功的同儕們。

    更何況,以前我考不好還擔心被媽媽罵、考不理想還會被說「一定是妳還不夠用功。」 、到了國中升學期間只能把學了好多年的鋼琴停掉,專心準備聯考。 對比現在,Q姐寫習題寫不好我卻得想法子安撫她的玻璃心,常常都在調整腳步,怕自己給她太大壓力; 音樂、運動部分還是持續在走 (現在她每周都組隊和其他學校打Netball英國女子籃球),不用為了課業放棄。

    「這個年頭的父母,比考生還不好當呀! !」


    最後,有網友想看看英國11+中學升學考究竟在考些什麼? 其實每間學校的考題、題型、考科都不盡相同,但主要準備的大方向就是四個項目:英文、數學、NVR圖像推理邏輯、VR文字推理邏輯。

    我隨手分享一些習題和知名中學的考古題(Past Paper),大家可以一起來看看,以10-11歲、台灣小學五年級的年紀來說,是不是很有挑戰性呢?




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    2021-09-08 20:38:28


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    2021-08-15 22:52:38


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  • 讀paper 在 宛的手帳人森 Life and Journal Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-07-11 18:55:20


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