

在 蘇伊士運河巴拿馬運河產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Egypt’s Suez Canal: a maritime choke point The 400-meter long, 220,000-ton MV [motor vessel ( )] Ever Given, classed as a so-called “mega...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Tigers' Coffee Roaster,也在其Youtube影片中提到,●可愛的味道 萌² 上市! ▶ https://bit.ly/3rUBJNA ●小霸王用的~手捏虎字杯 ▶ https://bit.ly/3vsIRlD ●私房豆系列~ 小燭莊園 ▶ https://bit.ly/3smOctB (已售完)彩虹 微批次 ▶ https://bit.l...

蘇伊士運河巴拿馬運河 在 小比的讀帳&日常 Instagram 的最讚貼文

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《社會怎麼讀?》 會考A++之小比の不專業分享 這篇是之前《社會科 究極讀法》的再版 修改了一些內容並加上準備會考的方法 🙋🏻‍♀️那麼就廢話不多說 馬上來和大家介紹我三年來社會科的讀法吧! 🌍地理: 1.畫地圖、氣候圖(圖片p2) (可以參考我《how to 畫地圖?》那篇 (畫圖真的很療...

蘇伊士運河巴拿馬運河 在 巫師 Instagram 的最讚貼文

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快訊:長賜輪歷時142小時脫困! 重新浮在水面上 蘇伊士運河將開通! 關於海運。 想了一些不一定有素養的地理題目(記憶的) 長賜號貨輪擱淺邁向第七天, 儼然成為歷史重大意外! 埃及北側地中海及東側紅海,塞滿輪船。 #國際貿易 #國際分工 #國際情勢 #世界船隻追蹤網站 https://ww...

  • 蘇伊士運河巴拿馬運河 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-02 22:53:05
    有 3 人按讚

    Egypt’s Suez Canal: a maritime choke point

    The 400-meter long, 220,000-ton MV [motor vessel ( )] Ever Given, classed as a so-called “megaship,” veered ( ) off course during a gale-force ( ) duststorm ( ).

    The 59-meter-wide Taiwan-run, Panama-flagged vessel became stuck ( ) near the southern end of the Suez Canal, diagonally ( ) blocking the man-made ( ) waterway ( ) that connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea.

    Opened 150 years ago, Egypt’s Suez Canal has been regularly expanded ( ) and modernized, and it is today capable of ( ) accommodating ( ) some of the world’s largest supertankers ( ), handling roughly 10 percent of international maritime trade. In 2019 around 50 ships used the canal daily, compared with three in 1869.

    The majority ( ) of oil transported by sea passes through the Suez Canal, which is the fastest crossing ( ) from the North Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, but demands hefty ( ) passage tolls ( ). The journey between ports in the Persian Gulf and London, for example, is roughly halved ( ) by going through the Suez Canal compared to the alternate ( ) route via the southern tip of Africa.

    Most of the cargo ( ) traveling from the Persian Gulf to Western Europe is oil. In the opposite direction, it is mostly manufactured goods and grain ( ) from Europe and North America headed to the Far East and Asia.

    The latest blockage ( ) highlights ( ) the risks faced by the shipping industry as more and more vessels transit ( ) maritime choke points including the Suez and Panama canals, the Strait of Hormuz and Southeast Asia’s Malacca Strait. Those routes ( ) are also having to accommodate increasingly larger ships that are more complex ( ) to rescue, while the container-carrying capacity of vessels has doubled in the past decade.








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