

在 蕭秉治演唱會退票產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅藝文青,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 原定於 2019年8月23日 及 2019年8月24日,於香港麥花臣場館舉行的:丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」以及 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」的兩場演唱會暫時延期。 緊急公告 現鑑於目前社會環境的不能預測因素,有可能會影響歌迷往返演唱會場地,為此我司決定將原定於 2019年8月23日 及 ...

  • 蕭秉治演唱會退票 在 藝文青 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-08-12 13:17:20
    有 4 人按讚

    原定於 2019年8月23日 及 2019年8月24日,於香港麥花臣場館舉行的:丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」以及 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」的兩場演唱會暫時延期。


    現鑑於目前社會環境的不能預測因素,有可能會影響歌迷往返演唱會場地,為此我司決定將原定於 2019年8月23日 及 2019年8月24日,於香港麥花臣場館舉行的:丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」以及 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」的兩場演唱會暫時延期。至於具體的延遲日期,我司正在努力協調中,目前尚未有最終定案。





    Owing to the latest social situation occurred, which may affect to fans going to the Stadium, two concerts, originally scheduled on 23rd and 24th August, 2019 at Macpherson Stadium, of 丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」 and 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」, will be postponed. Since we are still in the process of coordinating the re-schedule of the two concerts, the update show dates are not yet fixed.

    All tickets buyers please closely check the FACEBOOK and WEIBO accounts of Unusual Productions (China) Limited for the ticket refund arrangement and proceed to do the ticket refunds first. Any inconvenience caused, please understand and bear.

    In fact, the contents of the two concerts are well prepared and ready to be performed. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to putting the performances to fans in the near future. Thank you for your support.

    For and on behalf of
    Unusual Productions (China) Limited


    已購買門票的觀眾將獲全數退款, 包括票價、手續費及運費(如適用)。詳情如下:

    A) 如經Cityline 購票 (www.cityline.com)

    如使用信用卡 或 繳費靈 購票
    以信用咭或繳費靈購票之人仕, 全額票款將自動退回閣下用以購票之信用卡戶口或繳費靈帳戶內。其票款一律不以現金或支票形式退回。

    持票人仕請於 2019年8月26日 至2019年9月12日 期間 ( 星期六 , 日及公眾假期除外 ), 携同 Cityline 完整官方節目門票於辦公時間內到 Cityline 總公司辦理退款手續。

    Cityline 總公司地址︰香港, 九龍, 觀塘, 成業街 7 號, 寧晉中心 23 樓
    辦公時間︰星期一至五, 上午 10時至下午1時 及 下午2時至6時 ( 星期六、日及公眾假期休息)

    以現金購票之人士需於當天確認及簽署退款申請表格,全額票款將以現金支票形式退回, 其票款一律不以現金或劃線支票形式退回。於2019年9月12日後申請之退款將一概不獲受理。

    如有任何查詢,請致電Cityline顧客服務熱線 (852) 2314 4228 (上午 10時至下午6時) 或以電郵至 cs@cityline.com。

    B) 如經AEG信用卡優先訂票 (www.aegpromotion.com)

    經由AEG優先訂票購票之人仕, 將由2019 年8 月 26日起計30天內, 全數退回至客戶之前所提供之信用卡賬戶內。其票款一律不以現金或支票形式退回。

    如有關優先訂票查詢事宜, 可致電顧客服務熱線 (852) 2697-1989 或以電郵至info@hkaeg.com與AEG Promotion Limited聯絡。


    查詢熱線: (852) 3188 4137
    電郵: macstadium@hkpa.hk

    查詢熱線: (852) 2715 3850
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Unusualproductions/

    Full refunds (inclusive ticket price, handling fee and mailing/courier fee (if applicable) will be available. For refund details, please see below:

    A) For purchase via CITYLINE (www.cityline.com)

    Tickets Purchased by Credit Card / PPS:
    Full refund will be automatically deposited to the same Credit Card or PPS account used for ticket purchased for the event. No refund in either cash or cheque will be made for tickets purchased by Credit Card or PPS.

    Tickets Purchased by Cash:
    Please bring along the physical ticket(s) to the Cityline Head Office during business hours for the period between 26 August 2019 – 12 September 2019 (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday) to process a refund.

    Cityline Head Office Address : 23/F Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street,
    Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

    Business Hours : Mon- Fri, 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm
    and closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holidays

    A refund in cash cheque will be made at the Cityline Head Office upon submission of a completed Refund Application Form with match ticket(s). The ticket holder must sign to acknowledge receipt of the refund. Any Cash Refund requests received after 12 September 2019 will not be processed.

    Should there be any enquiries, please call Cityline customer service hotline on (852) 2314 4228 (10am to 6pm) or email to cs@cityline.com.

    B) For purchase via AEG Priority Booking (www.aegpromotion.com)

    Full refund will be automatically deposited to the same Credit Card account used for ticket purchased for the event, within 30 days with effective from 26 August 2019. No refund in either cash or cheque will be made for tickets purchased by Credit Card.

    Should there be any enquiries, please contact AEG Promotion Limited customer service hotline at (852) 2697-1989 (10am to 6pm). or email to info@hkaeg.com.

    Other enquiry, please contact :

    Macpherson Stadium
    Enquiry hotline: (852) 3188 4137
    Email : macstadium@hkpa.hk

    Unusual Productions (China) Limited
    Enquiry hotline: (852) 2715 3850
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Unusualproductions/

  • 蕭秉治演唱會退票 在 谷Live Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-08-12 12:31:12
    有 29 人按讚

    原定於 2019年8月23日 及 2019年8月24日,於香港麥花臣場館舉行的:丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」以及 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」的兩場演唱會暫時延期。


    現鑑於目前社會環境的不能預測因素,有可能會影響歌迷往返演唱會場地,為此我司決定將原定於 2019年8月23日 及 2019年8月24日,於香港麥花臣場館舉行的:丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」以及 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」的兩場演唱會暫時延期。至於具體的延遲日期,我司正在努力協調中,目前尚未有最終定案。





    Owing to the latest social situation occurred, which may affect to fans going to the Stadium, two concerts, originally scheduled on 23rd and 24th August, 2019 at Macpherson Stadium, of 丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」 and 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」, will be postponed. Since we are still in the process of coordinating the re-schedule of the two concerts, the update show dates are not yet fixed.

    All tickets buyers please closely check the FACEBOOK and WEIBO accounts of Unusual Productions (China) Limited for the ticket refund arrangement and proceed to do the ticket refunds first. Any inconvenience caused, please understand and bear.

    In fact, the contents of the two concerts are well prepared and ready to be performed. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to putting the performances to fans in the near future. Thank you for your support.

    For and on behalf of
    Unusual Productions (China) Limited


    已購買門票的觀眾將獲全數退款, 包括票價、手續費及運費(如適用)。詳情如下:

    A) 如經Cityline 購票 (www.cityline.com)

    如使用信用卡 或 繳費靈 購票
    以信用咭或繳費靈購票之人仕, 全額票款將自動退回閣下用以購票之信用卡戶口或繳費靈帳戶內。其票款一律不以現金或支票形式退回。

    持票人仕請於 2019年8月26日 至2019年9月12日 期間 ( 星期六 , 日及公眾假期除外 ), 携同 Cityline 完整官方節目門票於辦公時間內到 Cityline 總公司辦理退款手續。

    Cityline 總公司地址︰香港, 九龍, 觀塘, 成業街 7 號, 寧晉中心 23 樓
    辦公時間︰星期一至五, 上午 10時至下午1時 及 下午2時至6時 ( 星期六、日及公眾假期休息)

    以現金購票之人士需於當天確認及簽署退款申請表格,全額票款將以現金支票形式退回, 其票款一律不以現金或劃線支票形式退回。於2019年9月12日後申請之退款將一概不獲受理。

    如有任何查詢,請致電Cityline顧客服務熱線 (852) 2314 4228 (上午 10時至下午6時) 或以電郵至 cs@cityline.com。

    B) 如經AEG信用卡優先訂票 (www.aegpromotion.com)

    經由AEG優先訂票購票之人仕, 將由2019 年8 月 26日起計30天內, 全數退回至客戶之前所提供之信用卡賬戶內。其票款一律不以現金或支票形式退回。

    如有關優先訂票查詢事宜, 可致電顧客服務熱線 (852) 2697-1989 或以電郵至info@hkaeg.com與AEG Promotion Limited聯絡。


    查詢熱線: (852) 3188 4137
    電郵: macstadium@hkpa.hk

    查詢熱線: (852) 2715 3850
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Unusualproductions/

    Full refunds (inclusive ticket price, handling fee and mailing/courier fee (if applicable) will be available. For refund details, please see below:

    A) For purchase via CITYLINE (www.cityline.com)

    Tickets Purchased by Credit Card / PPS:
    Full refund will be automatically deposited to the same Credit Card or PPS account used for ticket purchased for the event. No refund in either cash or cheque will be made for tickets purchased by Credit Card or PPS.

    Tickets Purchased by Cash:
    Please bring along the physical ticket(s) to the Cityline Head Office during business hours for the period between 26 August 2019 – 12 September 2019 (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday) to process a refund.

    Cityline Head Office Address : 23/F Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street,
    Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

    Business Hours : Mon- Fri, 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm
    and closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holidays

    A refund in cash cheque will be made at the Cityline Head Office upon submission of a completed Refund Application Form with match ticket(s). The ticket holder must sign to acknowledge receipt of the refund. Any Cash Refund requests received after 12 September 2019 will not be processed.

    Should there be any enquiries, please call Cityline customer service hotline on (852) 2314 4228 (10am to 6pm) or email to cs@cityline.com.

    B) For purchase via AEG Priority Booking (www.aegpromotion.com)

    Full refund will be automatically deposited to the same Credit Card account used for ticket purchased for the event, within 30 days with effective from 26 August 2019. No refund in either cash or cheque will be made for tickets purchased by Credit Card.

    Should there be any enquiries, please contact AEG Promotion Limited customer service hotline at (852) 2697-1989 (10am to 6pm). or email to info@hkaeg.com.

    Other enquiry, please contact :

    Macpherson Stadium
    Enquiry hotline: (852) 3188 4137
    Email : macstadium@hkpa.hk

    Unusual Productions (China) Limited
    Enquiry hotline: (852) 2715 3850
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Unusualproductions/

  • 蕭秉治演唱會退票 在 白安ANN Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-12 12:22:28
    有 1,047 人按讚

    8/24 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」延期!相關詳情以特高娛樂發布為主,造成不便,請多見諒。


    現鑑於目前社會環境的不能預測因素,有可能會影響歌迷往返演唱會場地,為此我司決定將原定於 2019年8月23日 及 2019年8月24日,於香港麥花臣場館舉行的:丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」以及 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」的兩場演唱會暫時延期。至於具體的延遲日期,我司正在努力協調中,目前尚未有最終定案。





    Owing to the latest social situation occurred, which may affect to fans going to the Stadium, two concerts, originally scheduled on 23rd and 24th August, 2019 at Macpherson Stadium, of 丁噹「愛到不要命巡迴演唱會」 and 白安x蕭秉治「夏日限定演唱會」, will be postponed. Since we are still in the process of coordinating the re-schedule of the two concerts, the update show dates are not yet fixed.

    All tickets buyers please closely check the FACEBOOK and WEIBO accounts of Unusual Productions (China) Limited for the ticket refund arrangement and proceed to do the ticket refunds first. Any inconvenience caused, please understand and bear.

    In fact, the contents of the two concerts are well prepared and ready to be performed. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to putting the performances to fans in the near future. Thank you for your support.

    For and on behalf of
    Unusual Productions (China) Limited


    已購買門票的觀眾將獲全數退款, 包括票價、手續費及運費(如適用)。詳情如下:

    A) 如經Cityline 購票 (www.cityline.com)

    如使用信用卡 或 繳費靈 購票
    以信用咭或繳費靈購票之人仕, 全額票款將自動退回閣下用以購票之信用卡戶口或繳費靈帳戶內。其票款一律不以現金或支票形式退回。

    持票人仕請於 2019年8月26日 至2019年9月12日 期間 ( 星期六 , 日及公眾假期除外 ), 携同 Cityline 完整官方節目門票於辦公時間內到 Cityline 總公司辦理退款手續。

    Cityline 總公司地址︰香港, 九龍, 觀塘, 成業街 7 號, 寧晉中心 23 樓
    辦公時間︰星期一至五, 上午 10時至下午1時 及 下午2時至6時 ( 星期六、日及公眾假期休息)

    以現金購票之人士需於當天確認及簽署退款申請表格,全額票款將以現金支票形式退回, 其票款一律不以現金或劃線支票形式退回。於2019年9月12日後申請之退款將一概不獲受理。

    如有任何查詢,請致電Cityline顧客服務熱線 (852) 2314 4228 (上午 10時至下午6時) 或以電郵至 cs@cityline.com。

    B) 如經AEG信用卡優先訂票 (www.aegpromotion.com)

    經由AEG優先訂票購票之人仕, 將由2019 年8 月 26日起計30天內, 全數退回至客戶之前所提供之信用卡賬戶內。其票款一律不以現金或支票形式退回。

    如有關優先訂票查詢事宜, 可致電顧客服務熱線 (852) 2697-1989 或以電郵至info@hkaeg.com與AEG Promotion Limited聯絡。


    查詢熱線: (852) 3188 4137
    電郵: macstadium@hkpa.hk

    查詢熱線: (852) 2715 3850
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Unusualproductions/

    Full refunds (inclusive ticket price, handling fee and mailing/courier fee (if applicable) will be available. For refund details, please see below:

    A) For purchase via CITYLINE (www.cityline.com)

    Tickets Purchased by Credit Card / PPS:
    Full refund will be automatically deposited to the same Credit Card or PPS account used for ticket purchased for the event. No refund in either cash or cheque will be made for tickets purchased by Credit Card or PPS.

    Tickets Purchased by Cash:
    Please bring along the physical ticket(s) to the Cityline Head Office during business hours for the period between 26 August 2019 – 12 September 2019 (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday) to process a refund.

    Cityline Head Office Address : 23/F Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street,
    Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

    Business Hours : Mon- Fri, 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 6pm
    and closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holidays

    A refund in cash cheque will be made at the Cityline Head Office upon submission of a completed Refund Application Form with match ticket(s). The ticket holder must sign to acknowledge receipt of the refund. Any Cash Refund requests received after 12 September 2019 will not be processed.

    Should there be any enquiries, please call Cityline customer service hotline on (852) 2314 4228 (10am to 6pm) or email to cs@cityline.com.

    B) For purchase via AEG Priority Booking (www.aegpromotion.com)

    Full refund will be automatically deposited to the same Credit Card account used for ticket purchased for the event, within 30 days with effective from 26 August 2019. No refund in either cash or cheque will be made for tickets purchased by Credit Card.

    Should there be any enquiries, please contact AEG Promotion Limited customer service hotline at (852) 2697-1989 (10am to 6pm). or email to info@hkaeg.com.

    Other enquiry, please contact :

    Macpherson Stadium
    Enquiry hotline: (852) 3188 4137
    Email : macstadium@hkpa.hk

    Unusual Productions (China) Limited
    Enquiry hotline: (852) 2715 3850
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Unusualproductions/

