

在 解僱英文名詞產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過62萬的網紅The News Lens 關鍵評論網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【2020年各大企業出現「裁員」風波,該如何用英文聊「裁員」呢?】#實用英文 提到「裁員,解僱」,只想到fire嗎?其實還有其他種用法,最常見的就是lay sb. off / lay off sb.這兩個動詞片語了。 而layoff是名詞,意思為「資遣,解僱」,而將這個字分成lay off則是...

  • 解僱英文名詞 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-18 07:57:15
    有 6 人按讚


    提到「裁員,解僱」,只想到fire嗎?其實還有其他種用法,最常見的就是lay sb. off / lay off sb.這兩個動詞片語了。

    而layoff是名詞,意思為「資遣,解僱」,而將這個字分成lay off則是表達相同意義的動詞片語。 layoff本身並不只有「解雇」的意思,也可以用來表達「停工期」,跟fire無法完全交互使用。

    #裁員 #工作 #職場 #英文 VoiceTube 看影片學英語

  • 解僱英文名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-07 08:00:01
    有 767 人按讚

    Cirque du Soleil Files for Bankruptcy Protection


    🎪Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada on Monday, in an effort to salvage a circus business that’s ground to a halt because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    -salvage: 打撈、搶救,形容從沉船或即將全毀的事物中進行救援
    -halt: 停下、中止

    🎭The company said it would lay off almost 3,500 employees who have been furloughed since March, leaving it with a core team of 213 people. The company is seeking to restructure its business and re-emerge with government support and less debt.

    -lay off: 解僱、遣散
    -furlough: 休假、放假
    -re-emerge: 重新出現

    🤹‍♀️Montreal-based Cirque du Soleil has been forced to shut 44 shows world-wide this year as the Covid-19 pandemic spread, causing virtually its entire income stream to dry up. It currently has one show back running China, and hopes to have a dinner show resume in Mexico in July.

    -virtually: 幾乎、實際上
    -dry up: 乾涸、中斷
    -resume: 恢復、重新開始,當名詞的用法可指「履歷」

    🎟With shows like The Beatles Love, Michael Jackson One and Blue Man Group on indefinite hold, the company was forced in March to defer interest payments on some of its roughly $1.5 billion of outstanding debt shortly after hiring investment bank Greenhill & Co. Inc. to restructure its balance sheet.

    -indefinite: 不確定的、無限期的
    -defer: 推遲、延緩
    -restructure: 重組、重建,重新架構(structure)



    Due to COVID-19, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games had been __ __.
    A. halting / indefinite
    B. cancelled / indefinitely
    C. halted / indefinitely
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  • 解僱英文名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-06 08:00:10
    有 113 人按讚

    💵Paying Americans not to work


    ⛑Much of the harm from the coronavirus is unavoidable, but it would be nice if politicians didn’t compound the damage by ignoring the laws of economics. The worst blunder so far on that score is the $600 increase in federal jobless benefits that is already undermining the economic recovery.


    ⛑On Wednesday we ran an op-ed from Kurt Huffman, whose Portland, Ore., company helps chefs run and staff their restaurants. Because of the coronavirus, he had to lay off 700 people. But some restaurants have adapted with takeout and delivery, so he needs to hire some back.
    週三,我們做了一輯Kurt Huffman的特別專欄,他的公司位於奧勒岡州的波特蘭市,專門協助主廚經營他們的餐廳與提供人力,近期由於疫情的關係,他已經解雇了七百名員工,但有些餐廳已經成功轉向外帶與外送的服務,所以他需要重新聘僱一些員工。

    *op-ed:opposite to the editorial的簡稱,此為歐美報紙出版業專有名詞,相對內部編輯撰寫的社論(不具名)版面,op-ed是外部人士具名撰寫之時事評析。
    -lay off:解僱
    -adapt with:適應

    📰Some extra unemployment insurance is necessary, but the rich extra compensation from the $2.2 trillion Cares Act is encouraging those employees to stay home. Mr. Huffman did the math in his op-ed: A starting wage for a line cook is about $640 a week. Oregon’s unemployment offers about $416 per week. But thanks to the $600 federal bonus, that same worker now collects $1,016. Why would anyone take a pay cut to go back to work?

    -Cares Act:多翻為維生法案
    -line cook: 主廚底下的二廚



    ❓❓Quiz: His parents are one of the ________ which _________ his career.
    A. incentives, stop
    B. disincentives, adapt
    C. disincentives, undermine
    D. Inception, Trumps

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