為什麼這篇西洋劍英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在西洋劍英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者porkaka (大乖)看板Fencing_club標題[教學] 擊劍術語 (英文)時間Sun ...
西洋劍英文 在 Duck Duck Goose親子共享空間 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-02-03 18:40:52
寒假到了~ 還在為孩子尋找好玩、有趣的營隊嗎? 來Duck Duck Goose冬令營就對啦! 五天的營隊活動不只有每日的英語故事時間 也搭配瑜珈、武術、射箭、西洋棋等豐富課程 讓孩子快樂學英文 又能探索新樂趣! 這麼好的課程 還不快手刀報名嗎~ -------------------------...
En garde 起勢(對打前的準備動作) 英文是 On-guard
French for "On Guard", the position that fencers take before a bout begins or
after a break in the action.
Thrust 伸手
To extend the arm and sword toward the opponent.
Lunge 長刺
The basic attack in fencing where a fencer closes the distance between foes
by moving the front leg forward while the back leg remains stationary and
straightens out.
Fleche 飛刺
A running attack
counterattack 反擊
Parry 撥檔
A defensive action where a fencer blocks the opponent's blade.
Riposte 還擊
A counterattack by a fencer who just has blocked an attack by the opponent
with a parry.
Remise 延續攻擊
To attack again immediately after the opponent has blocked an initial attack.
Simultaneous 同時動作 (鈍劍雙擊不算分就這個)
A ruling of no hit when two fencers in foil and sabre hit each other at the
same time with an attack, redouble or remise.
Attack 攻擊
A move or series of aggressive moves where a fencer tries to score a point
against the opponent.
Touch 擊中
A hit with the point of the weapon or a cut with the edge of the sabre,
scoring a point.
Point (Hit) 得分
A point scored by a touch with the tip of the blade or, in sabre, the edge of
the blade against any part of the opponent's body in the target area.
Target 有效區 (無效:out of target)
The portion of the opponent's body which may be touched with the sword to
score points.
On-guard line 準備線
A line on each side of the centre line where a fencer stands to begin or
resume a bout after a hit has been awarded.
Disengage 繞劍(轉劍)
To break contact between blades, done by one fencer passing his or her blade
under the opponent's blade.
Lame 電衣
Hilt 握把
Guard 護手
Blade 劍身
Point 劍尖
Plastron 3/4護身衣
fencer's jacket 劍衣
Foil 鈍劍(花劍)
Epee 銳劍(重劍)
Sabre 軍刀(馬刀)
哼哼... 沒副審這東西囉 哼哼哼....
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